Breh held onto a video of white girl using racial slur, then unleashed the FLUTES


Feb 12, 2015
I’m not defending her.

And I’m not even criticizing the intent. I’m critiquing how it was executed. His logic was he was teaching her a lesson by embarrassing someone and putting the spotlight on himself. Sassy shyt.
Dude, WHO CARES HOW HE DID IT? There are whites that STILL haven’t been persecuted for Emmitt Till’s death. By any means necessary.

That’s part of our problem now. We still handle whites with kiddie gloves and jump on a moral soapbox while they literally decimating us. We wrap our critique of them in velvet while they rape us, dump toxic waste in our community, kill us, cheat us outta TRILLONS, kill our children in cold blood, give us drugs, experiment on us and put us in chains.
What do they have to do to us that they haven’t ALREADY DONE for us to wake the hell up?

And many are particularly permissive when it comes to white females. Meanwhile if a young black girl even blinks wrong, she’s a rachet, hood rat, problem.

When do people come to our young black boys and girls defense like this? Sometimes black people’s moral superiority can be our worse flaw particularly when we save it specifically for whiteness. If forgiveness is for everyone then blacks need to snap and go into an abyss of straight demonic energy for the millennia of oppression. Then after we’ve burned this shyt to the ground we can talk about forgiveness and the high ground when we on the other side of this equation.

Fukk that racist bytch. Your entire circle is racist trash if ya’ll get together and think fun=racist slurs even when you are a teen because that shyt doesn’t come outta nowhere. And blks using the word dont mean shyt to me.

I got friends of every single race on this planet and I ain’t EVER heard them even fix their mouths to say that shyt in my presence and I’ll say it whenever I want to. It’s not even a conversation. If they do say it, they better keep that shyt behind their teeth until I’m out of earshot.
:yeshrug: Fukk the excuses.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
@Ethnic Vagina Finder is the comment by this poster socially acceptable to you??
Not to sound like a child but you're a dumb fakkit. :yeshrug:

I mean you're not smart. You don't understand how affirmative action hurts black people by offering us entry level positions at white companies stripping us of the need to start up our own companies. House ******.

And you're a fakkit because you're, well, homosexual. You like men. :yeshrug:

Dumb fakkit :umad:

I didn't call you a ******. I called you a house ******.

And a dumb fakkit, you dumb fakkit.

That sounds so funny but I swear I mean in the most mature way possible. Like you're really an unintelligent homosexual.



May 3, 2012
Who are you? Somebody just joined the site yesterday tryna call me out :hhh:

I been here LONGER THAN YOU, breh. Your posts don't make sense and reek of naivety, so are you young or not black?

Because if you are black and saying the things you are saying, you need a history lesson.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Dude, WHO CARES HOW HE DID IT? There are whites that STILL haven’t been persecuted for Emmitt Till’s death. By any means necessary.

That’s part of our problem now. We still handle whites with kiddie gloves and jump on a moral soapbox while they literally decimating us. We wrap our critique of them in velvet while they rape us, dump toxic waste in our community, kill us, cheat us outta TRILLONS, kill our children in cold blood, give us drugs, experiment on us and put us in chains.
What do they have to do to us that they haven’t ALREADY DONE for us to wake the hell up?

And many are particularly permissive when it comes to white females. Meanwhile if a young black girl even blinks wrong, she’s a rachet, hood rat, problem.

When do people come to our young black boys and girls defense like this? Sometimes black people’s moral superiority can be our worse flaw particularly when we save it specifically for whiteness. If forgiveness is for everyone then blacks need to snap and go into an abyss of straight demonic energy for the millennia of oppression. Then after we’ve burned this shyt to the ground we can talk about forgiveness and the high ground when we on the other side of this equation.

Fukk that racist bytch. Your entire circle is racist trash if ya’ll get together and think fun=racist slurs even when you are a teen because that shyt doesn’t come outta nowhere. And blks using the word dont mean shyt to me.

I got friends of every single race on this planet and I ain’t EVER heard them even fix their mouths to say that shyt in my presence and I’ll say it whenever I want to. It’s not even a conversation. If they do say it, they better keep that shyt behind their teeth until I’m out of earshot.
:yeshrug: Fukk the excuses.

Not gonna lie, I stopped reading after you evoked Emmitt Till. Your thought process is too narrow minded. You have to look at the bigger picture. Fate will decide what happens to the white chick. But breh gonna try to do that shyt again and it will more than likely backfire.

You see this as some sort of victory when it ain’t. Yeah, it gets headlines, makes people feel :wow: inside but in the grand scheme of things, it’s insignificant and won’t bring about real change, and it won’t stop people from being racist. The school will carry on and Tennessee will continue to admit racists. I’m about advancing dialog that tackles the root cause of racism, not some random white chick who friend sent a video of her to other people and offending some random student to held a grudge.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation


Retired from TheColi
Nov 21, 2016
This says more about the mother:francis:

Breh...who is that on your avi? Dude looks super familiar, but I can't quite remember exactly who it is. It's bugging the shyt outta me that I can't remember what movies he played in or whatever.


Feb 12, 2015
Now you know I'm not on here taking up for no white woman and I'm insulted that you would make such baseless hurtful accusations. I just jumped out the shower booty butt naked and I check my phone, see that my baby Books quoted me like :ehh: and then I go to the post and Books done wrote a book :gucci:

I'm not taking up for no white ppl throwing the n word around. I simply made the point that this whole "we can say the n word but they can't" argument is inherently flawed especially when they are the biggest consumers of hip hop where the n word is thrown around every other word.

Even if white ppl aint racist (which I doubt cause I believe all white ppl are racist to a degree but I know some posters disagree with that), when their white kids are listening to rap and rapping the lyrics along with the song, do yall honestly think they are riding in their car listening to a song saying the words and when it gets to nicca, they go ":picard: well I'm not gonna say that part of the song"

:francis: come on now, you know better.

If this white girl was throwing the n word out there in a racially charged way at a black person, THAT'S an undeniable case of racism.

But her being excited and talking with her white friends and calling them the n word aint the same situation, I'm sorry.

Should she have said it? Of course not.

But I believe we would get a lot further in the argument of folks not using the n word if it was banned entirely, even amongst ourselves.

After all, jews aint calling each other the k word. Mexicans aint calling each other spics. Asians aint calling each other whatever racist slur folks use for them

We are literally the only ppl that do that :francis: and I'm guilty of it too of course.

I'm arguing for, if we are going to police the n word then let's fully police it. As long as its seen as somewhat acceptable, we will continue to have incidents like this.

Now how did you get support for that white girl out of anything I said, huh Books? :martin:
First off, dry off so you don’t slip and fall.:whoa: I don’t want no casualties because of the internet.:damn:
Secondly, I vehemently disagree with your stance. She is white and therefore should not even have the thot in her head to say the n-word, much less use it.

I completely support the universities decision to :camby:because this sends a larger message than just an ignorant white chick being held accountable. It’s the same message that Jews send over anti-semitism. That gays send over LGBTQ shyt. It’s the message that people with dumb ass prejudices will not be tolerated as representatives of public institutes that cater to everyone including those they are offending.

That’s progress and it’s culturally molding social realities by economically enforcing the idea that stupidity needs to be snuffed out or relegated to the private sphere.

Now regardless of your intentions, pull yourself back from the situation and take a look at the optics for a second.

A young blk boy in a racist ass school whose been dealing with this shyt for GOD knows how long, finally does something that gets the type of results millions of black families NEVER get when it comes to holding whites accountable.

And instead of celebrating this, grown ass black men gon quibble about his sexuality, and the means in which he got the results in fake outrage from a moral soapbox perspective...and all of this merely provides opportunity for whites to justify using the n-word.

You don’t think that’s a bad look?:usure::usure::usure::usure::usure::usure::usure::usure:
If you don’t then that’s on you. We agree to disagree and KIM. I don’t take shyt personally and I can agree and disagree with people all day long. But if you don’t see what I don’t see, then ain’t nothing else to say boss man.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Last edited:

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
@Ethnic Vagina Finder is the comment by this poster socially acceptable to you??


I don’t get easily offended.

the job I work i now, I started as a supervisor. The assistant manager was white. He was hired after me. He was a closet racist. Long story short eventually we fought in front of the employees. I gave him the beats, and even spit in his face. The employees had my back, not his. He eventually quit 6 months later and I took his position. Now I’m the GM. When he left it cut him down the the core when I found out that I took his position.

point being, I could’ve let his words at times get to me. I could’ve quit and moved on. But I played chess not checkers. He was predictable and I took emotion out of the equation and played him like a puppet, not only humiliating him in front of his employees, but taking his job and salary after he quit out of shame.

Those post you showed me, are random people I don’t know typing from unknown locations. I don’t come to this site to crusade and get offended and emotional over bullshyt. I don’t get nothin from it.


All Star
Dec 18, 2016
Breh...who is that on your avi? Dude looks super familiar, but I can't quite remember exactly who it is. It's bugging the shyt outta me that I can't remember what movies he played in or whatever.
Cuba gooding jr:russ:

nah its shiggy


Nov 2, 2017
New York
From what I'm reading, she was trying sound "urban" with the "a" instead of the "er" at the end.... She was a freshman, which means she was 12 or 13.

He went to the school... and they did nothing. So how is what he did affect the school? Nothing.

And a lot of the story is missing. If he never said a word to her this whole time, then that was some petty as shyt. If he didn't know her or what she was about, that was fukked up. Maybe she changed.

Trying to destroy somebody's life over some shyt that didn't have nothing to do with you personally is some homo shyt... And he looks like a homo in that photo.

I can't cosign this bullshyt.
Big c00n showed up early huh :mjlol::mjlol: