Who cares if you're not white? You certainly are taking on their thinking with this new age thought process of overlooking any and everything. Doesn't change the fact that you just put on a corny false equivalence display of grabbing for any monkey reference and applying it here.
I agree that this was a reach by Boogie. I'm just glad an athlete has that level of concern.
So you agree it was a reach then by Boogie? I'd take it a step further and say it was a gross false equivalence on his part. I'd also say my thinking being in harmony with cacs on overlooking everything is quite the opposite. My thinking on this matter is not caring what they think, and if they're ignorant enough to see a humorous connection between monkeys associated with Chinese culture and Black History month, that's on them. Myself personally, I'm not so sensitive that I'm going to play into something that retarded. This was definitely something to be overlooked because there was nothing to see unless one forces himself to see something that isn't there. It's all really humorous to me TBH.

Now don't mind me, I'm going to listen to every Sean P album except Monkey Bars, because during the month of February it makes one a c00n to listen to that project. Every other month of the year is fine. RIP Sean P!!!