Black women effect on TikTok trending…thoughts

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
The typical black men ain't shyt type of posts. Recently I saw one where an older cac male and his younger black gf/wife were saying bw are stereotyped as masculine and angry because they're not loved properly and they're happy that things are finally changing because bw are beginning to know their worth. Apparently knowing your worth means laying up with cacs. I don't follow the account but it showed up on my feed and I could see that a woman that I follow liked the post.

Its not just youtube thats obsessed with those swirl relationships, its Instagram too. They may not marry them at a high rate but that doesn't stop bw from promoting them 24/7. It's like influencer marketing except they're doing it for free. The best PR in the world.

Divestor can’t fully divest cause other races of men are not putting up with what black men are forced to deal with. they have a patriarchal system that why you see black women on their p & qs acting right with white/asian etc
Aug 16, 2017
whoa my guy you need to be dropped

You're not even saying some.

What kind of Black Man are you???

So you really think Black Men are these sex starved beats that simply want to fukk like animals and move on??

You sound like the devils who lynched The Young Brother Emmitt Till

You think white boys are "putting more effort" Into Black women? When did they do that you got whole buffer classes of mixed mixed up people in the wake of cacs smashing and dashing on Black women

Until 1969 apparently no white boy raped a Black woman and in the case brought in '69 the white devil beat the case.

I can't believe that you're a Black Man with your rhetoric constant attacks on Black Men and praise for white dudes

On the off chance that you are Black and you feel that you have to make amends for pawging please speak for yourself because I never took any white girl seriously in my life.

You can’t be this serious.



Sep 23, 2015
The typical black men ain't shyt type of posts. Recently I saw one where an older cac male and his younger black gf/wife were saying bw are stereotyped as masculine and angry because they're not loved properly and they're happy that things are finally changing because bw are beginning to know their worth. Apparently knowing your worth means laying up with cacs. I don't follow the account but it showed up on my feed and I could see that a woman that I follow liked the post.

Its not just youtube thats obsessed with those swirl relationships, its Instagram too. They may not marry them at a high rate but that doesn't stop bw from promoting them 24/7. It's like influencer marketing except they're doing it for free. The best PR in the world.
These girls are making themselves look desperate. They're running all this propaganda for white men specifically yet cacs just ignore it, asian girls don't even do half the praising black women do on social media but they are still way more successful in getting cacs attention. I'm even starting to see some black women recognize that the marketing for white dudes is completely one-sided :mjlol:I've never seen white men advocate for dating black women.

Most divestors realize sooner or later that there will never be a mass exodus from BM, other races are not telling themselves "we should go marry black women". Some might but the majority are not interested in anything beyond sex. That's why they inevitably become extremely bitter serial IR dater or try to comeback on some fake pro-black shyt.
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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Yeah i understand it, but they are doing it to get black men attention “look, I turned this Jared from subaway into a Fugazi copy of you, black man, look!! You bullet bags do not protect us, look! :mjcry:“ yes it is a problem and they are weird for that
Of course that is the intention, but the danger is that young Black women who only just started to date or have not even dated yet, they are being influenced. They will think is supposed to be like that, with all the white worship. I am not concerned with these so called wiggas. They don't have this swag naturally to them, it's naturally to us. And I am only going to make myself look even more up to par. To levels they can't reach.

This divestment club has been, and is very busy with driving narratives.

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Feb 16, 2017
You can’t be this serious.

nikka You Can't Be serious. Dr Bannerker is married Loggie is married there's tons of Black Men married to Black women 86% of Black Men are married to Black women and you come on here acting like you're One of One.

So you married a Black woman do you want a cookie?

Like I said I was never a pawger ( I don't even use the term so I don't have this guilt complex nor do I think Black women are children and need someone advocating for them this damn hard.

If you listen to Black women's criticism despite all the stats about the lack of Black Men and Men in general They say that they don't want the average Coli Breh Not Only do they not want Ugly Broke Brehs but they don't want KS apologists. So the best thing we can do is to Identify ourselves so most woman can avoid them.

Same thing for Divestors they need to Warn a Brother To stay away from them.

The Ill thing is I never see you in the other threads just in these shytting on Black Men for being Black Men.

I don't believe in bushing people for unpopular opinions but I question why you come on here to shame Black Men when you think we''re these unproductive sex beasts who don't care about women.

Like I said you sound like white lynch mobbers who claim because I Black Man said hello to a white woman they meant they were gonna rape her

Again I ask What Kind of Black Man are you???

If you're a Divestor woman trolling that is ban worthy to me.


Feb 16, 2017
These girls are making themselves look desperate. They're running all this propaganda for white men specifically yet cacs just ignore it, asian girls don't even do half the praising black women do on social media but they are still way more successful in getting cacs attention. I'm even starting to see some black women recognize that the marketing for white dudes is completely one-sided :mjlol:I've never seen white men advocate for dating black women.

Most divestors realize sooner or later that there will never be a mass exodus from BM, other races are not telling themselves "we should go marry black women". Some might but the majority are not interested in anything beyond sex. That's why they inevitably become extremely bitter serial IR dater or try to comeback on some fake pro-black shyt.
Divestors are the ultimate Pike Me's crashing for white attention that they never get.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Divestors are the ultimate Pike Me's crashing for white attention that they never get.
That the irony, how they appose Black women in healthy relationship with Black men and call them pikme's as if that is a bad thing to cook clean be cooperative. They call it slavery. But yet for a while men they will do all this and more like run the extra mile. Often when they brag about their "longterm relationship", I ask them if they have run the extra mile. And usually they get upset and the conversation ends there.

And apparently explaining on TikTok that this "trend" is white worship, will get that post removed as racism against community guidelines. Even when one responses to what is clearly Black male misandry.
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Aug 16, 2017
nikka You Can't Be serious. Dr Bannerker is married Loggie is married there's tons of Black Men married to Black women 86% of Black Men are married to Black women and you come on here acting like you're One of One.

So you married a Black woman do you want a cookie?

Like I said I was never a pawger ( I don't even use the term so I don't have this guilt complex nor do I think Black women are children and need someone advocating for them this damn hard.

If you listen to Black women's criticism despite all the stats about the lack of Black Men and Men in general They say that they don't want the average Coli Breh Not Only do they not want Ugly Broke Brehs but they don't want KS apologists. So the best thing we can do is to Identify ourselves so most woman can avoid them.

Same thing for Divestors they need to Warn a Brother To stay away from them.

The Ill thing is I never see you in the other threads just in these shytting on Black Men for being Black Men.

I don't believe in bushing people for unpopular opinions but I question why you come on here to shame Black Men when you think we''re these unproductive sex beasts who don't care about women.

Like I said you sound like white lynch mobbers who claim because I Black Man said hello to a white woman they meant they were gonna rape her

Again I ask What Kind of Black Man are you???

If you're a Divestor woman trolling that is ban worthy to me.

Unlike you, I don’t take everything random women say on social media seriously. I don’t have a meltdown every time a black woman chooses a white man. I understand dating isn’t as simple as going outside, and people throwing themselves at you. I don’t know what those women have been through personally to make them choose a white man, but it’s not as simple as, they had tons of black men to choose from, and went for a nerdy white man, so they could have chosen a nerdy black man. Besides the fact black women makeover nerdy black men all the time, those particular white men may have had other qualities that those black women liked, other than just being white. And I do believe most of them are spending a lot of money to keep those women happy based on the locations in those videos. You have no idea how many black men they dated before them, and they just happened to meet a white man. It’s just a social media trend. It’s not that serious. I criticize white men all the time.

Y’all are saying average blue collar black men never get a chance, which is not true. Every black man in a relationship with a black woman is not Idris Elba, or Tupac. There are tons of threads on here with brehs complaining about women, and wanting them to lower their standards. So if black women are saying there’s a problem, perhaps there is SOME merit. If black men are saying black women have attitudes, we know EVERY black woman doesn’t have an attitude, but we know there is SOME merit.

I think threads like these show a lot of insecurity of Coli brehs, and that may be why some of y’all have problems with women. Nobody said all white men are perfect, or better partners. All those black wives aren’t even attractive.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Unlike you, I don’t take everything random women say on social media seriously. I don’t have a meltdown every time a black woman chooses a white man. I understand dating isn’t as simple as going outside, and people throwing themselves at you. I don’t know what those women have been through personally to make them choose a white man, but it’s not as simple as, they had tons of black men to choose from, and went for a nerdy white man, so they could have chosen a nerdy black man. Besides the fact black women makeover nerdy black men all the time, those particular white men may have had other qualities that those black women liked, other than just being white. And I do believe most of them are spending a lot of money to keep those women happy based on the locations in those videos. You have no idea how many black men they dated before them, and they just happened to meet a white man. It’s just a social media trend. It’s not that serious. I criticize white men all the time.

Y’all are saying average blue collar black men never get a chance, which is not true. Every black man in a relationship with a black woman is not Idris Elba, or Tupac. There are tons of threads on here with brehs complaining about women, and wanting them to lower their standards. So if black women are saying there’s a problem, perhaps there is SOME merit. If black men are saying black women have attitudes, we know EVERY black woman doesn’t have an attitude, but we know there is SOME merit.

I think threads like these show a lot of insecurity of Coli brehs, and that may be why some of y’all have problems with women. Nobody said all white men are perfect, or better partners. All those black wives aren’t even attractive.
This has many layers and it eventually targets naive young Black women. This in turn has effect on young Black men as well. It is a very dangerous movement. It’s the promotion of white worship, that is white supremacy on steroids.

These women champion whiteness over anything. As a Black man you can have it all together, make more but still are considered less. A white dust ball in their eyes is more of worthy, because of his whiteness. And that is what we see they get. They get the rejects of the white community.

Martin X wrote a wonderful article:

“On Gendered Fascism Against Black Men: Divestors And Femcels Sound Like The Alt-Right”. These Black women have been doing this like “forever”, but it started to increase with the rise of social media

“Incel violence as a new terrorism threat: A brief investigation between Alt-Right and Manosphere dimensions “

“1.1.THE ALT-RIGHT:MAIN FEATURESThe Alternative Right (commonly referred to as “Alt-Right”) could be described as a wide container of heterogeneous far-right positions which share some major traits.1 First of all, it is mainly an online phenomenon: its members are active on popular social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, platforms, forums (e.g. Reddit and *****), where they typically resort to irony, trolling and memes based on the scorn of political correctness and moralism to convey their messages (Hawley 2017), in a way that they can be easily understood by the majority of people. In addition, many dedicated websites (e.g. Red Ice and Rebel Media)”

(Sortuz. Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-legal StudiesVolume 11, Issue 2(2022) pp.170–186ISSN 1988-0847)

Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): Vol. 11 No. 2 | Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies

What it shows is that you’re just rambling without actually thinking.
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Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
Genesis 1:26-27
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.