The "police" is a concept that is less than 200 years old. It can be changed.
this is what you don't get
@Poitier ... and I respect your posting...
We're talking about humans... often white humans ... with one or more of the following...
*a lack of diversity training and/or racial diversification among there own histories and personal lives
*lack of social/ interpersonal skills
*preconceived notions about black men due to the demonization of the black man
*paranoia due to that demonization and public perception of their office
*psychological blocks concerning prejudicial treatment
*poor/working class backgrounds with no real examples of professionalism and what it means
*few options, so that's why they become police officers
*instructions to always shoot at critical mass to neutralize a threat (and in the heat of the moment "threat" becomes very subjective)
*GEDs/High School Diplomas only (nothing wrong with that, just saying)
... so you're just gonna legislate all of that away, huh?
If anything, a rigorous battery of psychological and social intelligence tests should be administered pre employment and periodically during employment with some baseline measure that has to be met....
Mandatory diversity training... in-class, and practical community policing training before patrol work begins
And a review, and remodeling of BLET standards as it pertains to the used of deadly force, especially as it pertains to usage of guns and/or weapons of high lethality ... and mandate a 3-5 year recertification on BLET and all the aforementioned trainings.
Now you can do that but,
1). Departments will likely suffer attrition because a gang of folks would not meet that baseline measure.
2). Pay would have to increase and city/town managers ain't having that, so it'd have to be put to a referendum, which will be politicized
3). Departments would struggle to recruit quality candidates
4). Police Commissioners and conservative district attorneys and state attorneys general would throw a fit...
it's really an issue for the U.S. Attorney General...
your issue is to keep your hands were their eyes can see.
Community policing as a cooperative initiative is also sorely needed, but the hood's Guardian Angels ain't walking through the door anytime soon. If that could be organized, then maybe that would help, too.