Black women effect on TikTok trending…thoughts

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
Of course that is the intention, but the danger is that young Black women who only just started to date or have not even dated yet, they are being influenced. They will thin kit is supped to be like that, with all the white worship. I am not concerned with these so called wiggas. They don't have this swag naturally to them, it's naturally to us. And I am only going to make myself look even more up to par. To levels they can't reach.

This divestment club has been, and is very busy with driving narratives.

Dawg these type of black women keep embarrassing themselves they also do not have options like they telling everyone that they do. They gonna pull a Chet Hanks Post Malone looking white boy than a Chris Hemsworth

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
The comment section is interesting. Black women respond negatively. The opposite of white male validation and worship. Of course these could be different type of Black females. Nevertheless, the difference in response is astounding.

All he did was make her into a 10/10 white woman I’m not even hating or a pawg chasing I tip my hat to the brotha :heh:

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Dawg these type of black women keep embarrassing themselves they also do not have options like they telling everyone that they do. They gonna pull a Chet Hanks Post Malone looking white boy than a Chris Hemsworth
Yeah, I’ve seen several non-select white dudes (by white woman) with these black broads. They mostly don’t have things going for them.

I once saw a black woman all dressed up, as if she was about to go to some important meeting. He was in raggedy casual clothes. They jumped on a bike (a cheap one at that). She jumped on the back (obviously). It was laughable to see.


Feb 16, 2017
Unlike you, I don’t take everything random women say on social media seriously. I don’t have a meltdown every time a black woman chooses a white man. I understand dating isn’t as simple as going outside, and people throwing themselves at you. I don’t know what those women have been through personally to make them choose a white man, but it’s not as simple as, they had tons of black men to choose from, and went for a nerdy white man, so they could have chosen a nerdy black man. Besides the fact black women makeover nerdy black men all the time, those particular white men may have had other qualities that those black women liked, other than just being white. And I do believe most of them are spending a lot of money to keep those women happy based on the locations in those videos. You have no idea how many black men they dated before them, and they just happened to meet a white man. It’s just a social media trend. It’s not that serious. I criticize white men all the time.

Y’all are saying average blue collar black men never get a chance, which is not true. Every black man in a relationship with a black woman is not Idris Elba, or Tupac. There are tons of threads on here with brehs complaining about women, and wanting them to lower their standards. So if black women are saying there’s a problem, perhaps there is SOME merit. If black men are saying black women have attitudes, we know EVERY black woman doesn’t have an attitude, but we know there is SOME merit.

I think threads like these show a lot of insecurity of Coli brehs, and that may be why some of y’all have problems with women. Nobody said all white men are perfect, or better partners. All those black wives aren’t even attractive.
So first you're saying It's the Internet bro and you don't take what they say seriously then in the second paragraph you say that if they're saying it then it must have some merit.

So which one is it?

Maybe just maybe everything they say they mean so the ones who wench mean that shyt and the ones who are unhappy with there dudes are being honest as well as the one's dealing with average brehs are being honest

I'm overseas and I have whole thread talking about the realities of living overseas some good and some bad.

The common denominator is all of Black women's criticisms of Black Men is a failure to take accountability.


Feb 16, 2017
Genesis 1:26-27

The Foundation of my Belief system.

Societies are set up on the idea that God either doesn't exist or isn't relevant in our lives yet Religion is very important to society.

If youre God doesn't look like you and worse looks like your oppressor then I guess you'd have to worship those who look like them.

I don't have that problem because I Self Lord and Master.

Peace To the Gods/


Feb 16, 2017
The comment section is interesting. Black women respond negatively. The opposite of white male validation and worship. Of course these could be different type of Black females. Nevertheless, the difference in response is astounding.
The fact that she posted seasoning shows this is a joke Black people really don't know white people white people think their food is fine and don't secretly clamor for Lawery's seasoning salt like that.

That's the problem with IR promotion on #bothsides other races of people ain't in Finland thinking about Black people like that.

But these media addled Black women can't see the play and create more content for the Black Manosphere and radicalize more Black Men with their latent hyprocrisy.
Aug 16, 2017
So first you're saying It's the Internet bro and you don't take what they say seriously then in the second paragraph you say that if they're saying it then it must have some merit.

So which one is it?

Maybe just maybe everything they say they mean so the ones who wench mean that shyt and the ones who are unhappy with there dudes are being honest as well as the one's dealing with average brehs are being honest

I'm overseas and I have whole thread talking about the realities of living overseas some good and some bad.

The common denominator is all of Black women's criticisms of Black Men is a failure to take accountability.
Some, doesn’t mean all. Of course, black women need accountability of their actions. But ultimately, the men set the tone in any culture. Black men aren’t getting married in the same numbers as other races. And women of all races are on social media saying men ain’t shyt, they aren’t lowering their standards, and it’s better to be alone. I see it everyday. White women are saying men are trash, and you know they are talking about white men. It’s just that black people tend to have a grass is greener on the other side mentality, and they highlight positive interracial relationships, not the negative ones.

And you aren’t even in the states!!

I talk to real, actual, black American women, in person. The majority are still attracted to, and seeking black American men. It’s not that serious. Most black women want a black man. Most black women are with black men. Women are allowed to have standards, and don’t have to date every man who is available to them, just because they are of the same race.

Y’all are acting like choosing a life partner is as simple as, they could have chosen a nerdy black man. You have no idea what kind of black men they encountered. Maybe they didn’t have a connection with those black men. And as far as these videos, you don’t know that they are bashing black men. They happened to marry white men, and this trend came along. Marriage isn’t as simple as, this person is a decent human being, so we’re going to be together. They could have given corny brehs a chance, and it didn’t work.

Y’all are in here posting Malcolm, and philosophy, over some black women having white husbands, and participating in a tik tok trend for likes. That’s crazy to me.

I have enough common sense to not get in an uproar over every tweet that says something negative about black men. I know I don’t embody those qualities. My day to day life is not affected by tweets. My day to day life isn’t even affected by the things said on this board. It’s just a fun place I come to for entertainment, laughs, and some serious topics. Stop getting triggered by strangers online. You, and half the brehs on this site wouldn’t date the women in those videos. Even if you would, there is no guarantee it would work. Most relationships don’t work.


Feb 16, 2017
Some, doesn’t mean all. Of course, black women need accountability of their actions. But ultimately, the men set the tone in any culture. Black men aren’t getting married in the same numbers as other races. And women of all races are on social media saying men ain’t shyt, they aren’t lowering their standards, and it’s better to be alone. I see it everyday. White women are saying men are trash, and you know they are talking about white men. It’s just that black people tend to have a grass is greener on the other side mentality, and they highlight positive interracial relationships, not the negative ones.

And you aren’t even in the states!!

I talk to real, actual, black American women, in person. The majority are still attracted to, and seeking black American men. It’s not that serious. Most black women want a black man. Most black women are with black men. Women are allowed to have standards, and don’t have to date every man who is available to them, just because they are of the same race.

Y’all are acting like choosing a life partner is as simple as, they could have chosen a nerdy black man. You have no idea what kind of black men they encountered. Maybe they didn’t have a connection with those black men. And as far as these videos, you don’t know that they are bashing black men. They happened to marry white men, and this trend came along. Marriage isn’t as simple as, this person is a decent human being, so we’re going to be together. They could have given corny brehs a chance, and it didn’t work.

Y’all are in here posting Malcolm, and philosophy, over some black women having white husbands, and participating in a tik tok trend for likes. That’s crazy to me.

I have enough common sense to not get in an uproar over every tweet that says something negative about black men. I know I don’t embody those qualities. My day to day life is not affected by tweets. My day to day life isn’t even affected by the things said on this board. It’s just a fun place I come to for entertainment, laughs, and some serious topics. Stop getting triggered by strangers online. You, and half the brehs on this site wouldn’t date the women in those videos. Even if you would, there is no guarantee it would work. Most relationships don’t work.
Listen my guy my main problem with all this shyt is I simply don't except that Black Men as a whole is the problem period.

Is there some Black Men on bullshyt absolutely. But do not accept that anything is inherently wrong with Black Men In fact I think that Black Men are the best people on the planet.

That is my core belief I think it goes from there Black women are better than all other women and Black Children are better than other children.

Upthread someone posted a picture of Father Allah and Justice. I said if you your God doesn't look like you it's a problem.

The main trick the devil pulled is making people think that he doesn't exist.

white folks think they're the greatest thing since sliced bread Asians believe they're the center of the universe and so on. That's natural and normal.

That's the ultimate philosophical difference I have with you fukk what people have to say about Black Men If they have a problem with them they should leave them alone and that goes for Black Men who don't like Black Men

Could and should every breh seek elf perfection? Absolutely should they be considerate of people in their care? Sure should they avoid people that don't like them? Of course but other than that I kinda don't give a fukk about the opinions of Black Men who don't like them/

Magic Mulatto

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow. . .
Dec 27, 2017
I’d like to see more righteous Black ppl (i.e., the ones who really care about Blackness, community, culture, etc.) channel their inner gatekeeper.

Stop being so welcoming and inclusive. Counter the BS and be a lot more vocal about it 🗣️. These goofies think they lose nothing and can have it all.

Too many Black individuals give my mother the nod when they see me with her and, unless they’re wenches/bucks, I don’t understand why they do it.🤦‍♂️


Feb 16, 2017
Some, doesn’t mean all. Of course, black women need accountability of their actions. But ultimately, the men set the tone in any culture. Black men aren’t getting married in the same numbers as other races. And women of all races are on social media saying men ain’t shyt, they aren’t lowering their standards, and it’s better to be alone. I see it everyday. White women are saying men are trash, and you know they are talking about white men. It’s just that black people tend to have a grass is greener on the other side mentality, and they highlight positive interracial relationships, not the negative ones.

And you aren’t even in the states!!

I talk to real, actual, black American women, in person. The majority are still attracted to, and seeking black American men. It’s not that serious. Most black women want a black man. Most black women are with black men. Women are allowed to have standards, and don’t have to date every man who is available to them, just because they are of the same race.

Y’all are acting like choosing a life partner is as simple as, they could have chosen a nerdy black man. You have no idea what kind of black men they encountered. Maybe they didn’t have a connection with those black men. And as far as these videos, you don’t know that they are bashing black men. They happened to marry white men, and this trend came along. Marriage isn’t as simple as, this person is a decent human being, so we’re going to be together. They could have given corny brehs a chance, and it didn’t work.

Y’all are in here posting Malcolm, and philosophy, over some black women having white husbands, and participating in a tik tok trend for likes. That’s crazy to me.

I have enough common sense to not get in an uproar over every tweet that says something negative about black men. I know I don’t embody those qualities. My day to day life is not affected by tweets. My day to day life isn’t even affected by the things said on this board. It’s just a fun place I come to for entertainment, laughs, and some serious topics. Stop getting triggered by strangers online. You, and half the brehs on this site wouldn’t date the women in those videos. Even if you would, there is no guarantee it would work. Most relationships don’t work.
If you're not in an uproar then why all the criticism of Black Men?

Let Black Men date who they want to date and Black women can date who they want to date Problem solved.