black people have no respect for black businesses and black b owners for

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
I never understood that shyt..
every other group brings their money in
we're the only ones to take it out
we leave our people behind to rot and talk shyt about them like they're beneath us

We hate ourselves and we hate each other. We've been taught that everything from a non-Black person is better growing up in this fukked up ass white supremacist society. First thing we want to do when we get money is move into the white neighborhood and run SCREAMING to give white people all our money. We are Black white supremacists.
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Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
I tried to support my favorite brunch spot the Pink Teacup for years and even when they lost their least downtown and moved to 6th ave I still went but one I noticed southern blacks acted extra ugly to the staff for no reason at all . I mean grits not cooked right bring me another order. It was sick to see that hate from them . They loss their last spot and know it's Any Ruth's spot I support . The problem is rent and location in this city are too highl for most black business to thrive .

And Black people are quick to say, 'See, this is why I don't support Black owned businesses.' If you had ONE bad experience at a white owned business, would you stop patronizing ALL white owned businesses? :sas2:

We are sick with self-hate. It's a disease.

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
i agree with the OP but I don't think you are going to change the mind of the clowns whom think lower of black owned businesses...they probably cacs are Toms have been conditioned to feel this way.......i see several dudes point to black owned establishments quality, poor customer service or higher prices as justification for not supporting them but ti have a feeling that's more self projection and assumption than fact...all the black owned businesses i've frequented(mostly restaurants,clothing and corner stores) were professional as can be expected from such occupation and their, products, were reasonably priced and equivalent if not better than the foreign/cac competition. yet most of them closed down and were taking over by foreigners or were only open for a second to begin from lack of support...

for example this brother opened this soul food restaurant from a traitor on a major street in my area..they served diverse menu of traditional mainstays in the black community which were reasonably priced..though i only got to purchase one dish cause it was closed before i knew it the food was good...every time i would pass it looked like a ghost a few months later some rednecks whom looked like paroled skinheads open a restaurant in a one room shack that only sells pork based dishes in a lot near another busy street not far from the former restaurant owned by the brother.....there food taste cheap and is overpriced...but wouldn't you know it negros came from far and wide to buy some tiny season less meatpockets,boudin, and crackling for prices you can eat a fullcourse meal for at Piccadilly from those cacs :what:one time i even had a shec00n behind me whom i'm sure never stopped by that brother restaurant around the corner ask me about suggestions on the menu:shaq2:needlessly to say even though they have added some black staff since then overpriced bland food and all the cac deli still open. while my dude at the soul food restaunt can only dream about such support from his own people.

another similar example is when this black fam opened up a convenience store across the street from an arab rival gas station...they sold basically the same items as they you would expect at any such establishmente, where much more courteous toward customers than the arab a$$holes, prices were basically the same if not cheaper than their competitors, and they didn't cheat like the arabs are prone to yet they closed down within the year cause of lack of support from the community:mindblown:

years later a black owned boutique opened in that same building by a friend of my family....while i never got a chance to shop there cause it specialized in women wasn't even given a chance before it shutdown yet but the arab bootleg urban clothing stores in another hood in my citystill open:snoop:

there are too many crabs and c00ns in our community.

Mann this comment :snoop: sad truths

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
This right here is important. For as much as folks wanna make it about race, the only color that really matters is green.

I'll use this Simply Limeade I'm sippin on as an example.

Pay $3-4 at local grocery store :hula: Pay $2 or less for the same bottle at Walmart

It's simple mathematics :francis:

You the type of nikka that would sell out their fellow slave for an extra piece of turkey neck during slave days huh

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
Frankly I believe that we are too judgemental/critical about what we perceive as our idea of pro black. Instead of throwing shoots at someone for voicing their opinion and creating dialogue we would rather critique others for not having the same ideology on the word as others. This is a fight that needs to be settled immediately

Frankly I think you should shut the fukk up.

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
shyt is sad and it's so obvious that there are people on this board who's sole purpose is to combat black solidarity.

Blacks will be so critical and judge mental towards other blacks In business, but consistently visit places owned by Non blacks where they're treated like shyt. Not only that, but they'll be on their best behavior around folks who don't even want them around, just their money.

I went to this barber I thought was hispanic after I moved to my new neighborhood. Come to find out he and the other barbers were jewish israel supporters. How the fukk could I give my money to someone knowing that they're gonna turn around and send that money "home" where they are making lives hell for black people. I quickly threw him to the bushes and found a black barber, even tho he's about 15 minutes out of my way.

You people are so short sighted and brainwashed it's scary. Like someone mentioned, you have all these blacks running to wear European brands but bytching about having to pay an extra dollar or two from a black owned business. Or groups of blacks flocking to the latest over priced restaurant where you can tell they're not even really wanted. shyt, waitresses give blacks bad service bc were notoriously low tippers. Yet, blacks in general will continue to put money into our oppressors hands. shyt is wild and sad.



Jun 4, 2012
Probably been mentioned but we stopped supporting our own when the country desegregated
Not in this thread. ...

But if you look at my negs,

Many of them are because of me saying that and saying the civil rights generations focus on integration damn near destroyed out hopes and mentalities. :sas1:

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
I'll be honest, black businesses and owners need to step up as far as service and marketing. Alot of people like to harp on pricing, but I'm willing to pay more for great product or service.

Growth takes time and money is tight in the beginning, yes, but service should always be top notch and that's not always the case when it comes to black businesses :francis:

As far as marketing, it's virtually non-existent and it's very hard to find black businesses; It needs new blood. Stuff like creative guerrilla marketing techniques, online services and a stronger social media presence. We usually go by word of mouth or radio.That worked back in the day, and it works for small, close knit communities like the Asian community, but I always say that there isn't a black "community" anymore, but that's another thread all together

Consumerism and entrepreneurship is not a a one way street. Black businesses need to do their part too and not half-ass the critical steps

You're full of shyt, I literally see Black businesses EVERYWHERE. Get your old ass on some social networks, Twitter, tumblr and Instagram are damn near Amazon for black businesses. At this moment I buy literally EVERYTHING in my home from BOBs. It's not hard, you're just lazy.

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
I work at a black business and not only does my employer work very hard to provide really great service to everyone, but she also makes sure her employees are all taken care of
the black people who come in are also very respectful and enthusiastic about her success and have never acted stank for as long as I've been there
even if they don't like the prices, they smile and say thank you before they leave
the fact that people just agreed with the op with no hesitation really bothers me :beli:

You sound like a baby. How old are you?

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
My cousin is into that whole waist smoother cartoon body trend that's poppin on the instagrams
Well she wanted to buy a waist smoother and I was bored so I looked up stores that was selling them with her
I specifically wanted to find ones being sold by my people even if it meant their prices were higher
Anyway, came across a popular instagram store that was selling them and became instantly turned off

It was a successful black couple who were selling them but their whole instagram consisted of:
-flaunting stacks of cash they were making from selling the products :francis:
-flaunting designer shoes and clothing :francis:
-telling broke folks to boss up followed by messages from the Lord :francis:

Not sure if this was done to appeal to certain demographics (hood rich) or...
But I'm going to need my people (not all) to step it up professionally

especially from folks who are willing to pay more for a product they can get cheaper from cacs elsewhere
We don't see professional e-commerce stores owned by cacs with their social media looking like Migos is running it
I'll still support my people as much as I can though

Soooo just because the cacs aren't flaunting it on Instagram you think they aren't doing the same thing??? :troll: Cacs take your money and laugh at your dumb ass all the way to the bank while their cac spawn use your same exact money to pretend to be migos on their OWN ig accounts.

Check out 'rich kids of tumblr' or 'rich kids of Instagram.' All the white people you run to give your money to doing the SAME THING you are shaming that couple for doing.

Y'all are fukking retarded I swear
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