Black women effect on TikTok trending…thoughts


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
yall brehs better check the social media history of these women before dating them. you could be dating an undercover white supremacist and bm hater. I've seen so much trifling stuff online from a lot of bw that nothing surprises me anymore.
Or even just asking them in real life what they think about various topics and you’ll be surprised how much anti-blackness they harbor.

But to your point I've seen bw that I thought were normal decent humans liking some divestor adjacent posts on Instagram. Some of these women I know in real life and some just through social media and many of them are in relationships with bm or have black kids. It's been an eye opener to say the least.
Aug 16, 2017
From PAWGer to Queen Mama Afrika Goddess simp :mjlol:

You don't need to overcompensate anymore with your aggressive simping and forced contrarian attitude anymore. You married a black woman, it's cool. Time to let that guilt go.
You prove me right. Taking a woman to dinner and buying her flowers is simping to a lot of black men. And a lot of the brehs who black women think are corny, are also called corny by other black men. If other races of men are putting more effort into women, don’t get mad when they date out. It’s just like black men claiming other races of women treat them better, or have better attitudes. That may be the case, or maybe there is something about the black women they go for. They aren’t going for the nerdy black women, and changing how they look either.

Marlow Stanfield

Dec 13, 2019
From PAWGer to Queen Mama Afrika Goddess simp :mjlol:

You don't need to overcompensate anymore with your aggressive simping and forced contrarian attitude anymore. You married a black woman, it's cool. Time to let that guilt go.
:dahell: What kind of c00nery is this?

What self-respecting black man sarcastically refers to black women as "Queen mama Afrika Goddess" anything?

:camby: FOH bytch nikka


Sep 23, 2015
Or even just asking them in real life what they think about various topics and you’ll be surprised how much anti-blackness they harbor.

But to your point I've seen bw that I thought were normal decent humans liking some divestor adjacent posts on Instagram. Some of these women I know in real life and some just through social media and many of them are in relationships with bm or have black kids. It's been an eye opener to say the least.
What kind of divestor adjacent posts ?

A lot of what divestors say are talking points that are actually kinda old, the "black men ain't shyt, we need to divest" talk is older than the divestors you see today on social media. So I'm not surprised a lot of black women agree with it because they were basically raised in it. If you look around, you'll find that most divestors are either very young or in their 40s/50s.

Most divestors can't actually divest either, if you pay attention to what they say they always mention dating x and y race of men but few talk about being settled with another race of man. They usually get pumped and dumped for years before attempting to come back to black men, y'all should keep an eye on this. If divestors could actually divest they wouldn't be so loud and annoying, just look at Asian women, they divest in peace for the most part and you rarely hear about them as much as you do BW, despite the fact that AW/WM pairing is 10 times more common than BW/WM. I said in an another thread that BW are by far the loudest group on social media when it comes to IR dating, so much so that VICE made an article about it, I remember the breh @GR13 posting it every time a thread like this pops up :pachaha:

The link doesn't seem to work anymore though: Why has YouTube created an obsession with ‘swirl couples’, aka interracial relationships?

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
:dahell: What kind of c00nery is this?

What self-respecting black man sarcastically refers to black women as "Queen mama Afrika Goddess" anything?

:camby: FOH bytch nikka
It comes from the “conscious community”. The harsh reality is that "some women" in the black panther movement started to joint feminism early and dated IR. These are the discrepancies.

Btw, Black men in the black panther movement did the same. The common ground they found was Marxism.
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Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Or even just asking them in real life what they think about various topics and you’ll be surprised how much anti-blackness they harbor.

But to your point I've seen bw that I thought were normal decent humans liking some divestor adjacent posts on Instagram. Some of these women I know in real life and some just through social media and many of them are in relationships with bm or have black kids. It's been an eye opener to say the least.
Black women are socially conditioned to have a negative disposition towards black men so it doesn't surprise me. I've grown up hearing "black man ain't shyt" my whole life. I first time I heard the phrase was when I was 7 years old from my mom's friend (who also had a black son :aicmon:). This mindset predates social media and everything we're seeing is just a continuation of it. It's sad really. On one hand, I get the hurt and pain a lot of black women are coming from but perpetuating this gender war cycle gets us nowhere. And a lot of black boys are growing up and seeing the same things we heard coming up. And they have it worse because it's magnified on social media. These women are so blinded by their personal grievances and narcissism that they're completely unaware they're creating a generation of men who'll have deep-seated resentment towards black women.

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
Majority of the Coli doesn’t want to get married, doesn’t want to take a woman to dinner, doesn’t want to approach a woman, but gets mad when they date out. Those men of other races know they have to open their pockets. That’s reality as a man. I took my wife to a nice restaurant for our first date, and I gave her flowers. But let y’all tell it, I’m a simp. Y’all call black men who treat women right simps. It’s just like calling non thuggish black men lames, which I have also been called my entire life.

TBF I bought my wife some flowers and she called me a simp :mjcry: .

:dead: The beginning years of marriage were like boot camp with the marsupial until she soften a bit up :wow:

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
The thing about these videos is if you look closely, most of those before pics are when the man was much younger, and before he met her. You don’t know what he looked like when he met her. Women can see more potential in men, than we see in them.
No they don't or they wouldn't be choosing wrong all the time. They wouldn't choose someone who is suddenly abusive, suddenly racist, or any other "surprise" they claim they didn't see coming.

That said, a lot of your caping is built on assumptions that operates on many weird ass conclusions:

1. Black women can do no wrong and have tried their hardest to get black men.
2. Other races of men try harder to get with black women and do so because black men are entitled incel bums.
3. Black men, especially nerdy ones, are c00ns.

And you're going to say you aren't but look at this shyt, backed by no proof or data and tell me this is not what is being conveyed:

None of those nerdy black men are approaching nerdy black women. They just expect girls to like them, and a lot of them like white women.

So you're conflating nerdy black men with full-fledged incels and you think that's normal? This is what I was talking about. To defend some black women displaying their narcissism (that's what it is) online and their white partners, you're dragging a whole demographic of black men through mud and lying on them all the while doing medal-worthy mental gymnastics (first the women are seeing some special hidden potential to dress better then you say the guy was already dressing better when she meets the guy and what we're seeing are kids pics. Which is it? It can't be both).

A lot of these black men aren't c00ns and they don't hate the black community nor are they trying to destroy it but honestly, if they did, no one would blame them. If you are an indicator of the community, then it obviously hates their guts and sees these men as chattel rather than people.

Max Power

Mar 23, 2013
The right way, the wrong way and the Max Power way
You prove me right. Taking a woman to dinner and buying her flowers is simping to a lot of black men. And a lot of the brehs who black women think are corny, are also called corny by other black men. If other races of men are putting more effort into women, don’t get mad when they date out. It’s just like black men claiming other races of women treat them better, or have better attitudes. That may be the case, or maybe there is something about the black women they go for. They aren’t going for the nerdy black women, and changing how they look either.
As I already said you've married a black woman, it's cool. You've done your part. All this reasoning for bedwenches and talking down to brehs is strange.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
What kind of divestor adjacent posts ?

A lot of what divestors say are talking points that are actually kinda old, the "black men ain't shyt, we need to divest" talk is older than the divestors you see today on social media. So I'm not surprised a lot of black women agree with it because they were basically raised in it. If you look around, you'll find that most divestors are either very young or in their 40s/50s.

Most divestors can't actually divest either, if you pay attention to what they say they always mention dating x and y race of men but few talk about being settled with another race of man. They usually get pumped and dumped for years before attempting to come back to black men, y'all should keep an eye on this. If divestors could actually divest they wouldn't be so loud and annoying, just look at Asian women, they divest in peace for the most part and you rarely hear about them as much as you do BW, despite the fact that AW/WM pairing is 10 times more common than BW/WM. I said in an another thread that BW are by far the loudest group on social media when it comes to IR dating, so much so that VICE made an article about it, I remember the breh @GR13 posting it every time a thread like this pops up :pachaha:

The link doesn't seem to work anymore though: Why has YouTube created an obsession with ‘swirl couples’, aka interracial relationships?

The typical black men ain't shyt type of posts. Recently I saw one where an older cac male and his younger black gf/wife were saying bw are stereotyped as masculine and angry because they're not loved properly and they're happy that things are finally changing because bw are beginning to know their worth. Apparently knowing your worth means laying up with cacs. I don't follow the account but it showed up on my feed and I could see that a woman that I follow liked the post.

Its not just youtube thats obsessed with those swirl relationships, its Instagram too. They may not marry them at a high rate but that doesn't stop bw from promoting them 24/7. It's like influencer marketing except they're doing it for free. The best PR in the world.


Feb 16, 2017
You prove me right. Taking a woman to dinner and buying her flowers is simping to a lot of black men. And a lot of the brehs who black women think are corny, are also called corny by other black men. If other races of men are putting more effort into women, don’t get mad when they date out. It’s just like black men claiming other races of women treat them better, or have better attitudes. That may be the case, or maybe there is something about the black women they go for. They aren’t going for the nerdy black women, and changing how they look either.
whoa my guy you need to be dropped

You're not even saying some.

What kind of Black Man are you???

So you really think Black Men are these sex starved beats that simply want to fukk like animals and move on??

You sound like the devils who lynched The Young Brother Emmitt Till

You think white boys are "putting more effort" Into Black women? When did they do that you got whole buffer classes of mixed mixed up people in the wake of cacs smashing and dashing on Black women

Until 1969 apparently no white boy raped a Black woman and in the case brought in '69 the white devil beat the case.

I can't believe that you're a Black Man with your rhetoric constant attacks on Black Men and praise for white dudes

On the off chance that you are Black and you feel that you have to make amends for pawging please speak for yourself because I never took any white girl seriously in my life.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
The issue is not that these women date who they date, but that they spread anti-Black male rhetoric. And they do this will putting white worship on the mind of young Black women.

To sit here and say it no issue, shows a defeated mentality.

Yeah i understand it, but they are doing it to get black men attention “look, I turned this Jared from subaway into a Fugazi copy of you, black man, look!! You bullet bags do not protect us, look! :mjcry:“ yes it is a problem and they are weird for that