Yes quite frankly that does bother me.
It displays the level of ignorance and hate that is prevalent in our black communities.
Why demonize an entire group of individuals (police force) based on the actions of a few of those individuals?
Isn't that the EXACT same criticism we make to whites about demonizing blacks?
Oh wait Racist hate and being hypocritical does not apply to blacks when we do it.
We can hate all we want without impunity right Coli gang?
Ok...look bruh cut this foolishness out. In the other post you mentioned that people were "race baiting" and now in this one you say "It displays the level of ignorance and hate that is prevalent in our black communities." You are the only person race baiting and instigating stuff on here and to be honest need to go. I have no problem with you posting a link...thank you but the extra stuff you are doing isn't need. It's conveyed poorly and comes off as condescending and not helpful.
You want an answer to why a lot of people demonize the police...i'll give you some.
1. The Dallas cop that was just arrested for raping women. He was a 26yr vet and it took a rookie cop to out him thus meaning the cops around knew this was going on and did nothing to stop him.
2. Cop in Charleston SC was arrested for DUI and leaving scene of an accident...this is his car
3. A few years ago an NYC detective testified that they indeed practiced planting evidence on suspects to meet arrest quotas and hinted that the bad cops outnumber good ones there.
4. Also in NYC the cops shoot 2 bystanders while firing in a crowd chasing a suspect who "pointed a finger at them mimicking a gun manner" and then turned around and blamed him for them shooting the people...charging him saying he created the dangerous environment.
5. Cops in Florida claim name collapsed on his own and died exiting his vehicle. They didn't know they were being video taped by a tourist. It showed the man getting out of the car and lying down surrendering. Several cops pounced on him beating him to death.
I could keep going but i'm telling you this. If i was a witness and i withheld information knowingly i would be charged with Obstruction of justice....yet if a cop does so nothing happens. This is why a lot of people condemns all of them....because it's no way to distinguish them since they all stick together and cover up the dirt they bad ones do.
I'll give you a bonus....
This woman State trooper arrested the city cop in Florida for reckless driving and speeding over 120mph was threatened by her own peers. He claimed to be late rushing to his off duty job as the reason. They harassed her repeatedly and do you know what happened because she did her job without bias? They took her car from her and gave her a desk job.