BREAKING: Black Panther director Ryan Coogler - Banking while Black


Nov 12, 2014
just a heads up CTR’s aren’t automatically reported. Any deposit or withdrawal over 10,000 the teller is required by law to obtain your occupation, and purpose of the withdrawal or source of the deposit. For occupation, it can’t just be “business owner” or “retired”. We have to know “owner of retail clothing store business” or “retired accountant.” Most tellers don’t ask because folks react and get upset “why you asking me these questions it’s none of your business.”

The irony is that when you don’t tell us, we then file an SAR (suspicious activity report).

work for janky banks brehs :hhh::picard:

"A CTR is a form used by banks or other financial institutions for any transaction greater than $10,000. The use of this form is mandatory in most cases whether the bank customer is withdrawing or depositing the funds. These CTRs are forwarded to federal regulators in their effort to combat money laundering.

Private individuals must comply with these regulations at all times. That said, there are some exceptions to these requirements. In general, there are three types of entities that do not need to execute a CTR when they make a large transaction. These exceptions include any

  • United States bank,
  • department or agency of a state, local, or federal government, or
  • Corporation with stock traded on the New York Stock Exchange
The process for generating a CTR during a large transaction is largely automatic. Each time a bank or other financial institution is presented with a transaction of over $10,000, typical banking software will generate a CTR automatically. This software typically fills in the relevant tax data and customer information required on the form. Given that these forms are drafted by the banks themselves, they include a checkbox that gives employees an opportunity to flag it as suspicious. This would trigger a further investigation into the possibility of money laundering."

What is a Currency Transaction Report & Why Should I Know About it in Texas?
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Some branches have to request that type of money and have it ready for the customer. Small branch don’t carry that type of money, it’s not like ain’t available but you have to call ahead to have it ready, that might be the max for some branches

Coogler stated that he’d done this multiple times with no issue therefore that was clearly not the case.

And even if it WERE the case the Teller didn’t inform him of that mythological “policy” she simply REFUSED to do her job and called the police.

We can debate this in an abstract way all day but this is reality. I hope the takeaway for people, black men especially, is to stay vigilant. I shouldn't have to place my hands at 10 and 2 either when pulled over. But again it's the reality and I already know what time it is. I banked with BoA before and these fools only let you enter and exit at certain egresses at this particular branch. And whenever I mistakenly tried to enter through the wrong door lol I knew all eyez [was] on me once I got inside. Weird as hell considering how big the building was but yea.

I've had to get cashier checks for security deposits and shyt, well under 12k obviously, and was like goddamn why are yall broadcasting to the world how much it's for? So I totally get Coogler's paranoia and discretion. I’ve also had to withdraw large cash amounts and it ALWAYS put them on alert, because it is indeed unusual. Knowing that, I always have my affairs in order before going in. I think both parties could have handled this differently but ultimately I’m putting this on the bank and teller. They’re the trained professionals and escalating to the police should be a last resort. Not once did I suggest he needed to tap dance for those people.

No. Both parties could NOT have “handled things differently” because the Teller by admission DID NOT VERIFY THE IDENTIFICATION AT ALL! She did NOT do perhaps the most IMPORTANT portion of her goddamn job! She is 100% at fault in this situation.

Branch manager/assistant director checking in here:

Teller was in the wrong but I can see why she was shook. Since covid began, all types of shyt has come up that we coach and remind staff as it relates to large withdrawals. Even recently there was a group called the “Felony Lane Gang” that would break into cars, steal folks identity then come into the bank to withdraw large amounts of cash posing as the real customer. For example, these nikkas would get ahold of (using an example) Ryan’s ID, somehow generate physical ID that has Ryan’s information (probably paid off someone working at DMV) on it including drivers ID number but REPLACED Ryan’s picture with their own picture. See link just to see I ain’t making this shyt up. nikkas came away with 1.5 milly Capital Region men part of Felony Lane Gang indictment

We actually caught one of the criminals by doing something similar to what this teller did: told him we was preparing the cash etc until police arrived.

Also the classic “I did this shjt before and it was never a problem” :stopitslime:policies and procedures just never change breh? Also most bank tellers are too shook to follow policy and procedure due to fear of the customers reaction so they go to multiple places and then finally that one branch attempts to follow the procedure and customers blow up and get tight.

also the portion she mentions asking him questions, legally we have to report any transaction over 10,000 involving cash so if Ryan kept saying “look at the note” while she’s trying to obtain his occupation, and purpose of the withdrawal, I can see why she got shook.

Why is my financial institution asking me for identification and personal information?
Federal law requires financial institutions to report currency (cash or coin) transactions over $10,000 conducted by, or on behalf of, one person, as well as multiple currency transactions that aggregate to be over $10,000 in a single day. These transactions are reported on Currency Transaction Reports (CTRs). The federal law requiring these reports was passed to safeguard the financial industry from threats posed by money laundering and other financial crime. To comply with this law, financial institutions must obtain personal identification information about the individual conducting the transaction such as a Social Security number as well as a driver’s license or other government issued document. This requirement applies whether the individual conducting the transaction has an account relationship with the institution or not.
There is no general prohibition against handling large amounts of currency and the filing of a CTR is required regardless of the reasons for the currency transaction. The financial institution collects this information in a manner consistent with a customer’s right to financial privacy.

With all that being said, calling the cops prolly wasn’t necessary unless she had reason to believe he wasn’t the real Ryan which she clearly states she didn’t even attempt to ID him. UNLESS that particular branch or area was put on high alert for fraudulent large withdrawal attempts similar to what I experienced with the felony lane gang

Edit: one last comment: to the breh that mentioned “12,000 isn’t a lot of money” banks (primarily credit unions) all have limits on the cash on hand they can carry. I kno it sounds crazy to think you can’t go into a bank and take your own money but that’s the reality. Branches have limits and can only keep a certain amount of cash on hand based on their ‘assigned’ target. Anytime someone wants
More than 3k we advise folks to call ahead so we can have the cash on hand. Unless you ready to get
Mostly 20’s. This is also done for security purposes. Otherwise it sets us up to potentially be robbed if we keep endless
Amounts of cash on hand

None of this means anything. As none of it applies to this particular case as the Teller did NOT ATTEMPT TO VERIFY THE IDENTIFICATION AT ALL. You just posted a bunch of nothing.

Bottom line is she needs to be fired and so does the manager and BOA should have included that in the press release as an example to other employees of the gravity of not doing your JOB.


Dec 30, 2014
:dahell: What this nikka expect?


Why you passing notes ... you in class ? :mjlol:


Fr :dead:

nikka handed her a note on some sly shyt, prolly with his mask on too, and told her “take it somewhere else and count it discreetly” :heh:

fukk else was gonna happen?

Honestly, I can see why she thought it was a robbery.

I'm sorry but... c'mon man.

Exactly. nikkas are stupid as fukk and then try to pass it off on being black.
You run into anti money laundering, and all types of reporting requirements for sums over a certain amount.

Keep letting these white liberals and their whitewashed negro c00ns ruin your mental health for their clout. Black racial trauma is a money maker.

It’s his money in HIS checking account.

I mean, grand opening. Grand closing.


Edit - I just saw a photo of the note.... yeah I'm not sure about this one


:mjlol: Stupid.

Should have called ahead.

Besides the pocket watching and unnecessary questions that cac media is prone to ask, I really do have to ask why this nikka is handing out notes to bank tellers as if thats not a historic nono

Yea...if he doing it like that then use a withdrawal slip at least. Not no piece of paper

Nah…nah…we ain’t riding for this one

That nikka stupid for real


It's always better to get the details I guess

Look at all those c00n daps:rudy:
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Jul 17, 2013
fukk this fat mammy walrus bytch:pacspit:
. Hope that bytch got fired. Almost had that nikka killed

Dumbass bytch talking bout "good job offisah"
Apparently she’s not the one that called the police and wasn’t even the teller. If that’s true she catching way too much heat. Thanking black officers for arresting what you are under the assumption was a threat at your employment is not wrong. Was she supposed to ask the cop 21 questions then decide to thank them?


Jul 17, 2013
You guys running with a lot of misinformation

this is the teller. the old black woman getting destroyed online for no reason

Hater Eraser

Dec 31, 2016
That California Lifestyle ...
It's always better to get the details I guess all those c00n daps:rudy:

Dap fishing ..

You hella late with your “advice” and everybody including Ryan has moved on and handling biz and making money I’m sure .

Take this neg to help you get over it slowpoke



Dec 30, 2014
That was my first post in the thread
Dap fishing ..

You hella late with your “advice” and everybody including Ryan has moved on and handling biz and making money I’m sure .

Take this neg to help you get over it slowpoke


I wasnt late at all I just didnt comment unlike yourself :stopitslime:

Just make sure you get all the info next time before you run on the first page to post like a little hoe "Dap Fishin":rudy:

Hey you c00ned you c00ned shyt happens :russ: