Breaking: STL Police Shoot and Kill Black Teen at Gas Station


Jul 19, 2014
sadly he was not the one that got killed.. maybe you can get reddit to get his background..

trayvon martin was not shot by a cop or a white person.

and stop taking the victim mentality. nikkas know cops will be shooting on first sight. that point has been proven and won't change no matter how much protests, hip hop lyrics, role models etc etc.. so nikkas need to stop going to stores and robbing them.

again the problem goes back to faulty parenting and kids being told to hate cops, have thug mentality, it's cool to rob, make money, fukk bytches etc etc..this is what kids grow up on.
why do you fakkits even bother coming here.
Jun 8, 2012
Where did this gif come from? who posted it? where is the real video link?
You have to watch the real video.

The person pulling the gun is an officer.

Also, if you look at the photos of the scene it makes perfect sense that the officer drew his gun on him, shot it (hence the reason why the video stops dead at 1:44), killed him, and called for cops as crowd control and didn't call any medics. No medical all. Basically the cops were called in to "neutralize" the situation (ie get rid of any possible witnesses and create confusion).

The scene of the crime was fukked up from the beginning.

The cop obviously was antagonizing this young man, he said something to him, and took matters into is own hands.

If he had a gun...why did it take almost 3 hours for a gun to show up at the scene?

They planted a "dirty" a gun used to make the victim seem like the perp.

They showed y'all how to do this.

They showed you how they lie to protect themselves.

They showed you how they tampered evidence to create a fake narrative.

They showed you how they run with the fake narrative to suit their purpose.

They showed you how they further damage the reputation of the victim to alleviate the responsibility of the cop in the matter and deflect to the reasons why the victim deserved to die.

They showed you how the media will use whatever they can to protect those officers. all...still trust them.

Let that sink in yo...

Seriously, I see you buying into that "dangerous negro" white lie stereotype and it sickens me. Use your head and stop trusting people that lie again and again.

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
if it was a phone, wouldn't there be a phone on the scene and not a gun?

assuming the gun was ever initially there in the first place.

You're assuming the evidence wasn't tampered with which is foolish imo...Cops planting weapons/narcotics isn't fiction, it happens all the time, that quota they keep denying exists doesn't just apply to parking tickets...It's very plausible the officer shot Martin thinking he pulled a gun on him and then they tried to cover it up by placing a gun at the scene...Hence why all those cameras being disabled is suspect as fukk...


Nov 22, 2012
Everywhere...You never there.
The "police" is a concept that is less than 200 years old. It can be changed.

this is what you don't get @Poitier ... and I respect your posting...
We're talking about humans... often white humans ... with one or more of the following...

*a lack of diversity training and/or racial diversification among there own histories and personal lives
*lack of social/ interpersonal skills
*preconceived notions about black men due to the demonization of the black man
*paranoia due to that demonization and public perception of their office
*psychological blocks concerning prejudicial treatment
*poor/working class backgrounds with no real examples of professionalism and what it means
*few options, so that's why they become police officers
*instructions to always shoot at critical mass to neutralize a threat (and in the heat of the moment "threat" becomes very subjective)
*GEDs/High School Diplomas only (nothing wrong with that, just saying)

... so you're just gonna legislate all of that away, huh?

If anything, a rigorous battery of psychological and social intelligence tests should be administered pre employment and periodically during employment with some baseline measure that has to be met....

Mandatory diversity training... in-class, and practical community policing training before patrol work begins

And a review, and remodeling of BLET standards as it pertains to the used of deadly force, especially as it pertains to usage of guns and/or weapons of high lethality ... and mandate a 3-5 year recertification on BLET and all the aforementioned trainings.

Now you can do that but,

1). Departments will likely suffer attrition because a gang of folks would not meet that baseline measure.
2). Pay would have to increase and city/town managers ain't having that, so it'd have to be put to a referendum, which will be politicized
3). Departments would struggle to recruit quality candidates
4). Police Commissioners and conservative district attorneys and state attorneys general would throw a fit...

it's really an issue for the U.S. Attorney General...

your issue is to keep your hands were their eyes can see.

Community policing as a cooperative initiative is also sorely needed, but the hood's Guardian Angels ain't walking through the door anytime soon. If that could be organized, then maybe that would help, too.


Apr 30, 2012
sadly he was not the one that got killed.. maybe you can get reddit to get his background..

trayvon martin was not shot by a cop or a white person.

and stop taking the victim mentality. nikkas know cops will be shooting on first sight. that point has been proven and won't change no matter how much protests, hip hop lyrics, role models etc etc.. so nikkas need to stop going to stores and robbing them.

again the problem goes back to faulty parenting and kids being told to hate cops, have thug mentality, it's cool to rob, make money, fukk bytches etc etc..this is what kids grow up on.

So Zimmerman isn't white because?
May 2, 2012
why do you fakkits even bother coming here.

why do nikkas always look for conspiracy theories?

to get these shooting to stop, the culture needs to change. whether you agree with me or not, the truth is the truth.

nobody gonna care that this kid died. his legacy that he left behind was a long criminal history and he was not even a full adult yet.


Jun 4, 2012
sadly he was not the one that got killed.. maybe you can get reddit to get his background..

trayvon martin was not shot by a cop or a white person.

and stop taking the victim mentality. nikkas know cops will be shooting on first sight. that point has been proven and won't change no matter how much protests, hip hop lyrics, role models etc etc.. so nikkas need to stop going to stores and robbing them.

again the problem goes back to faulty parenting and kids being told to hate cops, have thug mentality, it's cool to rob, make money, fukk bytches etc etc..this is what kids grow up on.
you say "stop taking the victim mentality"... when what I said is the exact opposite of that.

You simply use catch phrases because you don't have a real point. You just want to say " this is happening because nikkas don't act right, period"

aight, I get it.

But don't pretend that this isn't larger than that.

and fyi, the same system that doesn't procecute these police officers is also the same one that made Travon the bad guy when he was murder just for walking to the store - he wasn't "" robbing a store because his mom was out getting dikk because all black kids know to do is fukk bytches and be thugs"



Maximized Potential
May 1, 2012
Parc fermé
Good post... Let's continue this exercise tho... and dont like this because a young man is dead...

...but do fingerprints on fingers mysteriously disappear a couple hours after death? Maybe he had a gun and a cell on him, but pulled out the cell.

We need better video.
By mistake :mjpls:

On the real though, shyt's sad. No matter how it went down or the reasoning behind it, another young black life was lost and there's nothing we can do to reverse that. Changes are needed on both sides of the fence, but I fear many more lives will be lost before anything is done. I mean just look at the Jamal Crawford case and how that shyt was handled. Between that, the Eric garner and Mike Brown cases I don't see a change on the horizon anytime soon. The more this happens, the more both sides resent each other and that will only lead to more blood shed. At this point it would take something really drastic for any immediate change to go into effect. Cops are killing unarmed black men and walking away scott free while the whole world watches, so it's not like the media attention is making much of a difference any more than peaceful protests and marches. It's a big thing now so the media is making sure to cover it as it pulls numbers, but I fear it will become over saturated and they will move on to something else once everyone gets tired turning on the tv and seeing "another nikka dead". They're just gonna want it to go away. At that point brehs :snoop:
May 2, 2012
So Zimmerman isn't white because?

based on his wiki page

Zimmerman, 31, was born on October 5, 1983, in Manassas, Virginia, and is the son of Gladys (née Mesa) Zimmerman and Robert Zimmerman Sr.[1] Zimmerman is the third of four children and his siblings include a brother, Robert Jr., and two sisters, Grace and Dawn.[2][3] Gladys Zimmerman was born in Peru and has some black ancestry, through her Afro-Peruvian maternal grandfather.[2] Robert Zimmerman Sr. is an American of German descent and served 22 years in the military working for the Department of Defense for the last 10 years of his military career. Before retiring to Florida in 2002, Zimmerman Sr. had served as a magistrate in Fairfax County's 19th Judicial District.[2][4][5][6] George Zimmerman had identified himself as Hispanic on voter registration forms.[7]

he was mixed at best.. not fully white. but again, believe what you want to believe.