I'll tell you why I mentioned "race baiting". The only race of people i've ever heard or seen use the term "race baiting" is white people and it's usually TV pundits. Now focus on the
yellow highlight from your quote. If you were truly a black man like you are trying to convey you'd never use the phrase "you and many blacks"....ever. Then you slipped in the other post and said "in our black communities". I'm simply putting the pieces together that are pointing to the fact that you came on here to race bait. I never said I hate white people when i'm cool with a bunch of them...many of white i've known since 1st grade. I don't lump "all" in any category because that's not the case. Did you notice in my post you quoted i said "a lot" not "all"? A majority of people here don't have issues with white people overall. It's the police that are the focus...thus your whole race baiting argument is flawed from the outset. Cops are made up of people from all different races [white, black, asian, native american, mexican, puerto rican, and etc] just like our military so how can it be race baiting if they have an issue with a profession?
Next...I never said if what you are saying is true or not...i even said thanks for the link. What i did say is how you are conveying your information in a manner not conducive for healthy debate. By simple logic... If say Pizza is your favorite food and i gave you a slice on a clean plate; you wouldn't think twice about it and would eat it. Now if I gave you the same slice on a dirty garbage can lid you probably wouldn't eat it. It's the same pizza but presented differently so you don't accept it.
Now to point out your flaw. Cops all wear a uniform and badge [except undercovers...but they still have a badge]. If you lined up 20 cops and asked someone to pick out the bad ones you couldn't do it. That's like when i use to get off and have my military uniform on people would stop me and say "thank you for your service". People don't know what i do...have done or if I'm even a good troop. All they saw was a man in uniform, clean shaven and want to thank him just because it makes them feel better. Now do the same thing with 20 black males of various ages and i guarantee you people will begin to look at various attributes. They would look at how they are dressed, the style of their hair, the hue of their skin, if they are smiling or not and etc. The reason being is that from my experiences many white people assume you are a bad black person until you prove otherwise. I can go back to basic training and I remember a white kid saying i was a gentle giant and he thought i was mean and etc before getting to know me and a bunch of other white kids agreed with him. I can site plenty of other times where this occurred to me and other people i know or spoke to.
I'll finish with this again since it didn't stick the first time. If you, me and say
@Data-Hawk was riding together and you said you was going to rob a bank. You pull up to a bank of America, hop out and rob it and we don't stop you. We are all guilty because of the "hand of one is the hand of all" clause. So while i know it's good cops out there...the grip most people have is that the police would rather protect the bad cops knowing they are doing dirty stuff instead of getting rid of them. So if that's the case shouldn't they be guilty because that "hand of out..." clause should apply to them.
And that's not your Logic ...it's your opinion. Logic is based on science and that's not what you are doing...you are stating your opinion.
Do you really want to know my position of how I....only myself feel about cops.... just ask.