Black students in Cali: only 20% pass MATH state test, 33% pass READING test

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
Black kids do bad because nobody holds them to a standard anymore.
You can look at the stats of black kids that go to white schools and the test scores are around the same as kids in poor schools


Pass me the rock nikka
Mar 12, 2013
The research on African American learning styles is says that we are more active learners anyway.
We must have movement or a strong emphasis on verve, lessons must be connected to a sense of purpose and unity for our students, we are also social learners as we tend to make connections to ideas through peer discussion.

Think of 3 things a young, scared white female teacher DOESNT wanna see in her classroom:
A group of blk kids, moving and socializing over engaging content connected to what is important to that child’s community.

It’s the difference between listening to a boring ass lecture on the water cycle vs. doing a research project on potable water sources and it’s importance to the environment and then linking it to real shyt like Flint, Michigan.

Ur average, white kid will be okay with the lecture but even if they aren’t, they won’t get suspended for acting the fool the way the blk kid will. The immigrant kids won’t try it b/c Asian cultures emphasize group think and docility and deference to authority in ways that complement the sit/spit/forget educational culture we currently make our kids endure.

Oh and god forbid ur son is blk and gifted and a behavior problem. They’ll slap a disability on him so quick b/c of THEIR lack of experience as teachers, racial implicit bias and cultural incongruity.

And stupid people in our race will sit there and ignore all of this and give them excuses for their nonsense “WeLL dEM bLK kIDs Is BaD!”

I'm with you I was considered writing a curriculum for the My Brothers Keeper program at the school I was with. U doing some great work salute. I agree with some of the things you've said but I still believe that ultimately it starts in the home. Many black kids are able to do exceptionally well regardless of the circumstances because of the personal drive they have and the parenting they have at home.

I don't buy the whole African-American learning style because it kinda insinuates black kids can't sit their ass down and do the work like the rest of the kids. I'm not a Tariq fan but he had that one video where he talked about how he was tired of hip-hop and dancing being incorporated into everything black people do. But I do believe teachers should do their best to fit all learning styles the visual ones, the tactile ones, the social ones so on.

Also, there really isn't a teacher at least in New York state that isn't incorporating socialization into the classroom whether it be group work, turn and talks, restorative circles things of that nature into their classroom. The days of direct instruction are over and shyt with the state mandated learning modules teachers barely have any control.

I worked at a predominantly black school with a large black faculty (including three black principals, predominantly black aides, and a handful of black teachers) obviously we don't want the kids suspended but we had 128 fights in a year in a school of a little under 600 kids.
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Jan 12, 2017
Math ain't even that hard. I took accelerated precalculus didn't study and still passed with a C:mindblown: I haven't taken not one tutoring program

Dudes complaining about Algebra and Geometry just give up:mjlol:
Brag about getting a C in the US school system brehs:beli:


Feb 12, 2015
I mean, I agree with a lot of what you posted, but we also have to confront the grim reality that these schools aren't going to become perfect anytime soon. So now what? We continue blaming schools/society and letting these kids fail, or instill some grit in them and get them to succeed despite these obstacles? It's not like it's impossible, many black kids in these Title 1 schools are learning and passing these exams and they are coming form the same communities as their failing peers. Perhaps we should be focusing on these kids to see how they're able to succeed despite the shyt they have to deal with.
How about focusing on what successful schools are doing to turn out better kids.
I’m a pragmatist at heart. What I’m saying sounds idealistic but it’s actually simpler than expecting every blk family to become less toxic and more supportive of education.

Ya’ll want a paradigm shift. I want to fix the vehicle that can create that culture shift. You can’t get one without addressing the other, and it only takes a few changes at the local levels to improve our schools.

1.) Not just blk male teachers but blk male principals.

2.) Informing blk families of their rights in the educational system. Nobody knows the data and the shyt we talked about today. I’ve worked with blk parents who didn’t even know about disproportionality. When teachers made parents aware of the shyt going down in the school, those same so-called sorry blk parents literally bombarded our zone superintendent about a racist principal. His ass was gone by the end of the school year and replaced with a competent blk male principal who turned the school around.

Nobody went on a magical Coli bootstrap quest to make all those allegedly sorry blk parents become more active in their kids education.:mjlol:
But wouldn’t u believe that those same horrible, terrible, very bad, no good, negro kids increased their MAP and EOG scores every year that principal has been there for the past four years.
What changed first, the system or the culture?

Because I promise u, sorry parents still exist and most aren’t sorry but their economic reality hasn’t changed so they still NOT able to hire tutors or spend hours reviewing content with their kids.

But all of a sudden, a small change in leadership led to an entirely different experience for those kids regardless of their home life.
If we want blk parents to contribute, THATS the change we should be emphasizing. Not individual blame games.
Nearly 300 public schools in Los Angeles County are closing the achievement gap for low-income black and Latino students — but only 2 out of 10 of these students are enrolled in them, new study finds | LA School Report

Why Black Students Succeed with Black Teachers

Oh looksie! How’d this school district in Mississippi do it?!
The only A-rated, majority-black district in Mississippi
“In a district that is about 53 percent black and 39 percent white, children share the same resources, teachers, and the same well-stocked classrooms and school buildings, regardless of their race or economic status.”

How’s this school in Brooklyn doing it with a 100% graduation rate for AA students and nearly all attended college afterwards.
A low-income Brooklyn high school where 100 percent of black male students graduate
“School officials say their model is replicable – but only in schools where the adults in the school are willing to pay relentless attention and hold the students to consistently high expectations.”

As educators we can’t control what comes thru the door but we can control what we do with them 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for 180 days a year.
And what our kids are getting at school ain’t enough even when they come from great homes.

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Brag about getting a C in the US school system brehs:beli:

It was 2 Precalculus classes combined and instead of taking it during a normal 5 month semester, I took it during the summer which consisted of 6 weeks


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
None of the data supports any of what u are saying..


Breakfast and test scores

The effects of breakfast on behavior and academic performance in children and adolescents

Black kids watch more tv

Black and minority children watch 50 per cent more TV per day than whites (and almost 90% have sets in their bedrooms), study finds

Low income asian kids make up to 73% of top public high schools in NY

To make elite schools ‘fair,’ city will punish poor Asians

High parental expectations increase positive outcomes for kids

Predictors of postschool employment outcomes for young adults with severe disabilities

ALL of these things are controllable by parents. All of them. All of them affect your childs development.

White Racism is not controllable.

Stop the excuses and lets do better by our kids.

Simple as that.


Feb 12, 2015
I'm with you I was considered writing a curriculum for the My Brothers Keeper program at the school I was with. U doing some great work salute. I agree with some of the things you've said but I still believe that ultimately it starts in the home. Many black kids are able to do exceptionally well regardless of the circumstances because of the personal drive they have and the parenting they have at home.

I don't buy the whole African-American learning style because it kinda insinuates black kids can't sit their ass down and do the work like the rest of the kids. I'm not a Tariq fan but he had that one video where he talked about how he was tired of hip-hop and dancing being incorporated into everything black people do. But I do believe teachers should do their best to fit all learning styles the visual ones, the tactile ones, the social ones so on.

Also, there really isn't a teacher at least in New York state that isn't incorporating socialization into the classroom whether it be group work, turn and talks, restorative circles things of that nature into their classroom. The days of direct instruction are over and shyt with the state mandated learning modules teachers barely have any control.

I worked at a predominately black school with a large black faculty (including three black principals) obviously we don't want the kids suspended but we had 128 fights in a year in a school of a little under 600 kids.
Data shows otherwise as teacher quality, not home life is the biggest predictor of blk student academic success and I’ve got a whole lit. review much of which I’ve shared in this thread to prove it.

As for learning styles it’s not that AA students can’t but that they are expected to when white students aren’t.
One part of my job in educational consulting is to go out to different schools and provide teacher supports. The classrooms of white schools and blk schools are like night and day. In fact, the education I received in a poor black school district is comparable to what only white or affluent kids are getting today.

White kids still have books, and unit plans, and project based learning, and science fairs and field trips, and an emphasis on the arts.

Black students are funneled into depressing schools, with new inexperienced white teachers who don’t have thousand dollar curriculums or money for authentic learning experiences and experiments and are less likely to utilize the constructivist learning strategies that improve student engagement, nor do they have the experience to provide explicit instruction for struggling learners. So they fall back on worksheets, drills and lectures. When this doesn’t work and students get bored and off task or they hate school, our system created this problem.

During my last year of teaching my middle schoolers went three years without one outside learning experience. I’m not advocating for surface level stereotypes of funneling knowledge thru hip hop and basketball to get blk kids interested. I’m talking about a lack of educational quality that is unconstitutional that blks literally protested against.

School quality and upward mobility are inextricably connected. Black family structure CAN’T improve without better schools, and better schools can’t happen unless we understand how Brown vs. Board of Education has been underminded by racist legislation resulting in inequitable education disparities for blk kids in our school system.

But if you all have solutions on how the blk family can magically restore itself outside of the one tried and true social economic vehicle of education and our continued efforts to reform it, I’m all ears.


Feb 12, 2015

Breakfast and test scores

The effects of breakfast on behavior and academic performance in children and adolescents

Black kids watch more tv

Black and minority children watch 50 per cent more TV per day than whites (and almost 90% have sets in their bedrooms), study finds

Low income asian kids make up to 73% of top public high schools in NY

To make elite schools ‘fair,’ city will punish poor Asians

High parental expectations increase positive outcomes for kids

Predictors of postschool employment outcomes for young adults with severe disabilities

ALL of these things are controllable by parents. All of them. All of them affect your childs development.

White Racism is not controllable.

Stop the excuses and lets do better by our kids.

Simple as that.
I never said it DIDNT matter but that teacher quality MATTERS MORE.

Say it with me...BEST....that’s right you can do it PREDICTOR.

The number one predictor of black student success isn’t breakfast or how much tv is watched.

It’s...take a guess....

Black students who have one black teacher are more likely to go to college

Report: Teacher qualifications best predictor of student success

The Power of Teacher Expectations: How racial bias hinders student attainment - Education Next

Of course home life has an effect. That shyt is obvious. But what are u gonna do, change every household situation in the blk community?!
What’s easier? Change every family or reform a local school in that community. The latter requires a change in school leadership that’s easier to get to than getting into every blk parents heads and undoing the effects of systematic oppression.

You know what, the next time I encounter a teacher with a crazy classroom, instead of providing evidence-based practices correlated with improved academic and behavioral outcomes for AA students, I’m gonna give her ur fingerwagging advice and tell her tell her parents to restrict how much tv their children watch. Or better yet, I’m going to tackle child hunger first!
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All Star
Nov 22, 2016
How about focusing on what successful schools are doing to turn out better kids.
I’m a pragmatist at heart. What I’m saying sounds idealistic but it’s actually simpler than expecting every blk family to become less toxic and more supportive of education.

Ya’ll want a paradigm shift. I want to fix the vehicle that can create that culture shift. You can’t get one without addressing the other, and it only takes a few changes at the local levels to improve our schools.

1.) Not just blk male teachers but blk male principals.

2.) Informing blk families of their rights in the educational system. Nobody knows the data and the shyt we talked about today. I’ve worked with blk parents who didn’t even know about disproportionality. When teachers made parents aware of the shyt going down in the school, those same so-called sorry blk parents literally bombarded our zone superintendent about a racist principal. His ass was gone by the end of the school year and replaced with a competent blk male principal who turned the school around.

Nobody went on a magical Coli bootstrap quest to make all those allegedly sorry blk parents become more active in their kids education.:mjlol:
But wouldn’t u believe that those same horrible, terrible, very bad, no good, negro kids increased their MAP and EOG scores every year that principal has been there for the past four years.
What changed first, the system or the culture?

Because I promise u, sorry parents still exist and most aren’t sorry but their economic reality hasn’t changed so they still NOT able to hire tutors or spend hours reviewing content with their kids.

But all of a sudden, a small change in leadership led to an entirely different experience for those kids regardless of their home life.
If we want blk parents to contribute, THATS the change we should be emphasizing. Not individual blame games.
Nearly 300 public schools in Los Angeles County are closing the achievement gap for low-income black and Latino students — but only 2 out of 10 of these students are enrolled in them, new study finds | LA School Report

Why Black Students Succeed with Black Teachers

Oh looksie! How’d this school district in Mississippi do it?!
The only A-rated, majority-black district in Mississippi
“In a district that is about 53 percent black and 39 percent white, children share the same resources, teachers, and the same well-stocked classrooms and school buildings, regardless of their race or economic status.”

How’s this school in Brooklyn doing it with a 100% graduation rate for AA students and nearly all attended college afterwards.
A low-income Brooklyn high school where 100 percent of black male students graduate
“School officials say their model is replicable – but only in schools where the adults in the school are willing to pay relentless attention and hold the students to consistently high expectations.”

As educators we can’t control what comes thru the door but we can control what we do with them 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for 180 days a year.
And what our kids are getting at school ain’t enough even when they come from great homes.

That's dope that there are institutional changes being implemented to help students, I can get behind this. That said, everything that's been described as working in those links you posted is exactly what alot of people have been saying needs to happen in the homes and in culture. There have to be much higher expectations when it comes to education, as well as focused attention and support.

It would be nice if every school had black teachers and counselors who had a smaller more manageable number of students and could make a dedicated investment into making sure each student performed up to a high standard, but as a possible future parent I'm not counting on that being the case. I'm making damn sure that the culture that these successful schools are creating already exists IN MY HOUSEHOLD. That's something that alot of asian and white and immigrant families already have which contributes to the discrepancy in performance.

But yes, it would be great if more schools could try to replicate these systems. I don't think it's either or, changes need to be made in schools but changes at home and in the community can't be ignored either.


Cali born Cali bred
Jun 8, 2012
So. Cal
Breh most nikkas just circle whatever to get that fukk out of class. Those test have zero effect on your grade.