"Black people were better off during the Jim Crow era"-the coli


Jun 22, 2014

Integration wasn't bad for Black people, it was bad for his family's bus line, a bus line that couldn't compete.
I think Thomas Sowell would actually support the disintegration of that business, it was simple free-economics :whew:
And integration does not always mean subjugation for a minority of the population, look at Saudi Arabia: majority Sunni but the power and wealth are largely in the hands of the Shi'a.
Jul 26, 2012
Yet we were closing the gap quicker in practically in every comparative quality of life metric prior to being granted "equal rights" :shaq2:

And everything has stagnated or regressed since then...comparatively speaking.

Nothing in that post has me forwarding the idea of blacks determining policy in the legislative or whatever the fuk u talmbout...the fuk typa ridiculous ass strawman is this :russ:

If you consider that a straw man then best of luck to ya, cause you gonna need it


Nov 12, 2013
It did.

"Everything" didn't stagnate. The only thing that did stagnate is wages, and that holds true for the entire country.

You reducing the civil rights movement into eating food and smashing women shows how much you don't understand history.

No we didn't :mjlol:

The white-white wage gap is in shambles, and our family structure is better than ever :ehh:

You are working with some very poor information to start, which is why your opinion defies logic.

You gotta start with accurate info if you want to make a proper argument.

Not one answer here involved any sort of concrete substantive facts...not one.

You can't point to one single quality of life measurable (when compared to the mean) that improved collectively for black folks with integration...that wasn't already drastically on the upswing from 1930-1960. FACT

But you did see stagnation and regression in alot of areas, as well as brand new problems spring up post-integration that we didn't previously have...or at least weren't as widespread.

All integration did was fracture our communities, and weaken & destroy the institutions and industries that were built up, BY & FOR the benefit of black people...and allowed whites to snatch up the best, brightest, most skilled, educated and most resource rich people from our communities...and add them to theirs, to further empower and enrich their communities, institutions & industries...this is the only real "integration" that occured...by & large blacks are still segregated from society.

And why do i have sneaking suspicion that the majority of "pro-integration" blacks in this thread (if there are any here at all) are the completely whitewashed, cac-raised, children/grandchildren of black sellouts who abandoned black communities to go live up under the devil. :patrice:


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
"Because, um welfare and integration and (some shyt about single mothers and feminism)."

Who came up with that dumb shyt?


@Mephistopheles thread's title is a misrepresentation of Coli's militant views. Coli militants never say black people were unequivocally "better off during the Jim Crow era". You're arguing against a claim we never made is a STRAWMAN.

What Coli militants ACTUALLY CLAIM is that certain aspects of the segregation era and segregation itself is better for black people than the integration alternative. This is a nuanced view, not a wholesale one which promulgates everything which occurred during Jim Crow was "better for black people" (particularly poverty). What Coli militants CLAIM is that segregation itself was and is good for black people, as it led to better marriage rates, Black Wall Street, better black families, more race loyalty, etc. Coli militants NEVER SAID AND NEVER SAY that poverty was and is good for blacks. Where Mephistopheles makes his mistake is in assuming Coli Militants say things they never said, and in presuming that segregation means poverty.

Contrary to Mephistopheles' hidden assertions, black segregation itself does not imply or mean poverty anymore than Sweden's segregation has meant poverty or Japan's segregation has meant poverty. Just like poverty does not mean poverty in all white neighborhoods or in North Dakota, segregation does not mean or imply poverty for BLACKS either. Assuming such is wrongheaded thinking. Thus, in recognition of all black segregation offers--in addition to a chance to be wealthy and successful--Coli militants believe segregation is black people's best option.
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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Not one answer here involved any sort of concrete substantive facts...not one.

You can't point to one single quality of life measurable (when compared to the mean) that improved collectively for black folks with integration...that wasn't already drastically on the upswing from 1930-1960. FACT

But you did see stagnation and regression in alot of areas, as well as brand new problems spring up post-integration that we didn't previously have...or at least weren't as widespread.

All integration did was fracture our communities, and weaken & destroy the institutions and industries that were built up, BY & FOR the benefit of black people...and allowed whites to snatch up the best, brightest, most skilled, educated and most resource rich people from our communities...and add them to theirs, to further empower and enrich their communities, institutions & industries...this is the only real "integration" that occured...by & large blacks are still segregated from society.

And why do i have sneaking suspicion that the majority of "pro-integration" blacks in this thread (if there are any here at all) are the completely whitewashed, cac-raised, children/grandchildren of black sellouts who abandoned black communities to go live up under the devil. :patrice:
Actually everything I said is backed up with facts.

And I'm black as fukk living in a black community :ehh:


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
But i thought the point of doing something as drastic as giving up black ownership/autonomy in black neighborhoods to go live/work in white ones was to result in sweeping quality of life changes? :jbhmm:

Not for everything to just stagnate and regress in multiple quality of life areas. Where there were already even more dramatic quality of life gains prior to blacks giving up black ownership/autonomy in their neighborhoods...The fukk was the point if quality of life not only didn't drastically improve...but regress in some areas?

We can eat whiteys garbage ass food establishments and smash his women?

We lost gains in black homeownership, black life expectancy, the black-white wage gap and our family structure is in shambles...but at least we get to PAWG :blessed:

This....but pro-integration nikkas will defend it to the grave


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
And yall can fukk up outta here trying to equate being anti-integration/pro-black autonomy with supporting jim crow laws...typical cac obfuscation :camby:

Particularly when being pro-integration is to be pro-white supremacy in itself.
I feel that in some way we'd be better off if we were still segregated but the only way to eliminate Jim Crow was integration


Nov 12, 2013
I feel that in some way we'd be better off if we were still segregated but the only way to eliminate Jim Crow was integration

We're still segregated...just with less control & autonomy over our communities...and Jim Crow never went anywhere, it just evolved

Michelle Alexander: More Black Men Are In Prison Today Than Were Enslaved In 1850

"Black men have been killed by police at a rate some 9 to 13 times higher than white men. Between 1969 and 1968, police killed 1,188 black males"


Supposedly..."integration" was supposed to protect us from whites using the sanction of the state to kill us with impunity...

But outside of the Tulsa "riots"...you can't find a single year where whites killed 1,188 blacks in the pre-"civil rights" jim crow era 20th century...you can combine police killings + lynchings in any given year in the jim crow era and it won't come out to that number. And it only got worse into the 70's/80's.

shyt...the Philly PD killed about as many black people from 2013-2016...as the jim crow era Philly PD killed in an entire decade (1950-60)


Officer Involved Shootings | Philadelphia Police Department

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
This thread's title is a misrepresentation of Coli's militant views. Coli militants never said black people were "unequivocally better off during the Jim Crow era". You're arguing against a claim we never made is a STRAWMAN.
Nope. You threw in the word "unequivocally," but several posters have said black people were better off during the Jim Crow era, including in this very thread.

What Coli militants ACTUALLY SAY is that black people were more unified during the segregated era--with better marriage rates, Black Wall Street, etc. Segregation itself DOES NOT IMPLY poverty. You THINK IT DOES, but IT DOESN'T. The Japanese are SEGREGATED and some of the RICHEST PEOPLE ON EARTH. The SWEDISH are SEGREGATED and some of the richest people on Earth.

That's an absurd comparison. We're talking about Jim Crow "separate but equal" segregation, which is de jure racism. You can't equate that with ethnic groups who came here of their own few will and established their own communities that weren't legally oppressed for centuries. You sound like one of these racist ass Fox News talking heads. "My family came here from Ireland with nothing and found success. Why can't the blacks." :camby:

Citing Black Wall Street as an example of segregation being better is dumb as already explained because it was an anomaly in the Nadir period black life. Everyone's marriage rates are lower now do to societal change.

What Coli militants ACTUALLY CLAIM is that certain aspects of the segregation era and segregation itself is better for black people than the integration alternative. This is a nuanced view, not a wholesale one which promulgates everything which occurred during Jim Crow was "better for black people" (particularly poverty). What Coli militants CLAIM is that segregation itself was and is good for black people, as it led to better marriage rates, Black Wall Street, better black families, more race loyalty, etc. Coli militants NEVER SAID AND NEVER SAY that poverty was and is good for blacks. Where Mephistopheles makes his mistake is in assuming Coli Militants say things they never said, and in presuming that segregation means poverty.

Segregation of a minority group due to de jure racism, as was black history up until the mid-60's does and did mean poverty and it's not debatable.

I've already addressed every single claim you made in other posts in this thread. You're :deadhorse:
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May 1, 2014
imma go with the elder on this one :wow:

John Henrik Clarke was a grown man before ww2

he saw black society before and after social integration

"...in the Civil Rights Movement we reached for the wrong things. We thought the thing to be is to be like them, when we had a higher standard of morality than them. Why be like them? Why not set an example and let them be like you? We wanted to be close to them. We wanted our children to sit next to them and soak up education through osmosis and our children got cut to pieces. Many of our children could run rings around them educationally. Then why did they go to these white schools and got dumbed up and confused? We should have given our children strength and confidence when they went to school..."

"I must make a deeper assessment of the civil rights movement, when we began to dismantle the institutions in the black community and run toward everything white. When we got into the the NAACP syndrome, in that bag of worms called integration, that we should have never asked for. Had we asked for desegregation and justice we could integrate on our own terms or not integrate at all. You do not integrate institutions that hold you together culturally and spiritually. You can welcome them into your institutions but you do not change the rules to suit them."

"Let's go back and look at that period when the civil rights movement began to lose it's steam. When those who intended to control it began to get their acts together and systematically buy it off or destroy it. The high cerimonial point was the march on Washington. A picnic on the grass, a publicity, media miracle that achieved absolutely nothing...You got the illusion that we were moving foreward but we were conceding something...when Kennedy could not control the march, he integrated it"

"...We kept asking for change but all some people wanted was entry in their master's house"

"We have to stop crying for other people's acceptance and...accept our selves and build ourselves and strengthen ourselves, the question is not whether they will accept us but whether we will accept them and on what terms."

"No one should call for black power unless someone has made up their minds on what you are going to do with it once you get it, beyond the slogan...We became a sloganizing people that subsituted slogans for action. We shouted "black is beautiful"...the world is not ruled by beauty or blackness. The world is ruled by power."


May 1, 2014
"the passive resistance of the civil rights movement was sold as a way of life. A strategy is never a way of life. A strategy is something you use, the same as you use an orange, when the juice is gone you through it in the garbge can."

damn :mjcry::wow:

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
The poverty line is adjusted for inflation.

Plus the calculation for the poverty figure today isn't really accurate because it doesn't account for the non-cash benefits put in since the 60's. The poverty line number today doesn't account for SNAP, rent subsidies, utility subsidies, earned income tax credit, etc. A poor black person in 1960 had none of that. A poor black person today with the same inflation-adjusted income as a poor black person in 1960 is living much better.

Read this...

Official Poverty Measure Masks Gains Made Over Last 50 Years | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
I like how every single Jesse Lee Peterson militant in this thread ignored this post.