Breh intellectually destroys Joe Rogan

May 1, 2012
One minute in, Joe asked a question in support of reparations and hotep jesus somehow pivoted to talking about ancient African rulers. Convenient since he's against reparations.

The coli use to (justifiably) clown this troll now we're propping him up. Y'all are so easily worked

Internet nikkas looking to Hotep Jesus for guidance now? :mjlol:
sh!t is wild.. :mjlol:

ok this thread is going to become a childish mess now where ppl feel the need to “choose sides” on some all or nothing shyt instead of try to discuss individual points bcuz they’re too lazy to listen to the information :skip:

hey OP you tried...and RIP to john henrik clarke and ivan van sertima (he wasn’t shouted out) but these are both men I was lucky to hear/see speak on a couple occasions growing up
its not about choosing sides.. dude honestly had no idea wtf he was talking about..

dude didnt even get the author right of "They Came Before Columbus".. if you watch the entire podcast(which im sure no one actually did :unimpressed:).. he says he gets most of his info from random people on the internet.. he hasnt really researched anything he's speaking on.. just "using common sense"..

also.. he wasnt the one who brought up finding African artifacts in the states. it was Rogans White co-host that put them both on to that.. :shaq2:

basically.. this dudes the typical smart-dummy would clown into oblivion if he actually posted here..


Nov 12, 2014

Got Joe Rogan's CAC racism about to explode :mindblown:




Breh also talks about ancient Egyptian artifacts in Ohio

Uncovering ancient Ohio: Artifacts found under local developments

Finally John Henrik Clarke, Phil Valentine, and Bobby Hemmitt got a shout out :blessed:

Breh was 1/3rd facts, 1/3rd conjecture, 1/3rd nonsense.


Nov 12, 2014
Explain why
1. deep south. epi-genetics
established no one is doing anything to fix it.
must be careful about the inferences taken from this.

2. start off with “the white man is out to get you” == defeatist. first that is not true. just as the gringo is taught that the chinaman is out to get him. also the fact that we established “1.” means that it is something of a fact that the power brokers are out to get the group.
in short facts don’t make “defeatism”

3. sub-conscious mind believes you beginnings are as a slave.
no one believes that. everyone on earth knows that most (not all) “black” people came/come from africa. most people accept that all people originated in africa.
simple deduction means that as the black man was first he could not have started out as a slave for anyone else.
“beginnings” is a misrepresentation.

4. need to teach black history

5. kings.
joe rogan correctly pushed back. kings are a minority.

6. need to break the link between slavery and who you are.

7. psychological damage of notions of slavery

8. Hannibal and rome
again need to be careful about inferences.
do we know that he was black for a fact?

9. we were natives
4:41 fallacy “mot and bailey” of “do you think this whole land was empty”.
melanin does not mean black.
we need ROUGH facts and figures.
what percentages.
how many?

10. caribbean
took slaves? what does that have to do with being black?

11. we had already come here.
ok. agreed.
how many?
what about native indians?
DNA shows they split first and crossed into the americas first.

12. 5:40 why don’t we know.
waffle repeating what he said before about needing to improve education.

13. 6:09 those natives are us
conflation when there was even by his logic more than one group.
conflation on a conjecture i might add but ok.

14. 7:22 majority were natives
“not economically sound” reasoning is a nonsense argument.
the traders in slaves were selling to the rich landowners and less rich would be slavers.
the fact that the british had to kill and police TA slavery to keep their advantage is a matter of record.
his question is like asking would you import or grow.
well it depends on who you are?
1/2 the people dying is just the solution to an equation. 1/2 dying does not mean it was not profitable.
clearly domesticated slaves would be MORE expensive than new arrivals (ceteris parabus) and that is your market right there.
I should add not one fact to support his argument - hence conjecture.

15. history
history is written by the victors does not mean that any statement should be accepted.

16, 10:04 removing our ability.
appeal to emotion. so what?

17. 10:15 didn’t know anything about boats.
no brew. not boats.
long distance navigation and boat construction (most likely).
“anything” loose language and hyperbolic appeal to emotion.
no one is saying that not travelling to the americas means there were zero boats in africa.

18. 10:13 emotive argument.
just present some facts.
“holy white man”

19. olmecs.
have a care what is assumed from this given that all native peoples were originally black.
with the possible exception of remote parts of northern europe and asia (neanderthals).

20. 12:45
not sure what he is saying here.
black plague happened way after the romans understood bathing.
he is jumping backwards and forwards through time and is not making a clear point.

21. superior / food
lack of resources is not just a question of superiority.
it is a question of access as well.
by his argument white people feeding africa today means ….

22. the black death missed a lot of russia,
stopping it did not “save the white race”

23. 16:07 “common sense” reasoning.
“no one runs a business like that” :hhh::hhh::hhh:
it’s an economy with many competing factions.
why do some people use US beef and some use mexican beef today?
because it is not one person making the decision for one business.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
BlackMoney said:
Yeah I was just reading about him.

From what I"ve read, Christopher himself said Africans were in the Americas first and Native Americans confirmed it.

"In his Journal of the Second Voyage, Columbus wrote that when he reached Haiti, then labeled Espanola, the native people told him that black skinned people had come from the south and southeast in ships trading in gold tipped metal spears. The following is recorded in Raccolta, part I, volume I: “Columbus wanted to find out what the Indians of Espanola had told him, that had come from the south and southeast, [N]egro people who brought those spear points made of a metal which they call guanin, of which he had sent samples to the king and queen for assay and which was found to have 32 parts – 18 of gold, 6 of silver, and 8 of copper.”1"

Columbus didn't write that at all. There is only ONE primary source for that quote you posted......Bartolomé de Las Casas' Histories of the Indies from the late 19th Century.

Bart was quoted by a dude named Leo Weiner who thought that Bart's work was Columbus' journal so included the words in his three-volume work Africa and the Discovery of America in 1921. The story is actually a conflation of two different stories that Bart collected into ONE narrative.

Weiner was a linguist and translated Bart's work from the OG Italian into Spanish, but he translated an archaic Spanish term incorrectly. That's why you have people from the 'southeast'. The term used was 'sudoeste' which in archaic Spanish means 'southWEST'. The other issue with using this quote is that the term gente negra 'black people' didn't mean 'Black' people back in Columbus' day. It only referred to the darkness of the peoples' skin in-comparison to Europeans'.

They said the same thing about Chinese people.

If you don't believe what I'm saying, then, by all means, try and find the primary source for the quote and it will lead you back to Bartolomé de Las Casas, NOT Columbus.

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old pig

Nov 12, 2017
its not about choosing sides.. dude honestly had no idea wtf he was talking about..

dude didnt even get the author right of "They Came Before Columbus".. if you watch the entire podcast(which im sure no one actually did :unimpressed:).. he says he gets most of his info from random people on the internet.. he hasnt really researched anything he's speaking on.. just "using common sense"..

also.. he wasnt the one who brought up finding African artifacts in the states. it was Rogans White co-host that put them both on to that.. :shaq2:

basically.. this dudes the typical smart-dummy would clown into oblivion if he actually posted here..

“it’s not about choosing sides” then goes on to explain why he chose a side...I did in fact watch the entire podcast as I stated I would objectively listen to him even tho I didn’t agree w/ an early point he made and some other points subsequently but even a broken clock is right 2x out the day (ironically somebody else in here said this in another thread unfortunately he’s not too versed on this topic to realize it applies here as well to “hotep jesus”)

one point that dude brought up that I (and others) agreed w/ led to further conversation in which I stated the correct author of the book you mentioned (that I also read many years ago) would be an even better conversation if some of you got over this guy and tried to focus on the finer points instead of choosing agreeing w/ that one point does not equate to me championing dude or seeking his guidance lol...I know nothing about him...but the one point he mentioned that was of note actually led to a healthy discussion among some of us
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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
This refutes all of Ivan Van Sertima's claims in They Came Before Columbus......
In 1976, Ivan Van Sertima proposed that New World civilizations were strongly influenced by diffusion from Africa. The first and most important contact, he argued, was between Nubians and Olmecs in 700 B.C., and it was followed by other contacts from Mali in A.D. 1300. This theory has spread widely in the African‐American community, both lay and scholarly, but it has never been evaluated at length by Mesoamericanists. This article shows the proposal to be devoid of any foundation. First, no genuine African artifact has ever been found in a controlled archaeological excavation in the New World. The presence of Africanorigin plants such as the bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) or of African genes in New World cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) shows that there was contact between the Old World and the New, but this contact occurred too long ago to have involved any human agency and is irrelevant to Egyptian‐Olmec contact. The colossal Olmec heads, which resemble a stereotypical “Negroid,” were carved hundreds of years before the arrival of the presumed models. Additionally, Nubians, who come from a desert environment and have long, high noses, do not resemble their supposed “portraits.” Claims for the diffusion of pyramid building and mummification are also fallacious.

Referring to that book for evidence of African ifluence in the Americas is historically invalid.


old pig

Nov 12, 2017


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
surf said:
I will be fair and read the article objectively and look into its points before I conclude it “historically” invalidates the book...hopefully you did the same

I was objective when I read IVS's book back in high school in the 80's.

He's not a reliable source of information and peer review shows his lapses in judgement and procedure in-full.​