"Black people were better off during the Jim Crow era"-the coli


Evil b*stard
Aug 12, 2012
Hell on Earth
"Because, um welfare and integration and (some shyt about single mothers and feminism)."

Who came up with that dumb shyt?


that saying actually comes from liberal, left leaning cacs...the same party your fakkit sad puppy bytch made ass votes for every election :yeshrug:

so why even make this thread, young pup?


Leader of #CACset
Jan 10, 2015
That is complete and utter absolute bullshyt. Are you seriously trying to tell me that racial pride was higher in 19fukking21 than it is today???

The average black person was barely literate, working in farming in squalid conditions and abject poverty. Black people were so psychologically fukked from the racism that permeated every aspect of day-to-day living there wasn't even a space for racial pride. It was all misery and survival.

Today, black entrepeneurs get rich off selling packaged racial pride like factually-flawed documentaries and smartdumb youtube rants as a consumer product to black consumers with the disposable income to buy it.

I don't think there were a lot of "woke" sharecroppers.

This has me thinking that people need to read this book

Jim Crow wasn't JUST systemic discrimination that held people back. Jim Crow society governed every single social interaction black folks had. Every time you went outside, it was like a performance: you had to act a certain way or you could be attacked or lynched. Every microencounter with a white person or in front of a white person required you to adhere to a certain set of rules for behavior. Every errand you ran, every single interaction with white society and indeed society at large was fraught with indignity. If you went to the bank, whether for yourself or as an errand for someone else, it didn't matter how long you waited in line. If a white person wanted to cut in front of you, you had to let them. Every single thing you did and saw in your DAILY life completely privileged white people and threatened your very life. If a white person wanted to punch you in the face, spit on you, kick you into the gutter as you passed them on the street, or rape you or your family members you had ZERO legal recourse.

Add that daily weight in the most MINOR aspects of living to abject, systemic poverty, employment discrimination, housing segregation, and other vectors of marginalization that were 100% LEGAL and that you could do NOTHING about, and that's a little taste of life before integration.
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
that saying actually comes from liberal, left leaning cacs...the same party your fakkit sad puppy bytch made ass votes for every election :yeshrug:

so why even make this thread, young pup?
Nah those are empirical facts determined by U.S. Census data you stupid fukk.

You are one of the dumbest posters I've ever encountered and I'm sure you're borderline retarded. You're horrible at thinking.

Go eat out your grandmother then jump off a bridge and do not waste another second of my life you dumb fukking rectal smear.


Evil b*stard
Aug 12, 2012
Hell on Earth
Nah those are empirical facts determined by U.S. Census data you stupid fukk.

You are one of the dumbest posters I've ever encountered and I'm sure you're borderline retarded. You're horrible at thinking.

Go eat out your grandmother then jump off a bridge and do not waste another second of my life you dumb fukking rectal smear.

that was alot of shyt talking, not funny, but shyt talking regardless...but why are you a walking left leaning liberal p*ssy robot?

and why do you resemble a sad jack russel terrier homie?????


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
Agreed 100%

People get too caught up in a comparison instead of just trying to improve lives.

Doesn't matter where black peoples "stats" fall as long as we are free to be happy and prosperous.

Black people as a whole will NEVER be equal with whites as a whole. History has already decided that. So measuring black peoples success by comparing us to whites is and always has been an exercise in futility. And thats what the "black people were better off before integration" argument usually relies on. A comparison to white people devoid of proper historical context.

I agree but its not just a black or white thing. On the whole, never on this planet, in the history of man, have all groups been evenly represented among some category, because there is just too many variables that are at play controlling those processes. Like, if you seriously sit back and just think about all the variables and how they relate to each other to produce advantages and disadvantages, you would need to be god to have a chance at creating perfect, even outcomes. Its staggering sometimes watching how leftist, in general, can think reality is just something optional.

Also, Imo, any advantage whites have over blacks is just due to historical circumstances derived from random occurrences. Ex. whites just happen to be in a geography that allowed them to interact with Asian and Middle Eastern cultures during their development, while Sub-Saharan blacks were isolated off due to their own geography. Obviously that's not fair because groups who are isolated, regardless of race, lag when compared to groups who have access to different cultures. But no one on this earth has the power to go back and make that "fair". Truth is, the dismal fact about life is that it is inherently unfair, all man can hope for is trying to come up with best societal arrangement that produces the best possible living standards and opportunities for all people.
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
This has me thinking that people need to read this book

Jim Crow wasn't JUST systemic discrimination that held people back. Jim Crow society governed every single social interaction black folks had. Every time you went outside, it was like a performance: you had to act a certain way or you could be attacked or lynched. Every microencounter with a white person or in front of a white person required you to adhere to a certain set of behavior. Every errand you ran, every single interaction with white society and indeed society at large was fraught with indignity. If you went to the bank, whether for yourself or as an errand for someone else, it didn't matter how long you waited in line. If a white person wanted to cut in front of you, you had to let them. Every single thing you did and saw in your DAILY life completely privileged white people and threatened your very life. If a white person wanted to punch you in the face, spit on you, kick you into the gutter as you passed them on the street, or rape you or your family members you had ZERO legal recourse.

Add that daily weight in the most MINOR aspects of living to abject, systemic poverty, employment discrimination, housing segregation, and other vectors of marginalization that were 100% LEGAL and that you could do NOTHING about, and that's a little taste of life before integration.
Yup. Funny how NOBODY black that's old enough to live through the 40's, 50's, and 60's says life was easier back then (well nobody except Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson)...only millennials with internet connections whose perspective and education consists of watching smartdumb rants from youtube celebrities and have no idea what it's like to live having no freedom or autonomy at all, where walking too far out of your immediate vicinity or looking the wrong way or saying the wrong thing could mean being beaten or killed by white people. You can't rant on the internet about c00ns and cacs in 1950. Every white person was an authority figure...what a life. Cats sit here and post about how much they hate cacs all day, but romanticize life during times when every aspect of black life was completely under a white heel.

And on another note, this "buh buh but we had businesses then!" is a joke. With few exceptions, black businesses were not striving and black business owners were poor just like their patrons. There was no freedom in being a black business owner in the Jim Crow era. You were allowed to own the businesses white people allowed you to own where white people wanted you to be, with your only customers being who white people allowed. Restrictive covenants, redlining, loan discrimination, and predatory lending kept black businesses poor. And the public services allotted to those businesses and the communities they served were shyt. You couldn't have your own patents. You had to sell them to a white man, or they just took your invention. And if you got too successful despite the odds stacked against you, you got shut down through violence like in Tulsa and Wilmington and countless more cases on a smaller scale. Funny how all those black business owners dipped with the quickness to take jobs doing manual back-breaking labor at steel mills, auto plants, etc. during the post-WWII economy, and hardly any of those businesses were profitable enough to still be standing today.

That's not true free enterprise and entrepeneurship. True black entrepeneurship is going on in places like Atlanta, Houston, and D.C. today.

The average pre-civil rights black business owner would trample one of these delusional clowns through a time portal to take their desk job at a call center.
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Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
As if I want to live in a time were a fat white chick will accuse me of rape if I will not allow her to suck my dikk. :scust:

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
If any of you are interested, here is an account of what it was like to actually live in segregated society courtesy of famed black author Richard Wright.

The Ethics of Living Jim Crow: An Autobiographical Sketch

He wrote that in 1937. It's heartbreaking. No one should EVER live like that.

Oh fukk that. Dude mom beat him just like that mom beat her son on tv for throwing rocks at cops in Baltimore. That White fear is gonna be a hard one to get out of us.