Yes, I'm in Canada.
Can't wait until we return to 20%
You are a Canadian in Canada, but you are worrying about the Maths scores of Black children in California? I am in America and I don't care.
Yes, I'm in Canada.
Can't wait until we return to 20%
Only way for black people to come out of being powerless is to organize and work with their fellow people across the globe. We are not a minority in this global game. My brother is my brother no matter the borderline he lives in.
i feel like my dads comicbook hobby ensure all us learned to read early. The pictures really incentivized me as kid to figure what they were saying to go along with the cool imagery.
It's like black kinds aren't meeting the standards so what do the people in power do? They lower the standards even more.
We have to get it together. Buckle down like the Asians. School, then cram school and then home studies or tutoring.
We're failing our children. If we're really who we say we are we would adapt to the standards set and demolish them. Our 8 year olds can't keep up with their curriculum.
Black kids are failing regardless where they are - blue state or red state. This is a cultural failure that policy and politics can't fix.Do you seriously want to compare blue state education systems to red state?
Can't escape the race. These are our people that will replace us.
The test scores for this past school year is abysmal.
Across the state of California, of the grade 3-8 and grade 11 Black or African American students tested, only 17.95% passed or exceeded standards.
30,810 black students received a score and only 5,530 passed the test.
This is for maths.
this is 1000% on the parents but IN for the juelzing that’s to follow.
Bullshyt. Unless by culturally biased you mean the test is biased towards those households that have a culture of reading, studying, valuing education and merit, and having high expectations of their children.Those test are culturally biased only part universal is the math
70% of it is the home life. Kids and the parents are addicted to screens/marijuana.Some of it's cultural, some of it is trying to teach students in one way, some of it is the home life of students.
All of the blame can not be put on the parents, primarily it's the system.
I tried to be STEM teacher, because my background as an Chemical Engineer, and I killed the CSET test, and I get contacted all the time to be a teacher, but I want to teach at a primarily Black school, but they always send me jobs to teach at Non-Black (Hispanics/Latinos) schools, which I am not going to do.
I would actually take a pay cut to be a STEM teacher at a Black school.
Those test are culturally biased only part universal is the math
No way you believe this.Here’s the difference at white schools they give students the answers at black schools they don’t. 24 pages of complete nonsense.