Is every blk person that gets shot in America guilty or are we still at risk to get our heads blown off just for the color of our skin
Majority of blk kids getting these suspensions aren’t even doing anything. White teachers have been on record indicating their racial bias impacts discipline.
White teachers are scared of blk kids or have stereotypes of them. Johnny raping his peer or shooting up a school is a pat on the wrist. A blk student cracking a joke or rolling his/her eyes = 10 day suspension.
Black students in NYC get harsher suspensions for the same infractions
Data intersects with blk children unfairly misidentified as having learning disabilities.
“There is also good research showing the reality of racism in America. A 2014
study, for example, found that people generally view black boys as older and less innocent starting at the age of 10. “Children in most societies are considered to be in a distinct group with characteristics such as innocence and the need for protection,” Phillip Goff, an author of the 2014 study, said in a
statement. “Our research found that black boys can be seen as responsible for their actions at an age when white boys still benefit from the assumption that children are essentially innocent.”
study released in 2017 produced similar results, finding that Americans overall view black girls as less innocent and more mature for their age, from ages 5 to 14. Survey respondents were more likely to say that black girls, compared to white girls, need less nurturing, less protection, to be supported less, to be comforted less, are more independent, know more about adult topics, and know more about sex. The researchers described this as the “adultification” of black girls.”
Black kids are way more likely to be punished in school than white kids, study finds
U know it’s a problem when even our own white ass federal government ADMITS IT! Lol.
K-12 Education: Discipline Disparities for Black Students, Boys, and Students with Disabilities
- Federal civil rights investigations have found that black students are punished more harshly than white students in schools even when black and white students engage in identical or similar behavior.
- A study published in Sociology of Educationanalyzed a data set of more than 60,000 schools in more than 6,000 districts. It found that schools with relatively larger minority and poor populations are more likely to implement criminal justice-oriented disciplinary policies — such as suspensions, expulsions, police referrals, and arrests — and less likely to connect them to psychological or behavioral care.
The impact of racism in our education system can’t be denied. Kids aren’t robots and a lack of engaging content, plus racist inexperienced scary PAWG teachers equals...blk kids being removed from the educational setting disproportionately in comparison to their non-blk peers.