African Peasant
Shyt was a trap from the beginning.
It's like they give you laced weed.
It's like they give you laced weed.
fiction is not history it's not "our" story it features us...
fictional stories... wether inspired by real panthers or not.He did not say history, but stories.
Exactly a white owned company. It's their shyt.
Lets seeOk where are the white LGBT heroes? Why do they need black stories to represent them?
fictional stories... wether inspired by real panthers or not.
doesn't make them our story they "feature" us.
There’s a lot of high functioning brothers on the spectrum here. It’s the only way I can explain it. Who wakes up on a Saturday to start bytching about this stuffA lot of you starting to be and sound just like cacs.
Everything that's not “traditional/status quo” gets y'all rattled up and aggravated.
Whether it be because of people fighting for social justice, fighting for their civil rights, fighting to be who they are as a person, fighting to just be fighting rather than giving up, etc, etc.
People fighting for their rights and to be who they are doesn't bother me even if I don't agree with their reasonings.
fiction is not history it's not "our" story it features us...