BREAKING: Black Panther director Ryan Coogler - Banking while Black


A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
1. She sounds slow
2. She said he wouldnt answer any questions and kept saying “look at the note”. Thats hella suspicious.
3. He coulda went about this shyt 1 million different ways and avoided scaring the slow teller
4. She clearly freaked out and was scared of the situation, no need to crucify this chick.

This nikka was actin way to weird for $12k. Fill out the actual front of the deposit slip and just tell the chick verbally in a low tone “aye count my shyt in the back, I aint tryna get robbed by one of these shady atl nikkas” :mjgrin:

People love to take complex social situations and par it down to a single causation, but you’re 100% right. Both sides are at fault to various extent. I worked in a bank for 3 years as a loan officer. People don’t realize how on edge bank employees are because of the obvious occupational hazard. It just seems chill as hell because you don’t work there. You’re not in those regular meetings about safety measures and security before the bank even opens. You’re not privy to those Teams/Skype conversations that are going on as you and others conducts their transactions, but if you’re acting weird, erratic, belligerent, if you’re carrying a book bag or carry something — all that shyt is being discussed. You really think it takes all that typing to take out a couple hundred dollars :usure:? Additionally, if you fukk up and you give the wrong person money or too much money, etc. That’s your ass. You’re fired and no one is starting a Go-Fund-Me for you.

Now, Coogler is not Michael Jordan famous or something, so his behavior, his get up, the note, referencing the note when asked questions, etc., could easily be read as some erratic behavior — even if he’d done the same thing elsewhere before.

With that being said, the teller also panicked. On the whole, Coogler wasn’t trying to do anything but he seems innocently ignorant of certain bank processes and bank culture in general, but not a threat. Maybe she was on thin ice, inexperienced, or whatever; but she was definitely petrified. She should have looked at his ID and moved on from there. Sometimes, people are forced to withdraw money via bank robbing schemes or threats — but you can’t worry about that. You just have to follow your protocols.

As far as Coogler being lied to… man, that’s how the game goes. No one is going to tell you they just called the police. I’ll give y’all an example of a time we had to call the police on a dude at our bank. He’s sitting in a the lobby, young breh, probably in his mid to late 20’s. He has a yellow Dollar General bag with him, but you can’t really tell what’s in it. I bring him to my office and ask how can I help him that day? He says he wants to withdraw $40,000.00. I say cool. Do you have your ID? He provides it and I look up the name and there’s no account. I ask for his social, and there’s no account. I tell him I’m not finding an account and he opens the bag and it’s old bank statements from 7/8 years prior, and the balance in his account would be $2-3 at a given time. He says that the CEO told him to come get his money that day. Instantaneously, just growing up as a dude from around the way, I knew this was a mentally ill person and he was a potential threat. To make a long story short, he proceeds to tell me how the last people that played with his money are RIP, and how he killed one of our tellers at another location, and he’s the police and he’ll shut this shyt down. He said a lot of stuff — but he was talking BIG crazy about killing people in the bank. All the while, my manager has called the police. I’m talking to him like I’m on his side. “If you gotta shut this shyt down you gotta shut it down. I want you to have your 40k. I’m for what’s right. It’s wrong for anyone to keep your money away from you :wow:.”

I’m building a rapport with him, but also keeping him away from anyone else because I don’t know what will set him off even further nor what he has on him, but I’m intentionally close enough to him that if he moved too suddenly I’m yolking him the fukk up on my momma :wow:. This goes on for about 30 minutes. He leaves on a bike, and the police just miss him. Should we have told him we called the police? fukk no.

Anyways, I’m sure old girl got fired and Coogler will have processes in place to avoid such shyt going forward.

Toe Jay Simpson

May 12, 2012
Carmel City
People love to take complex social situations and par it down to a single causation, but you’re 100% right. Both sides are at fault to various extent. I worked in a bank for 3 years as a loan officer. People don’t realize how on edge bank employees are because of the obvious occupational hazard. It just seems chill as hell because you don’t work there. You’re not in those regular meetings about safety measures and security before the bank even opens. You’re not privy to those Teams/Skype conversations that are going on as you and others conducts their transactions, but if you’re acting weird, erratic, belligerent, if you’re carrying a book bag or carry something — all that shyt is being discussed. You really think it takes all that typing to take out a couple hundred dollars :usure:? Additionally, if you fukk up and you give the wrong person money or too much money, etc. That’s your ass. You’re fired and no one is starting a Go-Fund-Me for you.

Now, Coogler is not Michael Jordan famous or something, so his behavior, his get up, the note, referencing the note when asked questions, etc., could easily be read as some erratic behavior — even if he’d done the same thing elsewhere before.

With that being said, the teller also panicked. On the whole, Coogler wasn’t trying to do anything but he seems innocently ignorant of certain bank processes and bank culture in general, but not a threat. Maybe she was on thin ice, inexperienced, or whatever; but she was definitely petrified. She should have looked at his ID and moved on from there. Sometimes, people are forced to withdraw money via bank robbing schemes or threats — but you can’t worry about that. You just have to follow your protocols.

As far as Coogler being lied to… man, that’s how the game goes. No one is going to tell you they just called the police. I’ll give y’all an example of a time we had to call the police on a dude at our bank. He’s sitting in a the lobby, young breh, probably in his mid to late 20’s. He has a yellow Dollar General bag with him, but you can’t really tell what’s in it. I bring him to my office and ask how can I help him that day? He says he wants to withdraw $40,000.00. I say cool. Do you have your ID? He provides it and I look up the name and there’s no account. I ask for his social, and there’s no account. I tell him I’m not finding an account and he opens the bag and it’s old bank statements from 7/8 years prior, and the balance in his account would be $2-3 at a given time. He says that the CEO told him to come get his money that day. Instantaneously, just growing up as a dude from around the way, I knew this was a mentally ill person and he was a potential threat. To make a long story short, he proceeds to tell me how the last people that played with his money are RIP, and how he killed one of our tellers at another location, and he’s the police and he’ll shut this shyt down. He said a lot of stuff — but he was talking BIG crazy about killing people in the bank. All the while, my manager has called the police. I’m talking to him like I’m on his side. “If you gotta shut this shyt down you gotta shut it down. I want you to have your 40k. I’m for what’s right. It’s wrong for anyone to keep your money away from you :wow:.”

I’m building a rapport with him, but also keeping him away from anyone else because I don’t know what will set him off even further nor what he has on him, but I’m intentionally close enough to him that if he moved too suddenly I’m yolking him the fukk up on my momma :wow:. This goes on for about 30 minutes. He leaves on a bike, and the police just miss him. Should we have told him we called the police? fukk no.

Anyways, I’m sure old girl got fired and Coogler will have processes in place to avoid such shyt going forward.
This is real talk, especially the part about not knowing how it feels to work in a bank. People are always trying to come in and run game knowing that it’ll get YOU fired. Very few folks are in positions where multiple times a day a simple 5-10 min interaction if done wrong will get you straight up fired.

Same ones in here hollering c00n and wench and this and that would have done something similar and yelled out about how they weren’t gonna lose their job over no Ryan Coogler passing notes like a 4th grader

Ol girl went out bad though…whew that was a bad look. I can’t defend her, but having worked at a bank before and been passed notes, I remember thinking to myself “what the hell is this dummy thinking?”