"By Approaching, You Separate Yourself From 99.9% Of the Other Men On the Planet"

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
You don't have to cold approach when all the chicks in the room already checked you out. You can pick and choose which one to talk to at that point. No guess work involved. Dudes that rely on cold approaching do so cause they have no other options. They not getting any signals of interest from women when they go out. They don't even comprehend that concept. Cold approaching is like throwing a hail mary.. should be a last resort and not your first go to play.

Lames and beta males see a good looking guy like me walk up and talk to a bad chick at a bar and think I'm like them just cold approaching... nope... They missed the subtle interaction when I first entered the room. Shorty eye fukked me from the bar. At that point I don't even have to go over right away. I already know i got her anytime I'm ready for the the rest of the night. Preferably after the losers she is not into buy her few drinks I will swoop in for the kill. She will normally ask why i didnt come save her earlier from lames like the ones in this thread.. If they are lucky they got her number a dinner date set up for later in the week. I would get dome in the parking lot from the same chick that night.

:mjlol: that's the only point I'm making...not all men HAVE to cold approach women, not all men leave the house looking to fukk something. that shyt ain't normal to holler at 15-20 women a day, on or offline

don't get me wrong though, approaching women at the club, bar, or any social setting is cool - but while she's shopping? pumping gas? negro calm your over thirsty ass down!!:russ:
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Jul 21, 2014
Some of you are over thinking this. If you're introverted just learn to be more out going so you feel comfortable making small talk with strangers. Speak to people in lines , in elevators, etc. Ask questions, make observations. Talking to woman you dont know is really no different imo.
Nah, stop giving some of these cats false hope. If you're talking to a chick and your goal is to smash, you won't achieve that with small talk alone. Small talk gets you a name, a the number, what's she up, etc., it's what you do afterwards to maintain interest that ultimately gets you the box.


Sep 26, 2013
Ahh, the cold approach :russ:

Its gotten me dates but I cant say its ever gotten me laid. Its fun sometimes but other times I dont have patience with the anxiety I get from doing it. Plus, being autistic, I hardly ever have the smoothest interactions.

Still, cant hate on the cold approach. Its not the most efficient but its a fantastic way to get used to handling rejection and chancing your arm at luck. Rejection is normal to me now, I worked as a fundraiser :lolbron:

On a side note, I have actually been cold approached by women a number of times :leon:


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012

I know the coli is largely AGAINST the cold approach method but ive been doing it with consistency the past 3-4 years and have gotten great results. Overcoming that fear of rejection is a must in every man's life.
There's no better feelin than getn domed up from a chick that you simply had the courage to say "hi" to. :banderas:
Yall can continue to be terrified of approaching these women but dudes like me gon continue to:eat:

And i PROMISE yall that the vast majority of women regardless of looks are NOT being approached in real life as much as you think.


thats what i wonder? i feel like they do fam. an attractive woman in a big city; i imagine if she leaves the house for a day shes getting hollaed at at least once or twice a day

either way i approach though


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
I did that shyt once back in high school. That shyt fukked me up a little so I said fukk it this ain't for me.

I went up to this chick asked her what her name is and bytch responded with "I don't have a name" I'm like
"Huh? How could you not have a name?" She said "I don't know :troll: " It didn't even register to me until a few moments later that I was getting rejected. :mjcry: Before I could even come up with a response she had walked into the girls bathroom and had me standing in the hallway looking like a dumbass.

Damn latinas. :mjcry:

She's a single mom now though so fukk her. :manny:
the way you have to look at it is that if she isn't going to give you the respect of being cordial when you approach then she's wack and not for you anyways. On top of that its an L for her because she doesnt know what she's missing out on.

You have to have th confidence to back that mentality up though. And a lot of nikkas lack that


Vegan For a Reason
May 19, 2013
Cold approach works but u gotta look valuable

When my boy/cameraman is with me and im at a park at another hood or some sht
Or out of state
Approaching works well and i think i can attribute that to the percieved worth they see of a unique dressing ass nikka with a personal cameraman looking to holla at em

Sht my boy sometime gimme the alley oop without even knowing
he'll say some disrespectful sht and they'll ignore dude till he walk away i creep thru on some nice guy type sht and go to work

But its about being calculated
Not too calculated but its like anything u do
U gotta look for signs, body language, and when you start the conversation come with something interesting bout urself

Cant be walking up to these females with no type of dull run of the mill convo bro
And u cant be lookin like u some desperate ass nikka wanting they attention
Gotta find that right balance where u make it known ur interested but also letting them feel like they would lose out if they ignored u like the rest

On some job application shyt

I was on train yesterday and i was sitting across a nice looking ting on train..I look at her a couple time playing them eye games with her and we sat across each other for like 20 minutes she pulls out some wierd looking lollipop eating it in front of me and now Im telling myself "nikka IF U DNT TALK TO THIS BROAD U TAKIN A MASSIVE L" long story short I dnt even talk to shorty she leaves the train and im just like :snoop:


How you start off a post giving advice then end it by not following your own advice?



Jul 11, 2015
Just approach.

Some women will give "signs" yet not be interested in you,
while other women won't give any "signs" but will be very interested in you.

The point is that you won't know for sure until you initiate.

You could do everything "right" - work out, dress well, make money, be intelligent, funny, etc. - and a woman still may not interested in you.

Guys have got to understand that this isn't personal. Things change - you may not be the way you wanna be now, but that doesn't mean that you have to stay the way you are.
Ain't that the truth


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
don't get me wrong though, approaching women at the club, bar, or any social setting is cool - but while she's shopping? pumping gas? negro calm your over thirsty ass down!!:russ:

Here we go with this word "thirsty" again:snoop:
"Thirsty" is when she's giving you no signals that she wants to further the convo and you're still trying to talk or coming on with the sex talk too soon to appear desperate. There is absolutely nothing "thirsty" about seeing an attractive female pumping gas or shopping and deciding to walk over and say something. Thats female talk you spitn. Aint no REAL dude gonna :scust:at another dude goin after what he want WHEN he want. Real dudes :salute:because we know most other guys are terrified of doing it, or they themself are afraid of doing it. And why do u keep sayin "cold approach as an ONLY option"?
No, you can still meet women other ways, cold approach is about randomly getn at a woman that you may never see again in life while you're out and about doing everyday things. If men had to rely on cold approach as the only option, 95% of men would be virgins. Including you.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Here we go with this word "thirsty" again:snoop:
"Thirsty" is when she's giving you no signals that she wants to further the convo and you're still trying to talk or coming on with the sex talk too soon to appear desperate. There is absolutely nothing "thirsty" about seeing an attractive female pumping gas or shopping and deciding to walk over and say something. Thats female talk you spitn. Aint no REAL dude gonna :scust:at another dude goin after what he want WHEN he want. Real dudes :salute:because we know most other guys are terrified of doing it, or they themself are afraid of doing it. And why do u keep sayin "cold approach as an ONLY option"?
No, you can still meet women other ways, cold approach is about randomly getn at a woman that you may never see again in life while you're out and about doing everyday things. If men had to rely on cold approach as the only option, 95% of men would be virgins. Including you.

:snoop: how many times do I have to say this: THIS. IS. NOT. MY. REALITY.

it's not a lot of mens' realities to feel the need to run up on strange women in public (which is why i used the example of the NFL/NBA rookies)...if i go out to shop for groceries, i'm shopping for groceries, yeah i sometimes see fine ass women out and about, but i don't have to HOLLER at all of em, i'm trying to get my fukking groceries :mjlol:

I know a guy that use to work for the Carnival Cruise lines, he said that when he left, he had to get back in the swing of flirting and approaching women because on the ships, women threw themselves at him all the time - it had nothing to do with HIM per say, it was just the CULTURE of being on a cruise ship - countless numbers of women getting away for the weekend w/their homegirls running into men that they'll never see again!?!? his REALITY changed. its' not everybody's reality to be a bum ass lame dude, there ARE men that get flirted with, approached, stared at, without having to do anything. :yeshrug:

and why are you nikkas repeatedly saying "most men don't do it" WTF!?!? how many rocks do you cats live under!? that's all women complain about are how often they are hit on and hollered at...there are AVERAGE looking women that get approached and hollered at dozens of times a day, especially in cities like atlanta
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Vegan For a Reason
May 19, 2013
:snoop: how many times do I have to say this: THIS. IS. NOT. MY. REALITY.

it's not a lot of mens' realities to feel the need to run up on strange women in public (which is why i used the example of the NFL/NBA rookies)...if i go out to shop for groceries, i'm shopping for groceries, yeah i sometimes see fine ass women out and about, but i don't have to HOLLER at all of em, i'm trying to get my fukking groceries :mjlol:

I know a guy that use to work for the Carnival Cruise lines, he said that when he left, he had to get back in the swing of flirting and approaching women because on the ships, women threw themselves at him all the time - it had nothing to do with HIM per say, it was just the CULTURE of being on a cruise ship - countless numbers of women getting away for the weekend w/their homegirls running into men that they'll never see again!?!? his REALITY changed. its' not everybody's reality to be a bum ass lame dude, there ARE men that get flirted with, approached, stared at, without having to do anything. :yeshrug:

and why are you nikkas repeatedly saying "most men don't do it" WTF!?!? how many rocks do you cats live under!? that's all women complain about are how often they are hit on and hollered at, and it's usually to COMPLAIN about the shyt..there are AVERAGE looking women that get approached and hollered at dozens of times a day, especially in cities like atlanta

Exactly what i been saying.
If a woman is trying to mind her own business (grocery shopping) why would come and bother her. I wouldn't want nobody to bother me when im doing something.
Aint got nothing to do with being scared or "the worst can happen is her saying NO"