i think your government shouldn't persecute you for your opinions.
i think there is nothing wrong with other civilians for policing your views when you would prefer to have no accountability.
i think if you're as smart as you claim to be that you shouldn't be antagonizing people who are prone to violence for reacting to your antics.
personally i don't support either side. however, i'm not going to act like one side was more right than the other. it's not mutually exclusive. they're both wrong. EQUALLY.
What does this have to do with the government persecuting people? Unless you're saying that the police by protecting civilians are enabling freedom of expression or opinions as you put it?
Though these antagonizations as you refer to them it creates an environment for a dialogue to take place in regards to racism, unfortunately some Muslims prefer wanton violence.
Seems like you want to have it every way to Sunday, Buddy.
If you believe killing people is the answer to deal with cultural differences you're an extremist and not in line with Western society.
Offending someone and killing someone aren't even remotely comparable it's asinine.
Hopefully you don't drive a drive a truck bomb into my apartment building to prove a point since a difference in opinion requires blood to be drawn according to you and the result is equally okay.