Brazilian girls Vs. Black girls in the U.S.

Steve Piffler

I got them CERTS
May 1, 2012
a more accurate comparison would be to pull random women from random places in both countries and compare them. that model vs. model shyt is :comeon:


Aug 3, 2013
Go back to lying on your sexual conquest silly.
I noted I smashed one female in new york (more than you have the past 5 years)

do you even know what a conquest is? get educated my nikka

youre bytch made and dumb as fukk, not a good combo


May 20, 2012
I am not mad at all, because black men (especially in Africa and America) need to have some "it" factor to be spotted with dimes...Yeah, we look at Mario Balotelli, and we applaud him for banging dime white women and half-white women...

But in reality, We see dudes like Mario Balotelli in the clubs getting rejected left and right, until they have no choice but to settle for the fat white woman that nobody wants, even then, dude still has to spit some game to this fat white girl, that a white boy will not even acknowledge exists...hahaha...

A small portion of the population will always prefer something "exotic," but the vast majority of women will settle for a 6ft good old white boy with blonde hair and blues, with a nice smile and a promising career...

That's just a reality...

Now, let's look at this objectively, many of the traits men want with attractive women, are not dominant in the black population...

1) Long straight hair...This is NOT an African trait...

2) Beautiful eyes...Most black women have dark brown eyes, and a very few have a lighter shade of brown...Any other variation is extremely rare...But white women have all kinds of eye colours...

3) "Light" skin...The people that were taken as slaves were mostly very dark brown people...The only group of light-skinned black women are in South Africa with the Swazi and Xhosa women...These are the only group of light skinned black women, I am willing to believe may not necessarily be a result of mixing...

All other light skinned "black" people are a mix with Middle Easterners, Europeans, Asians, Native Americans and such...

4) Variety...There are just a more obvious variety of white women than black women, we have Swedes, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian (East Europeans), Americans, and all these women have a different flavour...

But black women, it seems like no matter which country they are from, the "angry and mad woman" stereotype applies...

Of course, I may be totally wrong...But a lot of these ideas, I get from black people...Again, it maybe because Canada has such a small black population, but the way you guys laugh at black women on this site, is what I hear among black people I come in contact with, so I don't take it as "just having fun out here"...I think there is deep truth that is hard for any black person acknowledge...

I am not even going to go in on Asian women...Take away the docile and submissive demeanour, and these women have very little to offer in terms of looks...

Asian women are the LEAST beautiful women on the planet...Period.
You might be trolling but, if you aren't it's white supremacy that has fukked up your mind. Here is something I posted in another thread:

BTW, melanin is found all throughout the body not just the skin. Why it's there is the mystery that scientist are trying to figure out. I have a theory that it's there to help absorb some radiant heat that is made from the acitivity of metabolism, and helps keep everything in the body, in a proper homeostasis 24/7. I think some scientist have this same theory but, won't outright say it, because it can mean a lot of things that aren't good for those who suffer from lack of high melanin. To put it in simple words, the lighter you are, the worse off you can be health wise due to lack of consistency of metabolism in your body. This can manifest itself with mental disease or physical disease or both. This doesn't mean the lighter you are, you are automatically going to get sick but, it does mean you have to work much harder to stay healthy then a darker person would. The darker person would just need to move around, get as much sunlight as possible all over their body, and eat nutrient dense foods. The lighter person would have to do constant exercise, always eat proper foods, and have as less mental stress as they can have in their daily routine.

This is why I feel racism is not healthy from an evolutionary standpoint. If we know being darker is better health wise(please don't hit me with the vitamin d nonsense), why is being lighter more praised when it's a sign of weakness. Real light skin(to the point of almost being white), Blond hair, and blue eyes, is a sign that whoever has those traits can't deal with the elements well, yet we praise them when it should be the other way around. We praise straight hair, when it needs constant washing due to being high in oil, and water, or it will get dirty fast, and attract all type of things to it, while kinky hair won't, and doesn't need that much tending to. Don't get me wrong, I love all good people regardless of race but, these are facts that can't be denied. Racism, and white supremacy, is why we are thinking backwards. If people wanted the best for their child to be able to survive the earth's elements, they would be going crazy to look black but, that is far from the case. This means there is a bigger picture in the background of our world that is hiding a more sinister plan, that only the few who question may start to understand.

This can be why theories on whites from northern europe(1,000's of years ago not now) who were neanderthals or had a high amount of the genes in their dna, were more hostile then other groups who had less contact with them(including whites from france,spain, and other regions just north of Africa), as well as more prejudiced, and more of a patriarch society. My theory is the lack of strong sunlight caused them to slowly lose most of their melanin which in turn caused them to not retain heat well, which means an uneven metabolism, which meant constant stress. This internal stress caused them to see the world in a different way then other who bodies were designed in environments where they had abundance to light, and food. Michael bradley talks about this in depth since the 70's, and he was laughed at, now we see he may be right through science. BTW, he's white.

I wonder why didn't the people who lived in such harsh conditions just leave the area after a few years, and go down into other regions. They waited 1,000's of years before doing this but, by then they turned into some sinister people who had gotten real good at fighting, and trickery, so they conquered lands with no problem. I guess as humans when we are born into a situation we tend to think that is all there is until something forces us out of our situation."
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May 19, 2012

I feel a dime is a dime if you ask me.....I would bang the hell out of either or...but are Brazilians really shutting down sistas in the U.S. as far as looks?

Same sh*t different toilet if you ask me :manny:


May 19, 2012
Lets be honest, blacks and Asians are arguably the "ugliest" people on this planet...

Nature really didn't bless them with "good" features...Take away all the non-African genes in the American Black population, and 99% of these so called "black" dimes will not exist...


^^^Are these two mixed? :stopitslime: I swear some of you nikkaz are a computer generated program, 'cause I don't meet people like y'all in real life :mindblown:

Steve Piffler

I got them CERTS
May 1, 2012


^^^Are these two mixed? :stopitslime: I swear some of you nikkaz are a computer generated program, 'cause I don't meet people like y'all in real life :mindblown:

here we go again with the model comparison. you can't get an accurate comparison if you keep using the CREAM OF THE CROP. post some REGULAR everyday chicks.


May 19, 2012
I am not mad at all, because black men (especially in Africa and America) need to have some "it" factor to be spotted with dimes...Yeah, we look at Mario Balotelli, and we applaud him for banging dime white women and half-white women...

But in reality, We see dudes like Mario Balotelli in the clubs getting rejected left and right, until they have no choice but to settle for the fat white woman that nobody wants, even then, dude still has to spit some game to this fat white girl, that a white boy will not even acknowledge exists...hahaha...

A small portion of the population will always prefer something "exotic," but the vast majority of women will settle for a 6ft good old white boy with blonde hair and blues, with a nice smile and a promising career...

That's just a reality...

Now, let's look at this objectively, many of the traits men want with attractive women, are not dominant in the black population...

1) Long straight hair...This is NOT an African trait...

2) Beautiful eyes...Most black women have dark brown eyes, and a very few have a lighter shade of brown...Any other variation is extremely rare...But white women have all kinds of eye colours...

3) "Light" skin...The people that were taken as slaves were mostly very dark brown people...The only group of light-skinned black women are in South Africa with the Swazi and Xhosa women...These are the only group of light skinned black women, I am willing to believe may not necessarily be a result of mixing...

All other light skinned "black" people are a mix with Middle Easterners, Europeans, Asians, Native Americans and such...

4) Variety...There are just a more obvious variety of white women than black women, we have Swedes, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian (East Europeans), Americans, and all these women have a different flavour...

But black women, it seems like no matter which country they are from, the "angry and mad woman" stereotype applies...

Of course, I may be totally wrong...But a lot of these ideas, I get from black people...Again, it maybe because Canada has such a small black population, but the way you guys laugh at black women on this site, is what I hear among black people I come in contact with, so I don't take it as "just having fun out here"...I think there is deep truth that is hard for any black person acknowledge...

I am not even going to go in on Asian women...Take away the docile and submissive demeanour, and these women have very little to offer in terms of looks...

Asian women are the LEAST beautiful women on the planet...Period.

:ehh: You don't sound like a troll, so I respect your opinion. but conversely my dude, let's look at the features not found in Caucasians:

1) Full round ass. There isn't one country I've been too where this isn't a preferred trait (I've been to 22). Honestly, it shocked me how popular a big ass is, especially in Asia.

2) Full lips

3) Full breasts

4) Tanned/brown skin. Yes, of course black skin isn't that popular outside of black ethnic groups, but with the exception of Southeast Asia, lily white skin isn't a prized possession either.

Anybody talking about Asian women not being hot has never been to Japan, Vietnam, Korea, etc. I'm assuming your white, you should know your fellow brethren are known hound dogs for Asian women. I saw 3 interracial marriages when I was there between European men and Asian women.


carlos danger
Jun 18, 2012
This thread is comedy:lolbron:

But whoever said that the women in the OP are 6-7 or w/e, and that goes for both groups, is a fukking liar.:stopitslime:I'm tired of all of you, "Oh, I've been with much better" ass cats.


They arent dimes b.

6-7 above avg.

Which means better than avg.

Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
Lets be honest, blacks and Asians are arguably the "ugliest" people on this planet...

Nature really didn't bless them with "good" features...Take away all the non-African genes in the American Black population, and 99% of these so called "black" dimes will not exist...

A mixed of black/asians is probably one of the most beautiful combinations.


Dade County carol city
Apr 30, 2012
Carol city
Kill yourself.
It's just an opinion...

I just think the most beautiful people are white people...White people are the reason why other races look good...Have ever seen the Native people of the Americas, Africa, Australia, Asian and etc, before white people introduced their genes in those populations...?

The reason dudes salivate over Latinas, Brazilians, Light Skinned "black" women is because of the white genes that were introduced in the Americas...

I am not saying this in a negative way...I am just saying it is the reality of the world in which we live...

I would marry a black or Asian woman...NO PROBLEM...But I just believe finding dimes in those races is rare...That's why you don't often see dime black women with average Joe black guys, but it could be because Canada only has a small black population...

But the way black dudes complain about their own women's looks, how can what I am stating be considered extreme...?
. :laff:


Jun 24, 2013
NULL we go with the dumb shyt...

1). "Brazilian" is NOT a race. You put up a picture of white women, who happened to be from the country Brazil, and asked if they look better that Black American women...those who look exactly like you (assuming you're also black American...or just black for that matter). If this were a doll test you would fail miserably. Some of you ninjas on this site are just plain stupid. :what:Maybe my eyesight is bad, but ONLY one of the women in the picture on the right even looks like she has any African ancestry.

2). It would have made more sense for you to pick a picture of "black" women from Brazil to compare to black American women. Even then it would be an unfair comparison because racially, "black" women from Brazil have a great deal of admixture.

3). Your sperm (again assuming you are black) is going to more likely produce the picture on the left (in terms of offspring). Even if you mix you're sperm with another race of woman's eggs, it will likely NOT resemble the picture on the right, which is the product of WHITE MEN. So, to say the picture on the right is more appealing to you than the picture on the left is to say you hate yourself and what you will produce. :snoop:
All these threads are basically about "which skin complexion is better?" Like you said, most these dudes would fail the doll test.


Oct 17, 2012
I am not mad at all, because black men (especially in Africa and America) need to have some "it" factor to be spotted with dimes...Yeah, we look at Mario Balotelli, and we applaud him for banging dime white women and half-white women...

But in reality, We see dudes like Mario Balotelli in the clubs getting rejected left and right, until they have no choice but to settle for the fat white woman that nobody wants, even then, dude still has to spit some game to this fat white girl, that a white boy will not even acknowledge exists...hahaha...

A small portion of the population will always prefer something "exotic," but the vast majority of women will settle for a 6ft good old white boy with blonde hair and blues, with a nice smile and a promising career...

That's just a reality...

Now, let's look at this objectively, many of the traits men want with attractive women, are not dominant in the black population...

1) Long straight hair...This is NOT an African trait...

2) Beautiful eyes...Most black women have dark brown eyes, and a very few have a lighter shade of brown...Any other variation is extremely rare...But white women have all kinds of eye colours...

3) "Light" skin...The people that were taken as slaves were mostly very dark brown people...The only group of light-skinned black women are in South Africa with the Swazi and Xhosa women...These are the only group of light skinned black women, I am willing to believe may not necessarily be a result of mixing...

All other light skinned "black" people are a mix with Middle Easterners, Europeans, Asians, Native Americans and such...

4) Variety...There are just a more obvious variety of white women than black women, we have Swedes, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian (East Europeans), Americans, and all these women have a different flavour...

But black women, it seems like no matter which country they are from, the "angry and mad woman" stereotype applies...

Of course, I may be totally wrong...But a lot of these ideas, I get from black people...Again, it maybe because Canada has such a small black population, but the way you guys laugh at black women on this site, is what I hear among black people I come in contact with, so I don't take it as "just having fun out here"...I think there is deep truth that is hard for any black person acknowledge...

I am not even going to go in on Asian women...Take away the docile and submissive demeanour, and these women have very little to offer in terms of looks...

Asian women are the LEAST beautiful women on the planet...Period.

It's just an opinion...

I just think the most beautiful people are white people...White people are the reason why other races look good...Have ever seen the Native people of the Americas, Africa, Australia, Asian and etc, before white people introduced their genes in those populations...?

The reason dudes salivate over Latinas, Brazilians, Light Skinned "black" women is because of the white genes that were introduced in the Americas...

I am not saying this in a negative way...I am just saying it is the reality of the world in which we live...

I would marry a black or Asian woman...NO PROBLEM...But I just believe finding dimes in those races is rare...That's why you don't often see dime black women with average Joe black guys, but it could be because Canada only has a small black population...

But the way black dudes complain about their own women's looks, how can what I am stating be considered extreme...?

Now I will agree that most women will settle for a 6ft white dude but I think it's because other etnicities play into the stereotype of black men or there generations influence them not to date black men so I don't think it's all based off the fact there just not attracted to them there's other factors that play into it. I'm a brown skin black dude and I will say that the most women that I attract are white women and half the time they approach me and there not the fat one's either and I'm also from Toronto btw.