Black women effect on TikTok trending…thoughts

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
Did you or would you let your wife "makeover" You?

Hell do you ever tell your wife what she could do to look more attractive? Or would that get you cussed out?

This thread was about white boys being white and their Black wives attempting to give them "swag" so the implication is that they just had to be white/

One of the old ass Black wives has a dating service for Black women looking to get with non Black dudes.

This is not the *Divorced) Christelyn Karazin
This X 1000.
Aug 16, 2017
This is partly true. I mentioned Elliot Rodger because when his videos were making the rounds in the news, in many of them, he highlighted the money he had, his car, his "sophisticated" look, his class, and so on in addition to being nice. So even he was aware he needed a bunch of stuff to get women. The problem is the entitlement they have. The entitlement comes from thinking that women are a math equation when they really aren't. To men, 1+1 = 2. To women, 1+1 = ❤️. The sooner men understand that women aren't math equations, the sooner they can stop expecting them to operate under specific rules and thus, stop doing things to try and make women act under these rules and instead do things for the sake of self-improvement. Men will only understand that when people stop lying to them.

I do think they are calling out all men, in the same manner much of feminism's grievances with men are directed at all men. The problem is, we see black women using these talking points, which is fair sometimes, but unfair most times because many complaints that can be lodged towards white men, can't really be directed towards black men. The problem with intersectionality.

Who is going for dudes just because they are just nice? The problem I see is that a lot of people are being lied to. Even women are being lied to. The group in bold was lied to and instead of being taught balance, they tilted things into too far another direction. They weren't told that the high value prince of a man that they wanted is also wanted by other women and thus to win him out, they would need to do more than look pretty. They weren't told that the danger of not approaching and relying on first look is that that is what men will value first since that is what you led in with and thus to make him value you more for just your looks, you'd have to impress him with something else as well because if not, all he will see is your looks and all he will think is with his dikk and that will lead him astray instead of staying put, so many weren't told that relationships are more than a man's campaign. Like you said, it involves work. From both the man and the woman.

The rest of the post sounds like you agree with me. Relationships are not math equations. When he try to make them sound like one, we sound no different than the redpill people that we denounce.

I guess I shouldn’t have said nice. I mean just because you treat a woman right, doesn’t mean she is going to want you. But if you get to the point you’re treating her any way, you should have been able to measure her level of interest in you in the first place.
Aug 16, 2017
Why not get with the black nerdy guy and do this with him? :why:
They are. That just isn’t a tik tok trend. And those nerdy black men most likely are educated, have good jobs, and treat those women very well. Brehs just want to blame everyone else but themselves for their problems.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Being told all you have to do is be nice is the wrong advice. Looks matter. If they didn’t, the men wouldn’t be getting makeovers. Men in relationships aren’t incels. You have to develop a personality, be interesting, and often times, have some money. I’m not talking 6 figures, but if you’re not doing at least 75K, women aren’t going to want you as a prospective husband. So whoever told you being nice is enough, was lying. Relationships require work, and effort. You can’t do things at the beginning, then switch up, and still expect her to stay loyal to you. You have to put in EFFORT, and so does she. There are going to be disagreements. No marriage is perfect. We have thread after thread about this. You need looks, and personality, and you have to spend money. What activities are those men doing in those videos? What locations are they in? Incels of any race are the only ones who think all you need is being nice.

And stop thinking white women don’t put down white men. They are going off on their men too. The difference is, they just say MEN. But you know the men they deal with, are primarily WHITE. It’s just that white people view themselves as the default humans, so when they say men, they don’t specify white. The man vs bear was created by WHITE WOMEN talking about WHITE MEN. The men in successful relationships of all races have something going for themselves, other than being nice, and treating her right. And stop acting like you never see average black men in relationships, or married. Just because you think he’s average, doesn’t mean she thinks he’s average.

Finally, I’m married to a beautiful black woman, and most of y’all aren’t. I’ve admitted many times I used to PAWG heavy when I was younger. When I realized that wasn’t the path, I had no problem finding attractive black women to date. Someone can be attractive, have a good personality, have money, but not meet the right person. This is what both men and women don’t get. Y’all swear these single women over 35 having something wrong with them, or too high standards. How successful would a marriage be if they just settled for someone who was nice? Qualities don’t make that particular person the right person FOR YOU. You can be good on paper, that doesn’t automatically make you the right person for every person you want, or who wants you. There needs to be chemistry. Sometimes, looks don’t matter, because you have a natural chemistry with someone. Looks just give you more options, and more opportunities to date people you find attractive. It’s not easy for anyone of any race to find a spouse. And once you get married, you still have to put the work in.
Nicely said. However the bear vs man trend was actually started by a BM.
Jun 15, 2022
Why not get with the black nerdy guy and do this with him? :why:
As far as social media goes, I never see nerdy black men in relationship. At least with attractive women. Even the ones claiming they don’t have problem pulling black women are either single or hugging up on women that outweigh them by at least 60 pounds.

Max Power

Mar 23, 2013
The right way, the wrong way and the Max Power way
Finally, I’m married to a beautiful black woman, and most of y’all aren’t. I’ve admitted many times I used to PAWG heavy when I was younger.
From PAWGer to Queen Mama Afrika Goddess simp :mjlol:

You don't need to overcompensate anymore with your aggressive simping and forced contrarian attitude anymore. You married a black woman, it's cool. Time to let that guilt go.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Are physically fit, financially stable black men looking at these women, and saying, “She could have a good heart, let me get her in the gym, and turn her into the woman I want”????


No men regardless of race are turning women they don’t find attractive into the women they want, just because she might have a nice personality.
If the obesity rates are higher in certain demographics, we need to address that part.
Black male marriages to hispanic women account for 4 percent of BM interracial marriages.

If you want to assume this 4 percent are all hispanic women who identify as black and not the standard indigenous/white Maria mix that will knock the 24 percent down to 20.

Really its probably 1 percent of that 4 percent but that would just he a guesstimate of what i see eyeballing couples around l.a county. Ill tell you this. Ive lived in l.a for almost 25 years and black man black hispanic [who looks like a black woman] woman is an outlier based on what you see in hot spots around the county
From where did you the number 4%?

This is the more recent publication, btw I made a mistake. It’s 6 million not 25 million.

And though most Afro-Latinos identify as Hispanic or Latino, not all do so, according to new Pew Research Center estimates based on a survey of U.S. adults conducted from November 2019 to June 2020.”

From the many conversations I have had with many Black men, going back to early this century. I know most Black men prefer a Latina over anything white or Asian. The white thing is overhyped!

To my knowledge LA has barely an Afro-Latino population, with the exception of the Belizean demographic. Btw, I do have family in LA (never met them).

You have not confirmed if this was the right publication I cited.

But the publication clearly stated what I figured it would be. And the more recent publication I cited only confirmed that I am most likely right, in how they look at the Black Latino population.


“For the first time, the decennial census in 2020 prompted all respondents to provide detailed race and ethnicity responses. We also made improvements to question design, coding and processing, following extensive research and feedback from stakeholders and subject matter experts on detailed race and ethnicity reporting.

One of the improvements was using a combined Hispanic Origin and Race Code List for coding data from the ethnicity and race questions. By combining the code lists, we expanded the number of groups that could be coded in each question. For example, if someone reported their detailed Hispanic origin response in the race question, we were easily able to code it because all detailed Hispanic origin groups are included in the newly combined code list.

Our improvements include adding distinct codes for the specific responses of Afro-Latino and of Garifuna, also known as Garinagu, allowing for the tabulation of the number of people who provided these specific terms in response to the ethnicity question. With the release of the 2020 Census Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File A (Detailed DHC-A), those counts are now available.

The U.S. Census Bureau recognizes that the Afro-Latino population is not limited to people who responded by providing the specific terms of Afro-Latino or Garifuna within their responses to the ethnicity question. The primary way of deriving counts for the Afro-Latino population is by tabulating those who identified as Hispanic or Latino in the ethnicity question and identified as Black or African American in the race question. Respondents could identify as Hispanic or Latino and Black or African American in many ways – by checking multiple boxes and/or writing in specific identities. In this paper, we present three different ways of tabulating Afro-Latino responses.

Again, the Census Bureau used stakeholder feedback to determine how to code Afro-Latino and Garifuna responses, and we plan to continue engaging stakeholders as we prepare for the 2030 Census.”

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King Poetic

The D.O.G.( Disciple of God)
Feb 15, 2013
Executive Chair Of The West
I would literally treat these type of sisters as pure damage goods..

Can u image the hate from not only social media dummies, but from the amanda seales , the phony DL Hughley types who would go crazy if u see black men literally showing before getting with a black man to after being with a black man how a white woman look..

Social media has been a disaster


Feb 16, 2017
I guess I shouldn’t have said nice. I mean just because you treat a woman right, doesn’t mean she is going to want you. But if you get to the point you’re treating her any way, you should have been able to measure her level of interest in you in the first place.
Yes in this case if the chick is a divestor there's no changing that unless she changes her mindset on her own.


Feb 16, 2017
They are. That just isn’t a tik tok trend. And those nerdy black men most likely are educated, have good jobs, and treat those women very well. Brehs just want to blame everyone else but themselves for their problems.
So the single Black Nerd is only on the internet but the single Black woman and the babble about their being "no good Black Men" is real?

Got it.
Aug 16, 2017
So the single Black Nerd is only on the internet but the single Black woman and the babble about their being "no good Black Men" is real?

Got it.
The thing about these videos is if you look closely, most of those before pics are when the man was much younger, and before he met her. You don’t know what he looked like when he met her. Women can see more potential in men, than we see in them. None of those nerdy black men are approaching nerdy black women. They just expect girls to like them, and a lot of them like white women.