Breh held onto a video of white girl using racial slur, then unleashed the FLUTES

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Re-read that shyt and hold that.
As copied from the stupid white boy book of beats and rhymes false logic, to fit in with black people, authored by Dr. Avi UsTroll. just shut the fuk up. “crack killed Apple Jack, if Apple Jack didn’t jack Jack then he wouldn’t be held back by crack” cac headass

what does WOAT mean?

dont u have to get votes in order to get that designation?

It all makes sense now:ohhh:

and arguing with chicks from Harlem is a no win proposition so

You win. You right. I’m wrong. And I’m sorry. :mjpls:


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
I can see where the nikkas with capes are coming from because I definitely said some fukked up shyt at 13 hell 23 :mjlol: but fukk this cac :mjgrin:

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
That's some homo shyt though :scusthov: I can't support it. I would never raise my son to do some f*g shyt like that.

10 or 20 years from now, he gonna be leaking video of him having sex with man to ruin his life too.
Why this kind of venom for a dude who didn't do anything wrong?


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I mean, it’s Loudon County :yeshrug:Especially that part of the county. Got mad tickets driving to the outlet when I lived there
And?? What the f does that have to do with enabling white supremacy? And holding people accountable?
You Northern VA c00ns stay on y’all bullshyt. I have yet to not meet a NoVA dude that wasn’t stuck in a c00n mental abyss, idc which one of you Northern VA “men” who I offend right now bc that’s just facts. Y’all NoVA dudes will do anything for white validity. Urrrrybody in the DMV knows I’m not lying about that sector of VA- Pawgoon County. “Tis” not circumstantial that the NV is deep with the most white defense quotas in this thread.
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Feb 12, 2015
He a little moist :patrice:

From what I'm reading, she was trying sound "urban" with the "a" instead of the "er" at the end.... She was a freshman, which means she was 12 or 13.

He went to the school... and they did nothing. So how is what he did affect the school? Nothing.

And a lot of the story is missing. If he never said a word to her this whole time, then that was some petty as shyt. If he didn't know her or what she was about, that was fukked up. Maybe she changed.

Trying to destroy somebody's life over some shyt that didn't have nothing to do with you personally is some homo shyt... And he looks like a homo in that photo.

I can't cosign this bullshyt.

This. He's a definite faq. Also his bytch tendencies came out with this move. When I read this was done by a black man I honestly couldn't believe. This sorta move ain't something we would do. Its more of a feminine move. I prolly woulda just put hands on that bytch if she called me a racial slur and be done with it then. But this sorta cold calculated move where you wait years on something is a move only someone with very feminine tendencies would do.

The bytch is ugly so I have no sympathy for her. But this is a bytch move regardless of if she was trying to be down versus saying it in a hateful manner.

If a cac disrespects you, you handle it then and there as a man. Waiting years like this is straight p*ssy. And given he's a faq this makes perfect sense.

I watched the clip, she went with a hard ER along with emphasis on the ER. I don't know if her mentality changed after that. She was 15 saying that, and then three years later is supporting BLM. So who knows, maybe she changed. There's a picture of him standing with her, so there might be more to the story.

While actions have consequences, I think the university that accepted her and then rescinded probably could have handled that better. Rescinding her eligibility over something she said at age 15 seems like overkill to me especially after she's supporting BLM. Weird how in society we don't take a person's entire sum, but just a snapshot of their life and judge their character. But again, actions have consequences.

Not a breh. He's a faq. And yes I don't really fukk with those type of folks whether they are black or not.

Plus as a hetrosexual black man, this is not something I would ever do. The whole lying in wait for years to spring something on someone is straight p*ssy. If you disrespect me with a racial slur, we settling it right then and there. No black man is waiting years to do some shyt like this. That's why I was surprised while reading the story until I got to the pictures and shyt finally made sense.

Yeah it would have hit different if she was calling him the n word but it looks like she was saying it to her friends as a term of endearment :mjlol:

That part of the debate about the n word has always been funny to me. "We can say it to each other as a term of endearment but they can't!"

Which in itself is insane because let's be honest, how many jews use the k word on themselves? How many Mexicans use the spic word on themselves as a term of endearment?

And I say that as a person that uses the word. Imma have to cut it out :wow:
:gucci:What the hell?! White women are a Trojan horse with some blks. I don’t understand where all these poignant concessions come from for white female racism. Ya’ll really think this was the ONLY thing she’s done that was racist. This is the EXACT type of lessons whites need while they are young to nip this dumb shyt in the bud. Respectability politics and marching only goes so far. Economic entities are starting to hold whites accountable and THATS huge. If THEY don’t want to be embarrassed by having these types in their institutions, da fukk we look like coming in on some :whoa:HOLD ON WAIT A MINUTE LETS HEAR A YOUNG PAWG OUT!

These the same white chicks who were spitting on blk kids during integration. The same one wanting to sample blk dikk on the low and then lying about it and resulting in our ancestors being hung, burned and tortured and entire towns and black generational wealth being destroyed.
Stop separating white women from white supremacy and making excuses to do so.

The time to have a conversation on blks usage of the n-word isn’t when white bytches are trying to use it to be edgy/cool and gain some swag with lost friends.

The majority of people in this thread sideeying y’all because the end game for your statements is
Black men taking the side of a racist white girl over a black boy who sought to do something about the racist shyt he’s probably endured in that school for years. Even if that’s not your intentions. That’s what it spells out.

I hope MORE universities and employers ride this wave and fire ANYBODY with that shyt because normal citizens don’t have a hard drive of racist dehumanizing shyt in their pasts and they don’t want people with that upbringing representing them.
You can’t claim to hate white supremacy but wanna protect its handmaidens and female creators. And white women been riding this wave for a LONG time,:dahell::dahell:

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Why this kind of venom for a dude who didn't do anything wrong?

u don’t get it.

He said he was trying to teach her a lesson.
What lesson is that?

His name is out there now the same as hers. And one day, he might apply for a job somewhere and they google him. What if they decide not to hire him based on this story?

The main thing I’m getting at is how he went about “exposing” her is taking some of the attention away from her which kinda defeats the whole purpose. And he never address the school which he attended for 3 more years and evidently, the racism was a problem.

And where was the parents? This whole episode has more questions than solutions. Did OP make this thread to talk about racism or simply cheer a random white chick getting put out there? It’s nothing new.

I would’ve been more impressed if he had dirt on the principle or school board, you know.. the ones who had the power to actually change shyt at the school.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
The coorelation continues-

If a white person is beating a Mexican and calls him a Mexican while doing so is the word now derogatory?

You seem to not understand the point Ja Rule is making. He's saying if "******" originally just meant black.
Just like "Moor" originally just meant black. Then why do we now view a word that was originally just a descriptive term into something derogatory?
My 60+ year old mother told me she's been called a "****** bytch" twice in the last few years in the parking lot of stores like Wal-Mart by white men.

This seems to be a go to tactic for crakkkas now.

Look. I'm a conscious black man with a true knowledge of self. I don't view myself as being inferior to any white man cause I know the truth about our history. If a crakkka called me a "******" it wouldn't hurt my feelings cause I don't believe he's superior to me.

I view being called a "******" the same as another man calling me a "bytch".
I know I ain't no bytch but you ain't gonna disrespect me to my face so we will throw hands. Same thing if a cac calls me a "******". I know I ain't inferior to you but you ain't gonna disrespect me like that to my face without getting beat down.

Only a black person without a true knowledge of self lets the "N word" be more than it really is. Which is a word that we've given power to cause we are ashamed to be black. PERIOD.


All Star
Dec 19, 2015
White girl still going to come out on top. Bet you there’s a gofundme for her as we speak


Dreams Are Colder Than Death...
Apr 30, 2012
And?? What the f does that have to do with enabling white supremacy? And holding people accountable?
You Northern VA c00ns stay on y’all bullshyt. I have yet to not meet a NoVA dude that wasn’t stuck in a c00n mental abyss, idc which one of you Northern VA “men” who I offend right now bc that’s just facts. Y’all NoVA dudes will do anything for white validity. Urrrrybody in the DMV knows I’m not lying about that sector of VA- Pawgoon County. “Tis” not circumstantial that the NV is deep with the most white defense quotas in this thread.
Ok Mr. Try Hard