The fukk is wrong with America 
RIP to the children and teacher

RIP to the children and teacher
This thread is going as predicted. Alot of yall weirdos
I can't unquote you with this new forumYou giving up your guns isnt going to protect you from some white kid deciding to come and shoot the store you shop at, the church you go to, the school your kid goes to, the movie theater you and your family frequent, the restaurants y'all eat at......
They will use him being Mexican to deflect from white supremacy and gun control and flip it into a immigration issue. These evil ass republicans will use the deaths of these innocents babies to twist the message , they are about to be all over TV pushing this angle when most wouldn’t even mention Buffalo.Prayers to the victims and their families. Unfortunately the media will use this to completely push the Buffalo shooting out of the news
There was a bomb threat at my middle school years back. shyt is crazy.My kids are at school right now and i would be lying if not a day goes by i dont think about there being a possible shooting at their school.
That woman he tagged should have gone to the cops. Creepy incel behavior needs to be put on blast immediately.