This has me thinking that people need to read this book
Jim Crow wasn't JUST systemic discrimination that held people back. Jim Crow society governed every single social interaction black folks had. Every time you went outside, it was like a performance: you had to act a certain way or you could be attacked or lynched. Every microencounter with a white person or in front of a white person required you to adhere to a certain set of behavior. Every errand you ran, every single interaction with white society and indeed society at large was fraught with indignity. If you went to the bank, whether for yourself or as an errand for someone else, it didn't matter how long you waited in line. If a white person wanted to cut in front of you, you had to let them. Every single thing you did and saw in your DAILY life completely privileged white people and threatened your very life. If a white person wanted to punch you in the face, spit on you, kick you into the gutter as you passed them on the street, or rape you or your family members you had ZERO legal recourse.
Add that daily weight in the most MINOR aspects of living to abject, systemic poverty, employment discrimination, housing segregation, and other vectors of marginalization that were 100% LEGAL and that you could do NOTHING about, and that's a little taste of life before integration.