The world would be damn near garden of eden status if it were just females. Not even on some feminist shyt but dudes disgust me way more with their actions way more emotional.
Sexually repressed losers
Mass shootings really only happen in the us
I feel you, I've been out the country. I've seen the difference first hand. When I was in the Yucatan in Mexico, the shyt was extremely safe and quiet. So I'm on that wavelength now for a minute, America's a wrap to me.My primary reason for leaving was the constant race solider/ state sponsored killings. You got goofies shooting willy nilly and tp add to that america is the only country where some idiot can wake up and decide to kill innocent people.
There's tons of security in "dangerous" Cali Colombia never felt in any danger here.
There's less killings here and they have staright up Guerrilla Groups not far from me trying to take over the country.
We can’t say that for certain because males have been running the show for a very long time. Due to that, we don’t know the full extent of female brutality, the only group we currently have been able to see it to a degree is white women.The world would be damn near garden of eden status if it were just females. Not even on some feminist shyt but dudes disgust me way more with their actions way more emotional.
Not true. Must be ththe women you know. Me and my friends uplift women. But anyway, to your point, where are all these hateful female mass shooters?Defintely NOT. Women HATE other women.
U absolutely right but on some level i always hoped it could be healed. I don't feel that way anymore. It's built on quicksand and it's starting to collapse and ain't shyt we can do but watch.I’m so tired
It’s been sick though. This country is disgusting at its core. The rest is just marketing.
We’re (UK) a church state, so I wouldn’t say atheist. But I’m sure if you do a survey, most people are agnostic or atheist.
Anyways you’re right. We had two mass shootings in 1987 and 1996 which turned the tide on gun ownership:
Dunblane massacre - Wikipedia
Hungerford massacre - Wikipedia
Guns of all types were banned from private ownership from then: Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1997 - Wikipedia
It’s time for a strong lobbiest group to ban guns in the US:
This is one of the main reasons I laugh when idiotic US posters say I wanna be American or I’m desperate to live there lol. Nah.
America is not a civilised country.
You cannot let all these kids be killed and sit there and say “WE NEED MORE GUNS!”
That’s not true at all. All the schools here have a cop on duty everyday .Elementary schools typically have weak or no security, unlike middle and high schools. They need to change that.
dead assBrehs, keep your kids outta predominantly white schools. These cacs too dangerous.
This is stupid, how many mass shootings did you have before the ban? How big was private ownership of firearms?
There is no legal way to ‘ban guns’ without a constitutional amendment so you’re not actually contributing anything to the discussion whatsoever.
First Dave Chapelle getting attacked on stage by alphabet crew and now this. These LGBT weirdos are wilding lately. That being said though, R.I.P to the innocent victims.![]()
shooter was a treh
So if his last name was polanksi would he be polish instead of american?Lol His last name is Ramos tho...