"By Approaching, You Separate Yourself From 99.9% Of the Other Men On the Planet"

Quiet Magician

Mar 13, 2014
Its not hard, the trick is to make it look like it isn't a big deal. You want to show that you are interested but cool enough so that if she rejects your advances, yo ass can move on without making a scene.

I had approached this girl working at the pharmacy one time. She rejected me and I was cool about it. I still go to the place and so I say hi without pushing the issue too much with a little convo. After a few weeks of me doing this, she starts joking around with me more often and smiling a lot more. Next thing I know after 3 weeks of going to the place and me not even looking for any action, she asks me if I was free that day. It didn't lead to anywhere but it surprised me that a girl who wasn't interested would be open to the idea of a date.

So even if you approach a girl you see once in a while, keep it cool and cordial. You might even get your ass a date.


Aug 25, 2015
It's not even hard brehs.

Just talk to women like you would any breh, easy peasy

I'm sayin... Nikkas really making this far more complicated then it has to be.

I was lifting with a friend a few months back and he was eyeing this one bad chick. The entire time we were doing sets he kept talking about how good she looked, how bad she was, how in shape she was. I told him to go talk to her but he kept on saying 'nah, i'm here to lift' and would go right back to talking about her :comeon:

Eventually I just went over there, asked her if I could work in with her, asked her a few questions, asked for some cardio tips, made a few jokes, ended up with the number. The whole time he never came up with me and introduced himself. He just stayed back watching me. When I came back, my friend was looking at me like "How did you do that breh???" :why:

That's who some of you nikkas remind me of. Acting like there is some magic to this shyt. Despite what you see in IG, Most women aren't spending their entire day looking for men to curve. Some women will chop it up with a dude on the strength of politeness alone. Very Few women will straight up embarrass you for trying to talk to them.

TL;DR... they're women not monsters, you'll survive the encounter...


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
That woman ain't tryna have nobody all up in her face when she tryna buy food.
Shoot i know if im at the grocery store i wanna get what im tryna get and leave. Not have somebody stopping me

This is the main difference between the guys who dont give a fukk and others. "Others" think too much. "Others" care too much about what she'll think. "Others" assume she already has a man. "Others" assume she gets hollered at constantly. You gotta stop overthinking shyt breh. Be respectful. Smile. Give her a light compliment. Ask her her name. Be direct and to the point.
This is literally my method and its worked many times for me:

Me: (walks up and smile) hey, how are u doing? Can i ask u a question real quick? Whats your name?

Her: Nicole

Me: Hey Nicole, look i saw you across the way and thought u was cute. I just HAD to come say something to you

Her: oh wow, thank you

Me: So ummm, how is your man treating you these days? He's a very lucky guy

I always ask about her man ASAP to get it out the way. I always say it in a way ASSUMING she has one. I do this for 2 reasons: 1) if she does indeed have a man she'll tell me so rite away and ill say bye and go about my business. 2) if she doesnt have a man BUT she isn't feeling me, this question will allow her to "lie" to me by telling me she has one and gving me the sign to leave.

Depending on how she answers and reading her body language, ill go from there

If she tells me she's single i assume she likes what she sees and ill further the convo OR tell her that im in a hurry and could i maybe get her number. Simple

Thats just MY method. It has worked many times and the women have str8 up told me that they loved how aggressive i was when we met. Im giving u feedback str8 from the horses mouth. Women LOVE a confident man. Dude in the vid is on point. Get out of your own head fam.

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
Recently I started to cold approaching more and honestly i have gotten nowhere..:mjlol:

I feel like I been wasting time so now I'm just focusing on being the most kick ass MFer I can be and focusing more on my acting and job :yeshrug:


World Class SuperVillain
Feb 22, 2014
true story...

i was always shy around chicks, even in college.
there was this really cute chick that i liked but never really talked to in some of my classes.

but one day i was really high on Ritalin and decided that was the day to make my move.
so i did the only logical thing...i went up to a friend of the chick i liked and told her to tell her that i wanted to fukk her in the ass.

she looked at me with disgust and told me that the chick i liked and wanted to fukk in the ass has a steel rod in her back.

i never did get to talk to that girl.
:fukkgoing:fukk am reading here


Aug 16, 2014

I know the coli is largely AGAINST the cold approach method but ive been doing it with consistency the past 3-4 years and have gotten great results. Overcoming that fear of rejection is a must in every man's life.
There's no better feelin than getn domed up from a chick that you simply had the courage to say "hi" to. :banderas:
Yall can continue to be terrified of approaching these women but dudes like me gon continue to:eat:

And i PROMISE yall that the vast majority of women regardless of looks are NOT being approached in real life as much as you think.


That's pretty sad.


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
Alot of young, undeveloped men tend to keep women on a pedestal. This is because they have a scarcity mindset. You relish every girl that smiles at you and think you won't get another girl to like you eventhough there's 3 billion of them on the planet. This manifests in young men trying to convince women to be with them. Which is a weak position. When you improve yourself in all facets of life, you stop thinking that women are doing you a favor by allowing you to have a seat in their presence. Because you're a commodity and you have value. This is like going for a job interview and being a recent graduate, clearly desperate to get hired and basically begging :mjcry: vs. someone with years of successful work experience and track record who knows what he can offer and is looking across the table like :sas1: I"m not trying to disagree with you just to disagree. I just want young brehs reading this to know that improving themselves in life is more important than chasing women, because doing the former leads to the latter anyway. To answer your point....if you're a successful guy in great shape, who looks and dresses well and leads a fulfilling life but, you're still putting women on a pedestal, you're like a silver back gorilla that's scared of its own strength :comeon:
100%. This is why I said cold approaching is good to build that tolerance, but if you're really on your shyt, talking to females shouldn't even bother you like that. I'm still paid, got my own shyt, and living life. fukk em if they don't fukk with me :salute:


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
Alot of young, undeveloped men tend to keep women on a pedestal. This is because they have a scarcity mindset. You relish every girl that smiles at you and think you won't get another girl to like you eventhough there's 3 billion of them on the planet. This manifests in young men trying to convince women to be with them. Which is a weak position. When you improve yourself in all facets of life, you stop thinking that women are doing you a favor by allowing you to have a seat in their presence. Because you're a commodity and you have value. This is like going for a job interview and being a recent graduate, clearly desperate to get hired and basically begging :mjcry: vs. someone with years of successful work experience and track record who knows what he can offer and is looking across the table like :sas1: I"m not trying to disagree with you just to disagree. I just want young brehs reading this to know that improving themselves in life is more important than chasing women, because doing the former leads to the latter anyway. To answer your point....if you're a successful guy in great shape, who looks and dresses well and leads a fulfilling life but, you're still putting women on a pedestal, you're like a silver back gorilla that's scared of its own strength :comeon:

No doubt. I agree. Ill be lying if i said that the bulk of my confidence to approach didnt come from my looks. Working on myself in the gym and keeping my body on point. Not sayin im model status,:whoa: but ive been an avid gym rat/jogger the last 7-8 years and im pretty confident that my looks will get me in the door most times. Definantly having that edge and confidence (whether its looks, money,status,etc) will help you take women off that pedistal.


May 19, 2012
This don't have shyt to do with a cot damn thang.
Y'all nikkaz really making excuses for why you not doing sumfin.
You, supposed to have been to doing as early as twelve to thirteen and definitely consistently by fifteen years old, period.

How the fukk are you nikkaz, black and you don't talk to females.
What type of bullshyt sre you dudes on.

Art Barr

No wonder y'all emotional about females on here.
Y'all don't talk to nan.

Damn you hurtin' 'em breh, you gon' have nikkaz depressed and read to commit that :whoad: