And this is the a$$hole who is the House Rep for that district![]()
No criminal will stop doing something cuz the government banned it. Coke and heroin are banned in America and that doesn't stop the flow. YOu got criminals able to illegally access firearms and then the regular citizens not to so that gives them the opportunity to commit crimes on innocent civilians. Like look at something like a home invasion. Criminal gets a gun illegally and breaks into your home. You can't defend yourself since you don't have a gun and you better hope that the robber doesn't shoot or even kill you. A huge majority of the population, and I'm sure especially in Texas, is more interested in having guns to defend themselves and their family than to cause mass harm and casualties. Government goes around collecting all the guns and what about the ones unaccounted for and unregistered that a criminal can easily conceal in their house and later commit crimes with? People need the right to defend themselves cuz not everyone has access to the black market like those that want to cause harm do.