Black Woman Blames White Universities For NOT Hooking Them Up With White MEN


Feb 16, 2017
What I think y’all are missing is…

Most of these guys you’re talking about are not 26, 27, 30 proposing to women and getting shut down.

When you hear about a woman turning down a marriage proposal?

A lot of guys aren’t thinking about locking down the girls they date at those ages.

If the young trash man (who is actually making some aight money) is dating some cute young girl with her average job and proposes she isn’t turning him down.
you think women are checking for garbagemen?

Yes they make way more than a wackarnolds worker but cmon all things being equal at least Wackarnolds can hook you up with extra fries


Mar 11, 2022
Women are the ones who need Men and a community to protect and provide for them.

I kept it real on the exotical thing be honest if it was between Roc the garbageman and handsime gang whiteboy even the "Black Only" women are going with the toubob.

The only reason Black women care is because as this article states very few non Black Men take Black women seriously

Black women's best oppertunity to get married is to a Black Man and vice versa until Black Men become top ten earners in their community then the options open up
So are you saying that ALL Black women are the equivalent of a garbage man’s status👀👀👀? So it’s Black women VS other races? Flat out.

Garbage man VS fly guy of ANY race, you’re choosing the fly guy. Doesn’t have to be a fly white guy.

The Black women who can actually get chosen by anyone don’t write articles like this, which is why I agreed that this girl is lame and lost.

If you’re liters saying Black men don’t need a community and don’t care to build or maintain ours, then that kind of ends it there.


Mar 11, 2022
:manny: Both black men and women. Need to stop doing this shyt. Both of them always have a, super villain origin story. As to why they don’t date black. Your childhood traumas, doesn’t have anything to do. With all black men and women. White people can have shytty experiences. With their own but you would never. Hear them say or stop dating white. Date who you want, but let’s keep it real. Some black people just prefer to date white. Yes it can be self hate, but it’s their life. As long as they, don’t talk down. On black men and women.

Some men who “glow up” exact revenge on all the brown/dark skin women they encounter in the future who slightly resemble the chicks who didn’t give them play when they were younger. Now it’s time to PAWG, get a Latina, or now fly overseas because whatever Black woman they encounter after they’ve “made it” doesn’t deserve them.

If I say I stopped dating brehs because when I was younger guys told me they preferred LS chicks I would be called weak and bitter. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Mar 11, 2022
you think women are checking for garbagemen?

Yes they make way more than a wackarnolds worker but cmon all things being equal at least Wackarnolds can hook you up with extra fries
Breh, every Black man isn’t a garbage man. :stopitslime:

Sonny Bonds

Apr 24, 2014
What I think y’all are missing is…

Most of these guys you’re talking about are not 26, 27, 30 proposing to women and getting shut down.

When you hear about a woman turning down a marriage proposal?

A lot of guys aren’t thinking about locking down the girls they date at those ages.
Date older men. They’ll probably be more established financially and be much more likely to date seriously.

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
Serena Williams got mistreated by every Black celeb she dated and got married when the white dude recognized her power, strength and individual legacy she built.

Who the fukk mistreated her and why are we ignoring all the successful black couples out there? Serena's whole existences has been an exercise in white racism. It was white men who discriminated against her father. It was white men who went out of their way to make t hard for them to play tennis. It was white men who went out of their way to call her a man, call her trans, claim she was doping (they still do), call her an ork, and outright call her a monkey. It was white men who threw a fit about her hair. It was white men who bashed her for a simple dance when she won. It was white men who got mad at her for being too good and having too fast a serve. It was white men who dragged her for damn near everything. Even in relationships, it was a white man who was so far beneath her in regards to looks (Bret Ratner - yes, the Jonah Hill looking cac) or income (Patrick Mouratoglou) among others, that mistreated her. It was black men who defended her time in and time out. Yet black men are the ones who mistreated her.

More info about Ratner, btw:
Brett Ratner: “I slept with Serena Williams right before her wedding”__See photos
Watch Brett Ratner and Serena Williams' Cringeworthy Argument in 2005 Video - E! Online

As for who this is:

This is the issue that a lot of black men are having and this is not the first time a lot of y'all have done this. There is a pervasive and albeit, very frequent tendency by some black women to ignore all the things that many white men have done to a back person, especially a woman, and crown them some kind of savior for doing nothing of true worth, and it's fukking weird. It makes it seem as if women are viewing the world through some weird ass lens. I'm not even talking about historical shyt either, which has a level of disconnect. It's in situations where that person has had a direct look and interaction with said racism and true mistreatment yet they will still act like it never existed. All it took was one dude and the rest never existed. That's really really fukking weird.

Then add in wench babble which is never checked by Black women and it makes some nikkas think bytches only fukk with you if you're lit.
This is actually a serious issue with some of the dudes I've worked with in the past. They may not spend time online commenting on it but they do mention it like clockwork. Even more so, they often note that they feel as if they have to be as guarded with their feelings with black women as they would be with other groups of women which, at the time, was wild to me.


Mar 11, 2022

Who the fukk mistreated her and why are we ignoring all the successful black couples out there? Serena's whole existences has been an exercise in white racism. It was white men who discriminated against her father. It was white men who went out of their way to make t hard for them to play tennis. It was white men who went out of their way to call her a man, call her trans, claim she was doping (they still do), call her an ork, and outright call her a monkey. It was white men who threw a fit about her hair. It was white men who bashed her for a simple dance when she won. It was white men who got mad at her for being too good and having too fast a serve. It was white men who dragged her for damn near everything. Even in relationships, it was a white man who was so far beneath her in regards to looks (Bret Ratner - yes, the Jonah Hill looking cac) or income (Patrick Mouratoglou) among others, that mistreated her. It was black men who defended her time in and time out. Yet black men are the ones who mistreated her.

More info about Ratner, btw:
Brett Ratner: “I slept with Serena Williams right before her wedding”__See photos
Watch Brett Ratner and Serena Williams' Cringeworthy Argument in 2005 Video - E! Online

As for who this is:

This is the issue that a lot of black men are having and this is not the first time a lot of y'all have done this. There is a pervasive and albeit, very frequent tendency by some black women to ignore all the things that many white men have done to a back person, especially a woman, and crown them some kind of savior for doing nothing of true worth, and it's fukking weird. It makes it seem as if women are viewing the world through some weird ass lens. I'm not even talking about historical shyt either, which has a level of disconnect. It's in situations where that person has had a direct look and interaction with said racism and true mistreatment yet they will still act like it never existed. All it took was one dude and the rest never existed. That's really really fukking weird.

This is actually a serious issue with some of the dudes I've worked with in the past. They may not spend time online commenting on it but they do mention it like clockwork. Even more so, they often note that they feel as if they have to be as guarded with their feelings with black women as they would be with other groups of women which, at the time, was wild to me.
Hold up- I didn’t know anything about that Bret Ratner shyt :hubie::hubie:

I mean, ok. I’ll say Serena may have horrible taste in men 🤷🏾‍♀️

But I know she tried with Drake, Common, etc. Elon put a ring on it 🤷🏾‍♀️


Feb 16, 2017
Hold up- I didn’t know anything about that Bret Ratner shyt :hubie::hubie:

I mean, ok. I’ll say Serena may have horrible taste in men 🤷🏾‍♀️

But I know she tried with Drake, Common, etc. Elon put a ring on it 🤷🏾‍♀️
he posted the reciepts

Remember Men aint even clicked in on the gossip and I remember she dated roly poly ass Brett.

I didnt know about the other random non blue checked cac

Say what you want about all the nikkas Serena dated none of them were fat Brett is fat


Feb 16, 2017

Some men who “glow up” exact revenge on all the brown/dark skin women they encounter in the future who slightly resemble the chicks who didn’t give them play when they were younger. Now it’s time to PAWG, get a Latina, or now fly overseas because whatever Black woman they encounter after they’ve “made it” doesn’t deserve them.

If I say I stopped dating brehs because when I was younger guys told me they preferred LS chicks I would be called weak and bitter. 🤷🏾‍♀️
no youd be celebrated by the sheas for "choosing better"


Feb 16, 2017
So are you saying that ALL Black women are the equivalent of a garbage man’s status👀👀👀? So it’s Black women VS other races? Flat out.

Garbage man VS fly guy of ANY race, you’re choosing the fly guy. Doesn’t have to be a fly white guy.

The Black women who can actually get chosen by anyone don’t write articles like this, which is why I agreed that this girl is lame and lost.

If you’re liters saying Black men don’t need a community and don’t care to build or maintain ours, then that kind of ends it there.
Whos checking the writer in this thread except you?

Is she being "dragged" on Black (woman) twitter?

does The Root have 20 articles about her?

I am saying Black Men dont need or want a community where they have all the responsibilty with none of the authority.

So yes if a Black Man cant get the bug piece of chicken despite being the breadwinner that ends it right there.


Feb 5, 2015
First we'd have to determine that decent/high earning black men are trying to marry non-black women like that, cause I'm not sure if I've ever seen a decent job breh in articles or videos crying about his inability to wife up white or other non-black women.
@Koli_Kat don't have shyt to say huh? Yeah stfu. Plenty of black men with regular jobs are happily married to white women and they don't need"athlete" or "rapper" money
Jun 15, 2022
I thought the point was that top tier Black talent/actors aren’t paired up with equally as successful/famous Black women.
Actually my main point was that successful/top tier black men in general don't marry/date women that match their success looks wise. Look at Tom Brady, he was married to a Victoria Secret model who's richer than he is. Now look at Michael Jordan. I have no idea where Yvette even came from but at a billion dollars I can't imagine dating some unknown C list model from Puerto Rico. I bet if I go on TikTok or Instagram right now and searched up Colombian or Brazilian women, in a few seconds of scrolling, I'd find dozens near her age that look 10x as better, and 10 times out of 10, they'll be married to or dating non-black men with a fraction of the fame and half the fortune. That bothers me.

My second point was that it's literally only rappers and athletes bagging the majority of the 8+/10 women - or actually mainly just rappers since black athletes generally just hook up with instagram "model" esque women. My problem with that is there are plenty of famous black men outside of the rap/music and sports industries but the black women pass over them even though they date white/non-black men from the same industries.
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Mar 11, 2022
Actually my main point was that successful/top tier black men in general don't marry/date women that match their success looks wise. Look at Tom Brady, he was married to a Victoria Secret model who's richer than he is. Now look at Michael Jordan. I have no idea where Yvette even came from but at a billion dollars I can't imagine dating some unknown C list model from Puerto Rico. I bet if I go on TikTok or Instagram right now and searched up Colombian or Brazilian women, in a few seconds of scrolling, I'd find dozens near her age that look 10x as better, and 10 times out of 10, they'll be married to or dating non-black men with a fraction of the fame and half the fortune. That bothers me.

My second point was that it's literally only rappers and athletes bagging the majority of the 8+/10 women - or actually mainly just rappers since black athletes generally just hook up with instagram "model" esque women. My problem with that is there are plenty of famous black men outside of the rap/music and sports industries but the black women pass over them even though they date white/non-black men from the same industries.
I mean…you think someone like Michael Jordan couldn’t pair off with a young, beautiful successful Black (or other) woman if he wanted? I mean Eddie Murphy is with an unknown beautiful (White) woman as well. Some successful men overlook the pretty Black girls and the women who are successful + beautiful. Either one of them could’ve gotten a beautiful model. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Most black women are NOT passing up successful Black men for entertainers. Lol If y’all are strictly talking about chicks on IG, white and Hispanic women are vying for the PLETHORA of successful white entertainers