So who buzzed them into the studio?
Lydia. That’s the weird part about it. You wouldn’t buzz in ppl if they were wearing ski masks and you would verify their identity before letting them in.
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So who buzzed them into the studio?
We’re these guys still in the drug game after killing him? 18 years is kinda long to last in that crazy lifeCrazy that he was only 37 when he was murdered. And it is surprising that that one of his killers walked the street for so long with so many people knowing who he was. I'm square af and have gone out to ride on somebody that killed a friend of mine in the past (nothing came of it). But then again, I guess most people that knew what happened to JMJ, figured that he put himself in that position for it to happen to him. My friend's case was different. He didn't do anything to warrant being killed.
We’re these guys still in the drug game after killing him? 18 years is kinda long to last in that crazy life
Yup and the irony is that he was also a snitch in the 80’s.
Nah it's a different Big D just found it on this dude instagram two different Big D the one from Corona is the one cool with Suge and Eric B and the other Big D mentioned in this thread is cool with the jam master jay. They are two different peopleYep same guy.
Nah it's a different Big D just found it on this dude instagram two different Big D the one from Corona is the one cool with Suge and Eric B and the other Big D mentioned in this thread is cool with the jam master jay. They are two different people
so this is the same Big D from the "who killed jam-master jay" documentary??
also, is this the same Big D who was on 227 with run dmc back in the day??
pick up @ 2:45
Yes that is the same Big D from the documentary whose son is being charged with the murder, but different from the Big D being discussed in the couple posts before yours.
you know which one was on 227?? or was that another guy?? pretty common nickname.