Brehs, how would it feel knowing you are going to hell


mentally i measure kilos
May 23, 2013
Not following you, dont jump on some straw man tangent.

We know to a significant degree what the bible says exactly(30 000 manuscripts). Christ lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins and promises that if we believe in him and follow we will have eternal life. He has sent the holy spirit to guide us but the word of God is as important and as applicable today as it was thousands of years ago.

You're not following me. I didn't realize what I posted was that hard to follow. There is no straw man tangent. You spoke of heresy and I simply showed you evidence of Christ being a heretic, which is also why he was crucified. His heresy was your salvation. :mjpls: second, I simply pointed out that your reference to the second century manifestion of that gospel being "sketchy" because of questionable translation, was also a flawed premise. i pointed out facts, that vast changes in language, definition, meaning, lifestyle, geographic/cultural interpretations all play a role in diluting what actually meant what. meanwhile, christ says some pretty clear and straightforward stuff that no matter how time changes, the meaning stays absolutely the same. such as "the kingdom of god is within" and "ye are gods are ye not?" Jesus said those things and the people that claim to worship him have become heretics of their own savior. it's blasphemous to think you can find the answers "without god" even though he states that is who we are. then, we can't get to the father without going through "him" (christ). again, christ already told you that he was within you and the answers were there also. so it is not an outside pledge or ritual that validates our access to the kingdom, it is the acceptance that god granted it to you already. the question is will you be distracted by all of the false idols right in front of you, even in the place of worship, to not see what has been inside you all along?

too many people want the book with it's scriptures, and the dance, and the water baptisim/rituals to be their evidence that a kingdom exists. somehow if you read long enough, pray hard enough, shout loud enough and give more, it is one step closer to the kingdom of god. yet you were born with none of these things and will die with even less. so how could an everlasting kingdom be found through objects and rituals that you will not perform or use once you leave your body?

i can't be sure you follow me, or if you're even willing to but remember that what christ said was simple. that the kingdom was within you and that ye are gods

then he made sure to follow that statement up with a question, "are ye not?" because he knew some of us would not have the faith to even believe we were that powerful.

nobody will get to the father and heaven except through christ.

all these years and people still want to act like he was paraphrasing or he wasn't really serious.

that's because the church continues to tell you to fear god.....fear god....

and people wonder why everybody is so afraid. jesus is telling you who you are, and the people who built a holy empire/franchise off of his namesake are telling you to fear who you are.

Have you asked Christ to reveal himself to you?

have you revealed Christ to yourself?
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Mar 2, 2013
Where many murders occur
Have you asked Christ to reveal himself to you?
I did, many times. He never did. Hmmm...

These are all fairy tales just to make people be good. that is all. Man, by nature, is mostly evil. It's really hard to pacify nikkas. Alpha males came up with religion to control the masses. Otherwise, the world would be more chaotic than it already is.

There is no heaven or hell. LOL @ Reincar with his babbling. When we die, that's it, it's over. I hate to break it to ya. Be a man and accept that. You're not children anymore.

Man is prone to be evil because it is a defense mechanism against other human beings. Life is a constant competition for resources. If you kill someone, you eliminated some of the competition.

There is no free will, we all are bound by our genetic programming.

You grown adults sound like fools talking about lakes of fire, and quoting archaic texts that mean fukk all nowadays.


All Star
Dec 9, 2012
I never feared going to hell the same way I never feared going to jail, the choice of where you end up is ultimately a decision you choose to follow. Jail for the most part is a guarentee once convicted. So it doesnt take long to realize your actions bear real consequences. The afterlife on the other hand isnt so definite, you dont truly know what happens until youre already dead and by then its to late so its easy to dismiss the significance in indulging in demonic activities here on earth
What keeps me grounded is I truly believe in a higher power, its just a matter on who or what that higher power may be, through faith I attribute that title to Jesus, The Alpha and The Omega, and through that belief I understand the way I choose to live has definite consequences in reference to both this life and the here after
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mentally i measure kilos
May 23, 2013
I did, many times. He never did. Hmmm...

These are all fairy tales just to make people be good. that is all. Man, by nature, is mostly evil. It's really hard to pacify nikkas. Alpha males came up with religion to control the masses. Otherwise, the world would be more chaotic than it already is.

There is no heaven or hell. LOL @ Reincar with his babbling. When we die, that's it, it's over. I hate to break it to ya. Be a man and accept that. You're not children anymore.

Man is prone to be evil because it is a defense mechanism against other human beings. Life is a constant competition for resources. If you kill someone, you eliminated some of the competition.

There is no free will, we all are bound by our genetic programming.

You grown adults sound like fools talking about lakes of fire, and quoting archaic texts that mean fukk all nowadays.

if we were all bound to genetic programing we'd still be single celled organisms or apes. and even if you don't beleive in evolution, say you still believe in adam and eve, if we were slaves to the genetic programing in our dna we'd all be fukking our immediate family with absolutely no qualms of taboo or shame. the argument of free will alone implies that we have the will to change shape and form. whether that form be a change of decision or belief or a change in the structure of the way atoms or the cells in your body are arranged. this would be dancing along the lines of both faith and science, and most people can't juggle two at a time, or innerstand that they could even be intertwined. the fact is that human beings are driven by core genetic programs that show up as desires, such as sex, eating, connecting with others. those are all genetic programs that show up as social habits. we have a desire to have sex for pleasure, but the core genetic drive behind us wanting sex is so that we can reproduce. the same thing goes for eating and connecting. we "love" to eat and find food, but that "love" of food is a core drive to eat to survive. instinctually, human beings are social and tribal, so we have a genetic drive to connect with each other, which relates to reproducing and building tribes and structure.

but just because our genetic drivers guide what makes us human doesn't mean that we don't have the willpower to bypass that and evolve beyond the programming. that's exactly what we've done over millions of years. there are millions of men and women who wear condoms and use birth control because they aren't ready to reproduce, even though that is the core function of sex. we, over years and years realized we didn't want to have a baby every time we started fukking so using our will, we created innovations to prevent that. science is a byproduct of will power. willpower is based on belief in ones abilities to do something or make something happen.

the very idea of "genetics" is a scientific discovery through the sheer force of will power. a group of people were determined to find out why we behave the way we do. so you'd have no idea of genetics if it wasn't for the will power of someone to discover what drives us. is it genetic to conduct scientific experiments? is it in our genes to form hypotheses and conclusions? no.

or is it?

that's irrelevant, but the fact that you somehow can conclude that we are slaves of genetics and dna without the existence of willpower or faith is insanity. it makes no sense at all. if you were purely a genetic driven human being you wouldn't even have the sense to articulate your words for a debate. genetics are strong influences, but will power is the catalyst for change. if you didn't know by now, change is the only thing that is constant. for the most part our dna has not changed. the genetics that are passed down through generations may mix, but the programming coded into them is millions of years old.
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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
2manyFCKNrappers said:
ya'll do know there were hundreds of books that were removed out of the bible including the gospel of st. thomas where jesus spoke the most. the majority of the new testament are letters written by paul, and has little to do with Christ and his teachings. most churches today actually teach Paulism. U.O.E.N.O

You're wrong. There weren't hundreds of books removed from the Bible since it didn't exist as one collected volume until the 3rd Century CE and the Gospel of Thomas is a Gnostic forgery.

There were, literally, thousands of pseudo-Gospels written in the first few centuries of the Church and not all of them were included for a variety of reasons. What we are able to study now are just those that survived the ages.

Most churches today teach Paulism, Matthewism, Lukism, Markism, or a combination of all of them interspersed with Platonism and ALL of them have everything to do with J's apocalyptic teachings.

Those calling it a book of 'fairy tales' are very ignorant of what it actually is. Those who follow it's teachings without understanding it's historical significance are also very ignorant of what it actually is.​

Mar 2, 2013
Where many murders occur
if we were all bound to genetic programing we'd still be single celled organisms or apes.
You're wrong. We evolved from all that. We were genetically programmed as single-celled organisms and apes, and we are programmed as humans now.

and even if you don't beleive in evolution, say you still believe in adam and eve, if we were slaves to the genetic programing in our dna we'd all be fukking our immediate family with absolutely no qualms of taboo or shame. the argument of free will alone implies that we have the will to change shape and form. whether that form be a change of decision or belief or a change in the structure of the way atoms or the cells in your body are arranged. this would be dancing along the lines of both faith and science, and most people can't juggle two at a time, or innerstand that they could even be intertwined. the fact is that human beings are driven by core genetic programs that show up as desires, such as sex, eating, connecting with others. those are all genetic programs that show up as social habits. we have a desire to have sex for pleasure, but the core genetic drive behind us wanting sex is so that we can reproduce. the same thing goes for eating and connecting. we "love" to eat and find food, but that "love" of food is a core drive to eat to survive. instinctually, human beings are social and tribal, so we have a genetic drive to connect with each other, which relates to reproducing and building tribes and structure.

but just because our genetic drivers guide what makes us human doesn't mean that we don't have the willpower to bypass that and evolve beyond the programming. that's exactly what we've done over millions of years. there are millions of men and women who wear condoms and use birth control because they aren't ready to reproduce, even though that is the core function of sex. we, over years and years realized we didn't want to have a baby every time we started fukking so using our will, we created innovations to prevent that. science is a byproduct of will power. willpower is based on belief in ones abilities to do something or make something happen.

the very idea of "genetics" is a scientific discovery through the sheer force of will power. a group of people were determined to find out why we behave the way we do. so you'd have no genetics if it wasn't for will power. is it genetic to conduct scientific experiments? is it in our genes to form hypotheses and conclusions? no.

or is it?

that's irrelevant, but the fact that you somehow can conclude that we are slaves of genetics without the existence of willpower or faith is insanity. it makes no sense at all. if you were purely a genetic driven human being you wouldn't even have the sense to articulate your words for a debate.
If your genetics don't push you so hard to do something, then you can have the willpower to avoid doing that. If your genetics don't push you so hard to think logically, then you will be able to have blind faith.

I was genetically driven to articulate words for debate, and so were you. It is in our genes to form hypotheses and conclusions, and conduct scientific experiments.


إن شاء الله
May 3, 2012
what do you believe hell is?

I know some christians don't think hell is torment, or hell will just be on earth, and then you got some gus like carlton pearson who think hell doesn't exist.

Hell doesn't exist breh. Nowhere in the bible does it say a physical hell exists.


mentally i measure kilos
May 23, 2013
You're wrong. We evolved from all that. We were genetically programmed as single-celled organisms and apes, and we are programmed as humans now.

If your genetics don't push you so hard to do something, then you can have the willpower to avoid doing that. If your genetics don't push you so hard to think logically, then you will be able to have blind faith.

I was genetically driven to articulate words for debate, and so were you. It is in our genes to form hypotheses and conclusions, and conduct scientific experiments.

to imply that we were programmed and also evolved implies that there had to be a desire to change and adapt as a species. so how am i wrong?


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
2manyFCKNrappers said:
he was against organized religion from the jump.

Incorrect. He couldn't have been as he was a Hebrew rabbi who obeyed all the tenets of his religion and required the same of his followers. Judaism, at that time and now, was ALL about organization. The problem he saw was the Hellenization of Judaism's followers, not Judaism itself.


mentally i measure kilos
May 23, 2013
Evolution is the change in our programming. Just because we evolved, doesn't mean we no longer have DNA which programs us.

i never hinted at the fact that we don't have our dna programming. if you read what i said, you'd comprehend that what you said about evolution is the change in programming is exactly my point and what i stated earlier.


mentally i measure kilos
May 23, 2013
Incorrect. He couldn't have been as he was a Hebrew rabbi who obeyed all the tenets of his religion and required the same of his followers. Judaism, at that time and now, was ALL about organization. The problem he saw was the Hellenization of Judaism's followers, not Judaism itself.

i'm getting the feeling you're trying to school me about the validity of christianity. i'm not a christian. my post wasn't to validate christ or his teachings, it was to unveil the hypocrisy behind most christians and their belief well as those that oppose the christian or religious belief in general. i'm simply using teachings from a book they refer to for their own understanding to reveal the instability of how they come to their point of faith. if i would've debated that the ideal of christ that was constructed and marketed by the council of nicea was perfectly orchestrated through centuries to create a society of obedience and constant conflict, it would've been an unwelcome and confrontational argument. i don't like to argue about religion. so i used words that were said by their messiah to make a point.

people that say the bible is a fairy tale have missed the point entirely. most people are one sided. they like to mentally masturbate and show off what they know to prove a pointless point. i wasn't around to know any part of history, past, or present that i personally wasn't apart of, or can't get first hand personal accounts of. the people who make history "official" and validate the authenticity of events are no more "credible" than the fiat currency that has funded their agendas over millenia. credibility for most of history is nothing more than influence, power and persuasion to make the events fit a certain agenda. today it's rupert murdoch and before it was constantine. this is why i'm not here to argue with any one of you about history or faith. i used the gospel of st. thomas as leverage to prove that people only believe what has been officiated and authenticated by various institutions that are there to do so.

someone responded to my post about the gospel of st. thomas with the rebuttal that many gospels could not be verified as "real." yet people blindly read books, scribed thousands of years ago with no real knowledge of where they came from and who validated the truth of what was written. just the same way you can tell me Christ was "all about organization" and that "he WAS a Hebrew rabbi" like you know christ (the irony) is a testament (pun intended) to the fairy tale within the fairy tale that you also deeply believe. one side rigorously practices their faith in god, while you and others like you on the other side of the argument, collect "facts" and "history" to deflect and defy the beliefs of the religious "sheep". What many fail to understand is that the 5th hand history buffs and fact checkers are no less sheeply than their religious counterparts. Both sides are fighting to tell the truth of past that they had no participation in whatsoever. so they both naievly rely on other 5th hand historians and fact checkers, with their "research" "reenactments" "evidence" and "studies"

the same way the religious hang on to the words of the pastor and are mesmerized by the enchantment of doing the impossible, as told in the bible, the other side is continually searching for the "facts" to validate why something isn't real. they live to satisfy the left brain cynic and realist. the thing is, they have to beleive in the fairy tale somewhat still, or else they wouldn't feel the need to discredit or devalue it's worth every time the conversation is brought up. those who follow religion are seen as childlike and foolish for still letting their hearts and imagination run wild. their beliefs and faith is so strong in something so inconceivable, that you have to keep searching for the hard evidence to keep yourself from becoming ignorant too. but it's a self perpetuating conflict every time you use your arsenal of facts because you must trigger the possibility of it being real before you can debate it's absolute foolishness. both of you are on two sides of the same coin. historical facts and faith are both imaginary TO YOU. if you have to read something to ensure that it happened then it's not real for you. it's just rhetoric masterfully laid out for you to spew out in yet another age old debate, which is also masterfully laid out for you to engage in. the history makers and the ones appointed to continue the manufacturing of events make a mockery of your facts. they laugh at the research because the truth is, that much of history is orchestrated. they know years in advance what they've executed will be mental dog food for the animals to feast on repetitively, to no avail. meanwhile the reality that is in front of you still rarely gets the reflection, insight and commentary that everybody devotes to the manipulated history they have no real knowledge of. the only history a person can accurately debate is the event they have witnessed for themselves. if you weren't a participant or a spectator in that are a regurgitator. you don't know shyt. you read it and you say it without any clue of what truly actually went down.

if you read back my last 5 or so posts, you'll see that my argument is thorough with everything i just said here. regardless of what else fills the bible, in the book the words of christ did say that the kingdom is within. i believe that and i know that there are variations of that saying that's not limited to the bible. the reality is within you and the truth about what is, is yours. people keep fighting to know history that is not theirs. most people couldn't tell you exactly what went down in their own life 6 years ago on this exact day at this exact time. they have no written record of their own accounts and actions, but are quick to quote an autobiography or an essay of what someone else has done and accomplished. you can tell me what christ was or wasn't and what he did and didn't do, but tell me the exact day and time of your birth, and your siblings....mother and father?

if you could do it then good for you, but i'm only saying this to demonstrate that what people know in reality and what they're conditioned to think they know is bullshyt. you only know what you know. you don't know what you really, truly don't know. now if you have "faith and faith alone" as your masterplan to get through life....good luck.
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