Black Woman Blames White Universities For NOT Hooking Them Up With White MEN


All Star
Dec 12, 2019
Most of those women grew up in the suburbs and suffer from self hate. They want the validation of white men and have classist attitudes towards other black people. You can tell that they think they are above black men and want a "real" man from an established community. Not all black women are like this but once you notice the pattern its pervasive amongst them in PWI's
Nah. A good amount come from the hood. They're used to seeing Black men with no power being dominated by non-Black men and romanticize that. Then they get into white academia and start intellectualizing their anti-Black misandry. They only dealt with the worst Black men they could find, start interacting with normal men at college (non-Black of course, cause f "lames) and start going crazy with the non-Black man love.


All Star
Dec 12, 2019
Black men can't *check* their women because they don't have any real power in the US or any other cac country.

And those noxious c00nish divestor women are right on that. Women want winners. And if you go begging other groups for money, jobs, status, and awards, then you're not a winner. And women know that.

And that's interesting about Indians. It appears that they practice and enforce endogamy so that explains their not wanting to pair up with Black African women.

However the Chinese seem not to care and are having kids with African women all over the place.

And about the future of Black people in the US I mentioned this before but it's going to lead to far fewer Black people. Because they deliberately begged for integration because they didn't want to just stay around their own people. No matter the abuse and misery they suffered due to cacs they still wanted to be in white communities, schools, and hand their money over to their businesses. :mjpls:

They also want to marry and have kids with their racial tormentor due to racial stockholm syndrome. And there's no sign that they'll ever be dissuaded from that. :mjpls:

So you combine those ideas and it leads to the partial or total destruction of the US Black community.
Sad but true. Its why a lot get offended when you mention certain things can only continue for so long with at least passiveness from those being affected. But you can't deny Black people have a sick love for cacs that stems from Christianity