black people have no respect for black businesses and black b owners for


Bedwench & Armchair Militant Killer
Jun 20, 2013

Have you guys ever been to an Asian foodstore? They got flies everywhere, rotten meat out in the open, food stuff strewn across the floors, overstuffed smelly garbage cans. The places usually look and smell like shyt. Yet every time you walk in there you see a bunch of Koreans or Chinese or Vietnamese happily shopping away, you know why? Because they're Asian people in an Asian foodstore. That's what comes first to them. There's a walmart or a stop and shop around the corner but they don't give a fukk about that. They support their own.

Man I will see a huge grocery store right next to an Asian store and that Asian store is still in business. You know why?? Cuz those motherfukkers support their own. A walmart will move into town and close every ma and pa shop in the area but Chans market place will be just fine cuz those motherfukkers don't have to "beat out the competition" they just have to be Chinese in a Chinese town or Korean in a Korean town.

You can take that and apply it to hispanics, italians, Jamaicans, you name it. Hispanic stores are usually run like shyt and grimy looking as hell. They still got business.

Nowadays all the little ma and pa stores I see are some sort of ethnicity. The big box stores managed to beat out the white owned ma and pa shops but the ethnic ones are still holding on cuz those people support their own!

You motherfukkers saying that black stores have to compete price wise or service wise for black customers are OUT OF YOUR MIND!! If that was the only measure by which stores succeeded then you would see chinese run stores in Italian neighbours, Arab stores in Chinese neighbourhoods, and on and on. But that never happens. In fact the only place where you will see different ethnicities set up shop with no regard for the people living there is in black neighbourhoods.

Think about that

Good look with practicing business like charity.:bryan: At the end of the day no one owes anyone shyt. The black business owners would be stupid to simply expect support from anyone without providing something to the customer. The black consumer has already made it clear that price is a factor. You can either gripe about how others operate or you can accept this and adapt...or fail.

And youre out of your mind if you think that black business will survive if they dont compete. They will continue to fail following your line of thought. The consumer is not obligated to anyone. Recognize this and adapt or dont. But stop whining about black people not giving you their money when youve failed to convince them.:ufdup:


Dec 30, 2013
Good look with practicing business like charity.:bryan: At the end of the day no one owes anyone shyt. The black business owners would be stupid to simply expect support from anyone without providing something to the customer. The black consumer has already made it clear that price is a factor. You can either gripe about how others operate or you can accept this and adapt...or fail.

And youre out of your mind if you think that black business will survive if they dont compete. They will continue to fail following your line of thought. The consumer is not obligated to anyone. Recognize this and adapt or dont. But stop whining about black people not giving you their money when youve failed to convince them.:ufdup:

man stfu. You completely ignored the point of my post. I'm not asking black businesses to start expecting unearned support I'm just pointing out that all other minority groups do get unearned support from their own and that's how they maintain and get ahead.


Bedwench & Armchair Militant Killer
Jun 20, 2013
man stfu. You completely ignored the point of my post. I'm not asking black businesses to start expecting unearned support I'm just pointing out that all other minority groups do get unearned support from their own and that's how they maintain and get ahead.

You shut the fukk up with your bytching and moaning.

No I got the point of the post and I understand the point.

Weve established that black costumers cant be fukked to care about that though. So black businesses are going to have to adapt and compete...or continue to be left behind. You refuse to accept that though. Which is why I said you should be concerned with charity and not business.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
These aren't my words. ..... I don't hate myself at all.....

I hate that I don't see more support or group economics in our community.

Do you understand that? Or are you in here reveling yourself?
nikka stop the bullshyt. I hate nikkas always generalizing based off of limited experience in way more cases than not. Dudes don't support your business it turns into blacks don't support blacks all over. Ask Tyler Perry do blacks support blacks or any other successful black person that has mainly black people as the main customer. No offense but maybe your shyt sucks and or isn't different from anything else to make cats patronize your stuff over others. No accountability culture in full effect. Honestly what are you talking about regarding revealing yourself? Make sense my man if you want me to answer the question properly.


Dec 30, 2013
You shut the fukk up with your bytching and moaning.

No I got the point of the post and I understand the point.

Weve established that black costumers cant be fukked to care about that though. So black businesses are going to have to adapt and compete...or continue to be left behind. You refuse to accept that though. Which is why I said you should be concerned with charity and not business.

We need to change black people. How do you expect a people so maligned and beat down to rise up if they can't support each other.

Our biggest strength is ourselves. And it's a strength afforded to every other race except ours when we're the ones that need it most.

You're pissing in the wind promoting black businesses if you don't address why they're so likely to fail.


Bedwench & Armchair Militant Killer
Jun 20, 2013
We need to change black people. How do you expect a people so maligned and beat down to rise up if they can't support each other.

Our biggest strength is ourselves. And it's a strength afforded to every other race except ours when we're the ones that need it most.

You're pissing in the wind promoting black businesses if you don't address why they're so likely to fail.

Look I hear you man but thats all idealism. The cold hard fact is that you cant expect support. And thats not going to change any time soon.

I think that expecting the consumer to show favoritism or pointing to how other groups operate is the part thats truly pissing in the wind.

The black business owners will have to accept reality. That they cant fall back on consumers to support them solely because theyre black. Theyll have to earn their income and beat their competition...or perish. It would be nice if it was different but its not. Im just about real solutions....the ideals dont mean much to me.
Jan 26, 2015
i agree with the OP but I don't think you are going to change the mind of the clowns whom think lower of black owned businesses...they probably cacs are Toms have been conditioned to feel this way.......i see several dudes point to black owned establishments quality, poor customer service or higher prices as justification for not supporting them but ti have a feeling that's more self projection and assumption than fact...all the black owned businesses i've frequented(mostly restaurants,clothing and corner stores) were professional as can be expected from such occupation and their, products, were reasonably priced and equivalent if not better than the foreign/cac competition. yet most of them closed down and were taking over by foreigners or were only open for a second to begin from lack of support...

for example this brother opened this soul food restaurant from a traitor on a major street in my area..they served diverse menu of traditional mainstays in the black community which were reasonably priced..though i only got to purchase one dish cause it was closed before i knew it the food was good...every time i would pass it looked like a ghost a few months later some rednecks whom looked like paroled skinheads open a restaurant in a one room shack that only sells pork based dishes in a lot near another busy street not far from the former restaurant owned by the brother.....there food taste cheap and is overpriced...but wouldn't you know it negros came from far and wide to buy some tiny season less meatpockets,boudin, and crackling for prices you can eat a fullcourse meal for at Piccadilly from those cacs :what:one time i even had a shec00n behind me whom i'm sure never stopped by that brother restaurant around the corner ask me about suggestions on the menu:shaq2:needlessly to say even though they have added some black staff since then overpriced bland food and all the cac deli still open. while my dude at the soul food restaunt can only dream about such support from his own people.

another similar example is when this black fam opened up a convenience store across the street from an arab rival gas station...they sold basically the same items as they you would expect at any such establishmente, where much more courteous toward customers than the arab a$$holes, prices were basically the same if not cheaper than their competitors, and they didn't cheat like the arabs are prone to yet they closed down within the year cause of lack of support from the community:mindblown:

years later a black owned boutique opened in that same building by a friend of my family....while i never got a chance to shop there cause it specialized in women wasn't even given a chance before it shutdown yet but the arab bootleg urban clothing stores in another hood in my citystill open:snoop:

there are too many crabs and c00ns in our community.


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
And the prices are definetely a legit point. If you can give someone the same product cheaper than they can get it anywhere else...youll get people coming in. And if you cant then you cant expect people to go out of the way to come to the business and it has nothing to do with "hating themselves" so much as its about saving a buck.

Like I said this is business....not a fukking charity. The consumer is going to want the most for their money. Its the burden of the business to provide this...or sink. Its really that simple. :manny:
This right here is important. For as much as folks wanna make it about race, the only color that really matters is green.

I'll use this Simply Limeade I'm sippin on as an example.

Pay $3-4 at local grocery store :hula: Pay $2 or less for the same bottle at Walmart

It's simple mathematics :francis:


Bedwench & Armchair Militant Killer
Jun 20, 2013
This right here is important. For as much as folks wanna make it about race, the only color that really matters is green.

I'll use this Simply Limeade I'm sippin on as an example.

Pay $3-4 at local grocery store :hula: Pay $2 or less for the same bottle at Walmart

It's simple mathematics :francis:

Simple as that. Come with the right price and they will come. Its the nature of capitalism and competition. :manny:
Oct 17, 2014
Le Continent Noir
This right here is important. For as much as folks wanna make it about race, the only color that really matters is green.

I'll use this Simply Limeade I'm sippin on as an example.

Pay $3-4 at local grocery store :hula: Pay $2 or less for the same bottle at Walmart

It's simple mathematics :francis:

It is but you also need to practice protectionism how do you think the US and other industrialized countries got to where they got. They decided not to let other goods flood their market no matter how cheap ( because they wanted to prop up their own industries so that they can adopt economies of scale (gradually lowering the cost of production of the goods that initially were expensive to produce and charge a competitive price for them) where today these industries now export to the rest of the world. Same thing can be applied to group economics ESPECIALLY when Black people are some of the biggest consumers of things. you mean to tell me one can spend 200+ dollars on a pair of sneakers or 400 dollars on designer belts on European designers who would probably prefer you not wearing their brands because of your skin color and yet cannot spend an extra dollar on a drink owned by another Black person. There is something seriously warped about that type of mentality. At the end of the day, personal sacrifices have to be made in order to advance as a whole and generations after and we are the last people in this country and earth who cannot afford instant gratification and should build.


Dec 30, 2013
It is but you also need to practice protectionism how do you think the US and other industrialized countries got to where they got. They decided not to let other goods flood their market no matter how cheap ( because they wanted to prop up their own industries so that they can adopt economies of scale (gradually lowering the cost of production of the goods that initially were expensive to produce and charge a competitive price for them) where today these industries now export to the rest of the world. Same thing can be applied to group economics ESPECIALLY when Black people are some of the biggest consumers of things. you mean to tell me one can spend 200+ dollars on a pair of sneakers or 400 dollars on designer belts on European designers who would probably prefer you not wearing their brands because of your skin color and yet cannot spend an extra dollar on a drink owned by another Black person. There is something seriously warped about that type of mentality. At the end of the day, personal sacrifices have to be made in order to advance as a whole and generations after and we are the last people in this country and earth who cannot afford instant gratification and should build.

Black people still suprise me with their complete ignorance when it comes to these common sense things. You wouldn't have to tell a Chinese man this


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
@Carl Johnson that's basically what I've been saying. All this price and service talk is bullshyt. It's the customers that are the problem not the stores.

My nikka, fukk all this Coli shyt for a minute and take a short walk with me.

That milk you got in your paying full price for it or are you paying half for the same brand (or even a similar one)? Tell the truth, shame the devil.

Lemme don't drink milk do you :comeon:


Dec 30, 2013
My nikka, fukk all this Coli shyt for a minute and take a short walk with me.

That milk you got in your paying full price for it or are you paying half for the same brand (or even a similar one)? Tell the truth, shame the devil.

Lemme don't drink milk do you :comeon:

I have no idea if I'm paying full price I just get it at the local walmart for whatever they charge for it.