BREAKING: Black Panther director Ryan Coogler - Banking while Black


All Star
May 22, 2012
bold line 2 for emphasis
He says he’s trying to be discreet but will then answer questions in front of everyone?

Why not just offer to do the transaction in an office? It’s not uncommon as my mother worked in banking for all my life until she retired. The hat and the mask are normal in these times… it’s not like he had on a ski mask. Plus apparently he said he’s done it plenty of times before? If he was a white guy dressed in a suit he probably wouldn’t have had this issue. Not that the girl has an issue with black people, but we all have our implicit biases


Sep 24, 2013
Move like what? Show your ID AND successfully swipe your debit + pin?

The amount of tap dancing some of yall willing to do for your own money is wild

I did this same thing for 8k few months back without issue. Mask wearing in the middle of covid and all
We can debate this in an abstract way all day but this is reality. I hope the takeaway for people, black men especially, is to stay vigilant. I shouldn't have to place my hands at 10 and 2 either when pulled over. But again it's the reality and I already know what time it is. I banked with BoA before and these fools only let you enter and exit at certain egresses at this particular branch. And whenever I mistakenly tried to enter through the wrong door lol I knew all eyez [was] on me once I got inside. Weird as hell considering how big the building was but yea.

I've had to get cashier checks for security deposits and shyt, well under 12k obviously, and was like goddamn why are yall broadcasting to the world how much it's for? So I totally get Coogler's paranoia and discretion. I’ve also had to withdraw large cash amounts and it ALWAYS put them on alert, because it is indeed unusual. Knowing that, I always have my affairs in order before going in. I think both parties could have handled this differently but ultimately I’m putting this on the bank and teller. They’re the trained professionals and escalating to the police should be a last resort. Not once did I suggest he needed to tap dance for those people.