"Black people were better off during the Jim Crow era"-the coli


Aug 29, 2014
I'm from Bham, Alabama... Grandmother was was in the movement... so was my Grandfather

Ralph B. Abernathy has eaten at our old crib once..... and we used to chop it up with Fred Shuttlesworth a lot......

Trust me..... the majority of black folks did not want to stir the pot back then
They didn't want to stir the pot out of fear though not because they didn't want civil rights. That's a totally different thing.


Jul 30, 2015
Definitely agree.

It's not even just that...it just honestly annoys me how everybody has no problem evaluating and even ripping this generation to shreds, but if you dare even attempt to critique one single thing about the older generations approach, everybody gets mad and some will even cuss you out

I think it's fine to critique my generation AND the older generations. It shouldn't be the norm to do it to us yet act like theirs was perfect (and off limits to examine or discuss).

Black men of my generation have A LOT of room for improvement. It's talked about a lot. I've even said it myself. But what is hardly ever addressed is that....one of our biggest mistakes is following in the same footsteps of the previous generations. Instead of learning from the mistakes they made, we seem to be ok with just doing the same thing they did. Imo, it's not that the older generations builded for us, passed it down and we just came along and fukked it all up. That's what a lot of them try to make it seem like, but that's definitely not the case. If it were, i would just admit it. The truth is, not much was built or passed down to us in the first place, the way it was for others, so many of us are struggling. My main critique of this gen. is that those of us who aren't struggling and are doing very well financially, tend to not care about the rest, and even look down on them. Instead of pooling resources together to try to help our people. Not all, but for the most part. Successful, well-off blacks tend to be very classist and individualistic. It also doesn't help that most are quick to move to a mostly white neighborhood where we aren't even wanted most of the time, and are happy as long as we have that "good career" working for white ppl.

We have to stop blindly defending all older ppl...we don't blindly defend younger ppl so i don't see why we should keep doing this. Not all deserve praise, i'm not saying they deserve disrespect but we need to stop overly praising ppl just for being alive :francis:

One example, i have an uncle who has A LOT of money. He always kept talking about starting a restaurant and putting some black ppl on, but he never did. What he did do is buy himself a big house, luxury cars, take trips to numerous islands, a bunch of jewelry, playing golf with old cacs etc i actually can think of several older black men i know like this, who i know for a fact had enough bread to start a business but did not, they rather stunt and be "that nikka" and not build something for black ppl. Some of them also look down on poorer black men. Now, should we blindly praise these types of men or should we just tell the truth that they don't care about helping other black ppl?...

Not creating businesses, jobs, etc but they deserve to be blindly defended and praised? Why? It's not all older black men, but too many to count. I don't hate or resent them, I just don't think not building or caring to build deserves heaps of praise and defending. I see the "blueprint" and I honestly don't want to do the same. I'm doing the opposite
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Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
We didn't have it better back then but the complaints expressed by millenials are valid. Most of these said black posters are currently living the black American experience in 2016. Black Millennials look back in history with a critical eye. They see a Unified black family unit back then that they are envious of and should be. They are looking at history through a present lens. You can't tell a young black coli member growing up in a single parent household in a crime ridden area looking back an era with strong family values that what he is looking at and wanting is not justified. You can't.
The male leaders were being taken out by white supremacy, and let's not forget how many fathers left their home in search for work and never came back. Then, we have some old heads were fukking around and left their family to build a new family with their side chicks. Yea, the AA family unit was solid in the past, but it got depleted by so many fukkerys that our grandparents stirred up along with systemic oppression.
The problem is, black families back then only had a handful of people jn their community that lived The Black Wallstreet lifestyle. At least the majority of black folk were living in poverty and in terror with the KKK running wild, even worse than now.

Integration could have worked for us economically for black folk with increasing our business exposure to mainstream America, just like how the Jewish did with theirs. But we played our cards wrong.
Jewish were given reparation and had access to the corporate welfare resources. Black people couldn't get a penny from our government for economic growth that's why we are far back in the economical marathon. I think it's asinine to compare us to other groups that were given the tools and resources to prosper in a capitalistic society.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
The male leaders were being taken out by white supremacy, and let's not forget how many fathers left their home in search for work and never came back. Then, we have some old heads were fukking around and left their family to build a new family with their side chicks. Yea, the AA family unit was solid in the past, but it got depleted by so many fukkerys that our grandparents stirred up along with systemic oppression.

Jewish were given reparation and had access to the corporate welfare resources. Black people couldn't get a penny from our government for economic growth that's why we are far back in the economical marathon. I think it's asinine to compare us to other groups that were given the tools and resources to prosper in a capitalistic society.

Jews got reparations because they already demonstrated unity. Can't get that without uniting first.

The thing about us, is that we gotta unite in times of peace.
Jul 26, 2012
They didn't want to stir the pot out of fear though not because they didn't want civil rights. That's a totally different thing.

There is truth in this.... but being afraid is a part of it....The ones who chose to take a stance were afraid as well.... but there was a segment that felt that things were fine the way they were, whether they actually meant it or not, this is what they expressed.....

Was fear the motivation behind these sentiments? Perhaps..... but I don't know if I can qualify that as a legitimate excuse...


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL
Back then I think black ameRicans had it harder but nowadays we make our situation hard on us. We need to put down the guns and start killing these polices .and we need to start business to help one another instead of stunting on nikkas. At least back then nikkas had they head on straight. Now they have evolved Jim crow and destroyed our community. Integration was a smoke screen for the crack era of the 80s. All that progress we made flushed down the toilet.


Sep 6, 2016
FBA hairline
Bout a 3rd of yall nikkas aren't gonna vote anyway so we may as well go back to Jim Crow days :stopitslime:
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Nov 12, 2013
imma go with the elder on this one :wow:

John Henrik Clarke was a grown man before ww2

he saw black society before and after social integration

"...in the Civil Rights Movement we reached for the wrong things. We thought the thing to be is to be like them, when we had a higher standard of morality than them. Why be like them? Why not set an example and let them be like you? We wanted to be close to them. We wanted our children to sit next to them and soak up education through osmosis and our children got cut to pieces. Many of our children could run rings around them educationally. Then why did they go to these white schools and got dumbed up and confused? We should have given our children strength and confidence when they went to school..."

"I must make a deeper assessment of the civil rights movement, when we began to dismantle the institutions in the black community and run toward everything white. When we got into the the NAACP syndrome, in that bag of worms called integration, that we should have never asked for. Had we asked for desegregation and justice we could integrate on our own terms or not integrate at all. You do not integrate institutions that hold you together culturally and spiritually. You can welcome them into your institutions but you do not change the rules to suit them."

"Let's go back and look at that period when the civil rights movement began to lose it's steam. When those who intended to control it began to get their acts together and systematically buy it off or destroy it. The high cerimonial point was the march on Washington. A picnic on the grass, a publicity, media miracle that achieved absolutely nothing...You got the illusion that we were moving foreward but we were conceding something...when Kennedy could not control the march, he integrated it"

"...We kept asking for change but all some people wanted was entry in their master's house"

"We have to stop crying for other people's acceptance and...accept our selves and build ourselves and strengthen ourselves, the question is not whether they will accept us but whether we will accept them and on what terms."

"No one should call for black power unless someone has made up their minds on what you are going to do with it once you get it, beyond the slogan...We became a sloganizing people that subsituted slogans for action. We shouted "black is beautiful"...the world is not ruled by beauty or blackness. The world is ruled by power."


Back in 1899, in Washington, D. C., there were four academic public high schools-- one black and three white.1 In standardized tests given that year, students in the black high school averaged higher test scores than students in two of the three white high schools
This was not a fluke. It so happens that I have followed 85 years of the history of this black high school-- from 1870 to 1955 --and found it repeatedly equalling or exceeding national norms on standardized tests.3 In the 1890s, it was called The M Street School and after 1916 it was renamed Dunbar High School but its academic performances on standardized tests remained good on into the mid-1950s.


Sep 2, 2014
imma go with the elder on this one :wow:

John Henrik Clarke was a grown man before ww2

he saw black society before and after social integration

"...in the Civil Rights Movement we reached for the wrong things. We thought the thing to be is to be like them, when we had a higher standard of morality than them. Why be like them? Why not set an example and let them be like you? We wanted to be close to them. We wanted our children to sit next to them and soak up education through osmosis and our children got cut to pieces. Many of our children could run rings around them educationally. Then why did they go to these white schools and got dumbed up and confused? We should have given our children strength and confidence when they went to school..."

"I must make a deeper assessment of the civil rights movement, when we began to dismantle the institutions in the black community and run toward everything white. When we got into the the NAACP syndrome, in that bag of worms called integration, that we should have never asked for. Had we asked for desegregation and justice we could integrate on our own terms or not integrate at all. You do not integrate institutions that hold you together culturally and spiritually. You can welcome them into your institutions but you do not change the rules to suit them."

"Let's go back and look at that period when the civil rights movement began to lose it's steam. When those who intended to control it began to get their acts together and systematically buy it off or destroy it. The high cerimonial point was the march on Washington. A picnic on the grass, a publicity, media miracle that achieved absolutely nothing...You got the illusion that we were moving foreward but we were conceding something...when Kennedy could not control the march, he integrated it"

"...We kept asking for change but all some people wanted was entry in their master's house"

"We have to stop crying for other people's acceptance and...accept our selves and build ourselves and strengthen ourselves, the question is not whether they will accept us but whether we will accept them and on what terms."

"No one should call for black power unless someone has made up their minds on what you are going to do with it once you get it, beyond the slogan...We became a sloganizing people that subsituted slogans for action. We shouted "black is beautiful"...the world is not ruled by beauty or blackness. The world is ruled by power."

all facts :wow:


Sep 2, 2014
But why does it take a forced law called segregation to support black owned businesses? :jbhmm: why can we support each other out of FREE WILL? It seemed like we just tolerated one another, not really loved each other back then because we were forced to.

their massive propaganda campaign assisted in this.

versace, versace. :francis:

edit- oh and christianity has kept our ppl under the thumb of white supremacy as well.