Bloodborne OT [The Old Hunters DLC Out NOW!]


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
To those that beat the game. Obviously put responses in spoilers.

Who was the hardest boss?

What was the most annoying enemy?

What armor and weapon did you rock with mostly?

What was your most maxed stat/playstyle?

Hardest Boss: Not sure on the hardest boss. Honestly I'd say Gherman can be kind've a pain in the ass because his attacks stay locked on you in a semi-unfair way. He essentially can suck you into his combo even with very well timed rolls. And he's almost impossible to stagger after he transforms. Still beatable though.

Most Annoying Enemy: This has to go to the guys that suck insight from you then spam that ring that traps you so they can do it again. I prolly yelled at my screen for these mothafukkas more than any other enemy :snoop:

What Armor and Weapon?: I rocked with The Crow Armor prolly the most. I ended up switching a lot depending on resistances for certain bosses though, and mixed and matched a few times. Henryks Armor was cool, Executioner set was cool, Cainhurst Armor was cool.

I rocked with Ludwigs holy blade mainly cause I got used to it and put all my fortifications into it. By the time I got to a blood rock it was +9 so I had to make that bytch +10. With the blood gems I have this thing is a beast. Plus I would use the empty phantasm shell to add electricity too it. I mostly rocked with the repeating pistol and ludwigs rifle or whatever on the gun side.

Most maxed stat playstlye: I decided when choosing my character at the beginning to do a strength/vitality build. So my vitality bar was pretty high and pretty high strength. This left me needing endurance a few times throughout my play-through though and had me wishing I had dedicated more to endurance. My playstyle was heavy damage and tanking to a degree because of this. I had to really manage my endurance. Apparently there is a covent gem that increases your endurance refill time too that I missed, that would've been nice. On my new game + Im going to pump points into endurance and arcane so I can roll more and use all of the magic tool items, because I can only use a few right now.

Hardest boss for me was the cleric beast. I didn't upgrade any and I had to get back into the swing of things. Wasnt used to playing with no shield yet.

Most annoying enemy was that damn thing that kept hitting you with the invisible spears :stopitslime: I just ran past those most of the time

My favorite weapon was ludwigs holy blade, I got it all the way up to +9. That transformation combo :ohlawd:
Armor didn't seem to matter much in this one. I went with the one I thought looked the best which was the wolf outfit

My most maxed stat was endurance at 35. I was able to complete 3 full combos and a dodge with ludwigs blade before resting


Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
Hardest boss for me was the cleric beast. I didn't upgrade any and I had to get back into the swing of things. Wasnt used to playing with no shield yet.

Most annoying enemy was that damn thing that kept hitting you with the invisible spears :stopitslime: I just ran past those most of the time

My favorite weapon was ludwigs holy blade, I got it all the way up to +9. That transformation combo :ohlawd:
Armor didn't seem to matter much in this one. I went with the one I thought looked the best which was the wolf outfit

My most maxed stat was endurance at 35. I was able to complete 3 full combos and a dodge with ludwigs blade before resting
Those fukking guys in the last area that inflict frenzy on you? yea they might actually be more annoying that the insight stealing guys. I bought a bunch've sedatives just to get through that little bridge with them. Also the Crow Armor has really good frenzy resist, gives you more time before you get full frenzied. You can also stealth if you walk without running and stay behind those rocks. But yea :pacspit: @ those dudes
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May 3, 2012
( o Y o )
To those that beat the game. Obviously put responses in spoilers.

Who was the hardest boss?

What was the most annoying enemy?

What armor and weapon did you rock with mostly?

What was your most maxed stat/playstyle?

Hardest Boss: Not sure on the hardest boss. Honestly I'd say Gherman can be kind've a pain in the ass because his attacks stay locked on you in a semi-unfair way. He essentially can suck you into his combo even with very well timed rolls. And he's almost impossible to stagger after he transforms. Still beatable though.

Most Annoying Enemy: This has to go to the guys that suck insight from you then spam that ring that traps you so they can do it again. I prolly yelled at my screen for these mothafukkas more than any other enemy :snoop:

What Armor and Weapon?: I rocked with The Crow Armor prolly the most. I ended up switching a lot depending on resistances for certain bosses though, and mixed and matched a few times. Henryks Armor was cool, Executioner set was cool, Cainhurst Armor was cool.

I rocked with Ludwigs holy blade mainly cause I got used to it and put all my fortifications into it. By the time I got to a blood rock it was +9 so I had to make that bytch +10. With the blood gems I have this thing is a beast. Plus I would use the empty phantasm shell to add electricity too it. I mostly rocked with the repeating pistol and ludwigs rifle or whatever on the gun side.

Most maxed stat playstlye: I decided when choosing my character at the beginning to do a strength/vitality build. So my vitality bar was pretty high and pretty high strength. This left me needing endurance a few times throughout my play-through though and had me wishing I had dedicated more to endurance. My playstyle was heavy damage and tanking to a degree because of this. I had to really manage my endurance. Apparently there is a covent gem that increases your endurance refill time too that I missed, that would've been nice. On my new game + Im going to pump points into endurance and arcane so I can roll more and use all of the magic tool items, because I can only use a few right now.

I just beat the One Reborn so I haven't beaten the game yet but I'll pitch in.

Hardest Boss: Father G easily. I had the worst time wit this guy. I kept using the music box thing and he kept destroying me cuz he transforms faster wit the music. Soon as I stopped using the box I beat him. I died 8 times with him though, the most from any boss.

Most annoying Enemies: Fly head dudes in the area you fight Rom, box of limbs/skeleton dudes that swarm you in Unseen Village and the giant wit Fire hands in Lecture building.

Fav Armor/Weapon: Don't have a fav armor cuz I mix it up depending on where I'm at and the enemy but I do prefer Father G's gear. Fav weapon is Tonitrus. As I stated before in this thread I killed Rom, Martyr and Shadow of Yharnam easy wit this weapon.


May 1, 2012
I memorized all forms and fought the boss like 10 times in a row, was able to do it with only using 3 potions :lolbron:

I kept my save from before the fight cause fukk playing the game 3 times to get each ending. So I would fight him, then just copy from usb and overwrite my file to fight him again.

Don't wanna spoil anything else. But if you can memorize when and where you can parry, and what attacks to just get the fukk outta dodge for, it should be possible with no healing items. I'd say it's easily the most challenging boss in the game though, at least imo.

Hardest part is timing the parry window. You pretty much have to parry though. I also equipped a rune that gives me 200 hp back for each successful visceral attack. Don't know if that's cheating in your book :laff:
Visceral attacks are part of the Game. Better then potions because at least you earned the benefits of the visceral attack.


Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
Amazing fan theory on the plot, gameplay, and lore

Don't read unless you've beaten the game (completely beat ehem)

This story and universe are amazing. He could be wrong about certain things, but it makes sense to me

----------Basic plot+gameplay elements:
> The game takes place in 1 night (afternoon->dawn).
Time passes not in real time because gameplay and casuals needing 6 hoous for Cleric Beast.
Or in that world time just passes realy slowly. Doesn't really matter.

> There is tainted blood and successful blood.
Tainted/Failed blood makes you a beast. Successful blood gives you partial control over the beast plaque and progressively "evolves" you.
That's why Leveling UP is about collecting tainted blood and dominating it.
(Same way you collected ownerless Souls and made them yours in DeS)

> In the opening you see a blood beast coming close to you.
It represents the plaqued-tainted blood in you, which is trying to take control of/ dominate you.
However it is repeled by "alien" looking babies, which represent the succesful blood infused to you by Gehrman.

> The Hunter (you) is still a beast after the transfusion but different from the plaqued ones since you are in control of the blood
hence the smell, the blood tricks, beast hand during visceral attacks and enhanced combat abilities.

> During a visceral attack look closely to your hand. It takes the form of a werewolf hand.

> Insight is a creative and well-thought mechanic. It says it grows eyes inside you. Basically it means that :
1. It gives you Perception of yourself and surroundings
2. It grants you Understanding on the Great Ones' existence and knowledge
3. Make you go mortally crazy (frenzy) because of the surreal and sudden knowledge you gain in your journey
4. It allows you to mentally imagine and create things in the real world
*** Insight represents your overall experience and mental growth (more of this later)
which allows you to see, understand, imagine and create in the physical world***

> Successful blood seems to contain Quicksilver. That's why you can convert blood to quicksilver bullets - You actually extract the Quicksilver from your blood.
Also the Great Ones' basic essense seems to be Quicksilver instead of Carbon humans are.
This greatly explains the pale-white colour of the intro "babies" and all Great Ones share.
(Wet Nurse is hooded, The Reborn and Moon Presence are artificial and not Original Great Ones,
Rom is fought in a pale-white liquid lake which isn't water)

> The Dream world is an artificial world created with Insight by Gehrman and the Choir. (will show you why)
When you die, you body loses the blood it collected but it heals and your consciousness returns to the dream world.
The infused successful blood you got in the start is what connects you to it.
In that place you can use Blood and Insight you amassed to create things in the physical world that wouldn't normally exist.
Complicated to create and uncommon items need Insight. Blood is for simpler items.

----------World Events in order:

> In ancient times the Great Ones came to this world.
They came from the "Cosmos" which could mean outer-space or another dimension.
However, a text in-game says: "The cosmos and the skies are the same"
This points to space and that the Great Ones are quicksilver based aliens.

> The ancient civilization Pthumeria
-Pthumeria was an ancient civilization ruled by Queen Yharnam
long before the city of Yharnam existed (Pthumeria sounds like Sumeria? *wink wink*)
- It was populated by Sumerians err...Pthumerians, an ancient race of people who truly understood the Truth of the Great Ones.
- Queen Yharnam was the medium/representative of the Great Ones (Choir discovered a medium, though she’s the only likely candidate).
- The Great Ones wanted children-hosts. Queen Yharnam was the 1st attempt at making a Great Child
but her baby died and she failed to deliver.
- Eventually the Pthumerians retreated into a deep labyrinth,
with their holy chalices being the actual keys to their ancient rituals and various areas in the Labyrinth.

> After a long time (thousands of years?) the City of Yharnam is built where Pthumeria existed.

> The new Yharnamites escavated the old ruins and found the Deep Labyrinth of Pthumerians.

> The Academy of Byrgenwerth is created to study the Labyrinth and the Great Ones in there.
- They discover the effects on mixing blood with the Great Ones.
- The discovery lead some to madness and start to creat an artificial Great One (The One Reborn).
- Some scientist escape the maddening Academy and create the Healing Church in Yhrnam bringing the Chalices with them.
- They declare the Academy and the woods "Forbidden"

> The Choir is formed (highest order of Clerics) in the Healing Church and start experiments with the blood and the Chalices.
Their goal is understanding the Great Ones and gain their abilities.
- This leads to the Ashen Blood Plaque, a poison so powerfull even antidotes were useless.
- The Church desperately burns Yharnam and everyone in it.

> Central Yharnam is build next to the Old-Burnt Yharnam.
- The experiments continue and now it leads to the beast plaque.
- The Choir creates the order of Hunters to kill the beasts and prevent the disease from spreading
- Gehrman is one of the very first hunters if not the 1st. Gehrman creates the workshop where Hunters create their weapons.
- Hunters use altered beast blood to enhance themselves and combat the beasts. (Like Dragon Age darkspawn blood and Wardens)

> The Blood Ministration is founded: The art of using blood for healing.
- The church used it for every illness. The pungent cocktail suggests that it even replaced alcohol in Yharnam for how intoxicating it was.
- The church rose quickly to incredible prestige for the healing qualities of the blood.
- However they still couldn't cure the beast plaque. Neither stop its spreading.
> The Orphanage is founded
- Children were abducted from the streets of Yharnam and experimented upon to become hosts for the Great Ones.
- This lead to the Celestial Emissary Great One returning to the world.

> Cainhurst wants and starts to experiment with blood themselves
- They hunt and kill Hunters and take their blood
- Their Queen (Annalise) becomes immortal and wats to create a Great Child too (Blood Child)
- The Choir responds with sending Lagarius and his Executioners to purge them.
- Annalise is immortal so Lagarius still stands guard in front of her.

> Situations is out of control
- Hunters slowly become beasts themselves
- Yharnamites start to help the Hunters in their hunt and get infected too.
- Ludwig and some fellow hunters leave the old Hunter order to create more powerfull and forbidden weapons
- Ludwig is considered the first hunter of the new order.

> The "Hunters of Hunters" order kills the hunters that have become beasts (Eileen in among them)

> Yharnam is in ruins full of beasts

> The Choir makes a breakthrough. They make themselves the Moon Presence Great One.
(The Heling church = The Choir = created hunters = beckoned hunters = What Moon Presence does)
- With Insight (=God Knowledge) and Gehrman they create the Hunter's Dream.
- Gehrman acts as a guide for new Hunters.
- Their new goals are 1. Purge beasts 2. Find a way so the rest of humanity can follow them as celestial hosts.
- Every Red Moon they impregnate women to create children hosts
- Female Hunter MC won't get impregnated because of the beast repelent blood she received at the beginning.

> Submitting to Gehrman:
- You have total control of the beast plaque and you repaid the Choir by hunting failed experiments.
- Gehrman congratulates you and cuts your connection to the Hunter's Dream.
- You wake up at dawn free of the disease.

> Kill Gehrmang
- You take his place as guide for future hunters
- The Choir/Moon Presence accept you among them

> Kill the Choir/Moon Presence
- You have consumed Umbilical Cords which are parts of other Child Hosts
- You have reached a state to be a Great One yourself
- The Choir feels threatened the same way they disapproved Annalise's plan in Cainhurst
- Once you destroy them you become the 1st natural successful host and successor to the knowledge of the Great Ones
- You can rightfully lead humanity to the next step of evolution

(That's why submitting your life is the relatively "good" ending)



Return of the G
May 1, 2012
Mobile, AL
What's wrong with it? Too much healing and fights too long?

I read they did so many healing items because they expected people to use blood bullet more frequently, which would obviously require healing.

Just takes too long to find people sometimes. It has been getting better recently tho


Dreams and Nightmares
Oct 12, 2012
In the Cloud
These chalice dungeons are :whew:

On the Loran Chalice, Depth 4...shyt is real in here. Not for the casual. Best part is, you can bank some serious echos in this dungeon. Couple more layers and I will have the mat's to do that Defiled Chalice run.

If anyone sleeping on the chalices, go at it, good loot\rewards and a nice break from the story mode.


Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
These chalice dungeons are :whew:

On the Loran Chalice, Depth 4...shyt is real in here. Not for the casual. Best part is, you can bank some serious echos in this dungeon. Couple more layers and I will have the mat's to do that Defiled Chalice run.

If anyone sleeping on the chalices, go at it, good loot\rewards and a nice break from the story mode.
I've only done pthumerian and lower pthumerian so far.

Def fun though.


Return of the G
May 1, 2012
Mobile, AL
These chalice dungeons are :whew:

On the Loran Chalice, Depth 4...shyt is real in here. Not for the casual. Best part is, you can bank some serious echos in this dungeon. Couple more layers and I will have the mat's to do that Defiled Chalice run.

If anyone sleeping on the chalices, go at it, good loot\rewards and a nice break from the story mode.

The defiled dungeons :mjcry:


Dreams and Nightmares
Oct 12, 2012
In the Cloud
In the Loran Chalice Dungeon I got the
Beast Claws
. Not a ranged weapon, but if you caught in a mob, they go HAM on the enemies.


May 1, 2012

How'd I know IGN would be on some shyt like this :snoop:

He's entitled to his opinion but damn. Only outlet without a review up yet :laff:


12 HOURS!???!??? :mindblown:
These fukking casuals make me so sick brUh.

How are you a gamé review sité and have no elite gamers in your camp. They should have hardcore gamers reviewing hardcore games and giving disclaimers to consumers about the level of skill and difficulty required. it's not the game it's you...


All Star
Dec 13, 2012
Anyone have any tips for getting co op to work? Me and a freind can never connect... where within the 10 level limit and both of are connections are open:francis:

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
These chalice dungeons are :whew:

On the Loran Chalice, Depth 4...shyt is real in here. Not for the casual. Best part is, you can bank some serious echos in this dungeon. Couple more layers and I will have the mat's to do that Defiled Chalice run.

If anyone sleeping on the chalices, go at it, good loot\rewards and a nice break from the story mode.
i'm on that labrynth chalice or whatever it's called. i'm on layer 3 and I aint gettin no type of blood echo's. even for boss battles i'm hardly gettin shyt.:beli: