Black women effect on TikTok trending…thoughts


May 1, 2012
Can you quote it, I'd look to see the details. Especially since Latinas are considered "hispanic". Even though there are white-hispanics and non-white hispanic. Some are Black as well. So how are they counting?
Theyre counting how people classify themselves. The grouos youre talking about are a very small outlier group. The article is called key facts about race and marriage in the us. Go ahead and read it.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Who cares let these women cook with there build-a-nikkaz. Y’all nikkas don’t care to marry them so why does it matter.
I see, you don't really think about consequences and how this negative influences the young population. In the comment sections there is a lot of negative talk bout Black males as well so the Black male misandry is very toxic. And on top of that these naive women make children left and right with these guys who run through them like trains. And yes they do this themselves, but these children are considered black according to the census. And these are “dumped” right back into the Black community (society).

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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
I told you the name i told you where to find it. This isnt a research paper.
So you can’t cite the source you are talking about? I now have to go look for it? You said it’s from the pewresearch. But the pewresearch does many studies, and over the many years have done many studies on this subject. Are you telling me to go read all these studies? Just to find out where you got these numbers from?



May 1, 2012
So you can’t cite the source you are talking about? I now have to go look for it? You said it’s from the pewresearch. But the pewresearch does many studies, and over the many years have done many studies on this subject. Are you telling me to go read all these studies? Just to find out where you got these numbers from?

You asked about a specific citation for a specific stat and i gave you the name of the study and where to find it. Im not going back to find it for you. Read it or dont man.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
You asked about a specific citation for a specific stat and i gave you the name of the study and where to find it. Im not going back to find it for you. Read it or dont man.
I get it you don’t have it, instead you are arguing for hours about something you could have shown. It’s not that complicated to post the specific source your are talking about.

I “assume” it’s this study from 2015?

“The overall numbers mask significant gender gaps within some racial groups. Among blacks, men are much more likely than women to marry someone of a different race. Fully a quarter of black men who got married in 2013 married someone who was not black. Only 12% of black women married outside of their race.”

What I suspected, from the study:

“In 2013, a record-high 12% of newlyweds married someone of a different race, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of census data. (This share does not take into account the “interethnic” marriages between Hispanics and non-Hispanics, which we covered in an earlier report on intermarriage.)”

A poll done recently showed that 25 million Latinos identify as Black. Where are these in the census? They have been considered “white”.

I rarely hear Black men go crazy of white women, let alone Asian women. But Black men will get crazy over Latin women, in particularly with Black / African heritage. Because she still carries certain traits. The traits most Black men like.
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Aug 16, 2017
From where did you get these percentages> Most BM men look for an alternative for a Latina, racially ambiguous (meaning she has some African / Black heritage) or Afro-Latina. So from where does the 25% come, when you say outside the "race"?

Black men marry Asians only at an extremely low percentage, and white women at a somewhat higher percentage. But as said before, Latinas take the spot after Black women. Although Latina's can be considered Black, depending on where they are from etc. These other groups cannot, under no circumstance.

One of the biggest hurdles and setbacks for marriage is this:

Are physically fit, financially stable black men looking at these women, and saying, “She could have a good heart, let me get her in the gym, and turn her into the woman I want”????


No men regardless of race are turning women they don’t find attractive into the women they want, just because she might have a nice personality.
Aug 16, 2017
Who cares let these women cook with there build-a-nikkaz. Y’all nikkas don’t care to marry them so why does it matter.
Majority of the Coli doesn’t want to get married, doesn’t want to take a woman to dinner, doesn’t want to approach a woman, but gets mad when they date out. Those men of other races know they have to open their pockets. That’s reality as a man. I took my wife to a nice restaurant for our first date, and I gave her flowers. But let y’all tell it, I’m a simp. Y’all call black men who treat women right simps. It’s just like calling non thuggish black men lames, which I have also been called my entire life.

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
Majority of the Coli doesn’t want to get married, doesn’t want to take a woman to dinner, doesn’t want to approach a woman, but gets mad when they date out.
You're assuming those men are approaching these women and doing all sort of things when usually it is the other way around. We have a literal video where a black woman was talking about the different ways black women can make themselves receptive to white men.

Those men of other races know they have to open their pockets. That’s reality as a man. I took my wife to a nice restaurant for our first date, and I gave her flowers. But let y’all tell it, I’m a simp. Y’all call black men who treat women right simps. It’s just like calling non thuggish black men lames, which I have also been called my entire life.

That's a fukking lie and you know it. If these dudes were actually opening up their fukking pockets we wouldn't having these incel spree shooters like we have cause these fukkers would actually be getting laid instead of shooting people. If I say the word "incel", the first thing that pops into one's mind is a white guy, maybe even asian. The most well known one, Elliot Rodger, was a hybrid of the two. Most men of other races are not opening their pockets and if anything, are becoming more reclusive. This is the thing that is bothering most black men. THE fukkING LIES. If you want to talk about this, stop fukking lying. Be honest. It's pathetic. Even more so when you're literally running cover for other races. We have whole websites built by and fulled with white, asian, hispanic, and indian incels. Actual incels, who won't even open their own pockets and think they are owed sex just for existing. Seriously now.

That said, yes you're a simp and in many ways, part of the problem. Let me break it down for you: A lot of the issues some of these dudes have is due to bitterness. Why are they bitter? They feel entitled. Why? Because they followed advice that they were raised on and it did not work. They were told time in and time out that following a set of instructions would yield results and nothing came of those results. They were lied to. Merely treating a woman right is all that one needs, right? No. Some women are trifling as fukk and should be avoided. And some women, they are normal people who are not looking for those things. Dudes need to treat women as if they are actual fukking people. And people are all different. How they are treating a given woman depends on who they are dealing with. With so many variables (including yourself), what is a guy to do? The best way to do that is to not focus on all that (because you can't). Instead, dudes should be trying to become the best version of themselves for themselves and put themselves where they are not feeling as if they need these women so when they do go with these women, if it works out, great, but if it doesn't, they won't feel too bothered by it. Instead of teaching dudes self-reflection and self-improvement, we teach them to work and toil for things uncertain and tell them not to feel some sort of way about such works, all the while telling them to ignore the many instances of the people they are toiling for disparaging them in every form of media possible. It helps men be better and thus, creates better more stable options for women as well.

This also helps women. 95% of the time a woman complain a man is not doing things for her like he used to when they first met, she is 100% correct. We teach dudes to "campaign" for a woman's affections and wear a mask instead of being themselves. Then when the men switch up, we get mad at women for being upset when they are right to do so. I mean really now. A lot of women feel as if they have compromised and settled for the men they are with. This is true for the ones they got with due to the man's campaigning. A lot of women will stick with the man anyways but in truth she settled. shyt like that leads to bad relationships down the line and can lead to resentment and ultimately divorce or women trashing the concept of marriage based on this issue (hence why a lot of these formerly married women are constantly spouting shyt). That said, there is nothing wrong with providing shyt for a girl one likes or showing appreciation but there is a limit, lest one ends up merely buying the woman's affections and in part, sending her the wrong message and creating a whole new problem.

We need to stop teaching dudes the wrong thing. People like you need to stop teaching dudes the wrong thing. It's tiring and hurting everyone. I'm not even blaming men but we're not doing them a service by bullshytting them.


Jan 4, 2017
They run to these relationships with white men, Asian men and other women because they are easier to control.

The easiest women to snatch up is married women.
Out of those of the married women... the ones in the aforementioned type of relationships are even easier to get.
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