Black/Minority Women Goin' Against White Feminists On Twitter :lupe:

The Real

May 8, 2012
1. Didn't say that. No one should have kids until they have financially planned for them as I previously stated. You don't plan whatever goals you have, that's your fault, male or female. I feel bad that single moms are single moms. I don't feel bad about them not being good planners.

2. I'm not emphasizing anything nor making excuses. And you're just goal post shifting any time you're proven wrong.

1. I agree... but let's not pretend that Black women are solely to blame for those kids existing, and let's definitely not pretend that it's all their fault they end up single mothers, and thus unable to do things like start businesses.

2. You are, though. You've spent this whole exchange avoiding male responsibility whatsoever.

3. How am I shifting the goalposts? I'm willing to talk about a variety of aspects of this issue. No one has proven me wrong yet...

I'm just gonna have to disagree on this one. EVERYDAY there is a new story about some law that would help minorities that white people are against. Without the resistance of a lot of white people racial inequality would no longer exist in this country.

That's because most white people are racist, just like Dr. King said, but, like he also said, it's not simply conscious racism. On an individual level, most people don't think of themselves as racist, yet they still display racist prejudices and behaviors when studied psychologically- that's because this isn't the form of malicious, conspiratorial racism of something like the KKK. Similarly, gender inequality relies on similarly unconscious or subliminal elements.

Your link is from 40 years ago. And it is in no way proof of "black men maintaining inequality"

It is proof that SOME men AND women followed what the bible told them to.

It's proof that during the height of the civil rights movement, there was a pattern of Black men actively suppressing Black women, which is indeed maintaining inequality, and that this behavior went up to the highest levels of the most prominent organizations in the movement. That's not just "some." This is easily extendable to modern times- why do you think the vast majority of black institutions are male-dominated? Why do you think so many Black people supported Clarence Thomas over Anita Hill? Why do you think Black men are praised for getting with lots of women, but women are demonized for getting with lots of men? These are all manifestations of different inequalities that are based on gender.

When you say "black men are maintaining inequality" you are telling me that I the average black man is guilty of this. So please tell me how the average black man is "maintaining the inequality"

Through a mix of conscious and unconscious prejudices and behaviors that contribute to large-scale trends like the lack of representation of women in Black organizations, for example.

Black men's behavior doesn't have much to do with being profiled. Women drive down the street just like men, but men get pulled over. Laws like stop and frisk, and the laws against pants sagging were created for the sole purpose of arresting black men. Is it a black woman's privilege to not have laws tailored to her behavior?

Female drivers outnumber men, so in that case, profiling is clearly a matter of maleness (although you also have to take into account that at the end of the day, most gun owners are not female, nor are most violent criminals, so it's not as if the profiling is coming out of thin air, meaning that it's not simply privilege to not be profiled in that case.) However, most people hanging out on street corners in high search risk situations are men, not women, so in that case, it isn't.

Do black male advantages make women's advantages irrelevant?

Of course not- I'm not the one denying that there are two sides to the coin. If you read the exchanges, that's what everyone arguing with me in this thread is doing- pretending there's no inequality whatsoever and that women are at fault for anything they see as problems.

I'm going to need a link for that one the last census bureau survey that was done does not differentiate between men and women when it comes to African American owned businesses/

What info are you asking for specifically? If I'm reading you right, the latest census report does include info on Black male and female business owners:


You're gonna take what was going on in the Bay and extropalate it so it applies to the entire black community across the country?

How is that even fair? So we're judging the majority based on a small minority now?

The Civil Rights Movement of Dr. King et al was a national movement. The Black Panther example wasn't the only one I mentioned, so why is it the only one you brought up?

Did @The Real ever respond to the @His_Excellence_Reincar ether? :lupe: Did he ever highlight black male privilege or just continuously post about male privilege in general which black males benefit the least from, if at all? :lupe:

@The Real, you speak of male privilege in the black community; who are these males? They're black aren't they? So what you're saying is that either black males enjoy exclusive privileges no other race has access to, or you're saying that black males enjoy male privilege to the extent that every other race of males does. Both of which are wrong. There is no male privilege in the black community. Most of us are broke and disenfranchised. The only argument you can make is there are differences in the disenfranchisement but there are damn sure no privileges enjoyed by black males. Unless you count being highly sexualized by white women a privilege. :comeon:

Considering you're a mod, you should do a better job of reading posts. You've literally described every position EXCEPT for the one I've endorsed in this thread. My position, as you can verify from direct quotes from my previous posts, is that Black men benefit from and help maintain gendered advantages with respect to Black women in a variety of important social contexts, not that they enjoy exclusive benefits no other race's men has or have the exact same amount of advantages that men in other races have, since there is obviously less privilege in the Black context. If you're going to disagree, then get it right and stop asking me to prove something I never advocated in the first place.

Reincar is in no position to ether anyone. I'm not going to air out his personal details out of decency, but as a scorned, bitter man obsessed with white women and white Jesus, his views on Black women are irrelevant to me. Plus, all that shyt about people criticizing him supporting immoral rappers or hypocrites or whatever else doesn't apply to me.

Oh boy, another c00n.

Nah. I'm one of the most pro-Black posters in this thread. Black power isn't advanced by pretending that white people are all devils conspiring against Black folks. Most racism doesn't operate that way, just like Dr. King, etc. said, and as modern psychological studies prove. Obviously, most white people are racist, but most of that prejudice isn't conscious or conspiratorial.
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May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
@The Real no it doesn't. I looked it up and down.

here how the data is broken down:

No where on there does it differentitate between women and men when it comes to African American businesses. Unless there is something I'm missing


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Episode #401-Feminist Beefs On Twitter
August 14, 2013


Tariq is ON. A. ROLL.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
shyt is comedy....:pachaha:

Black men needn't worry about menstration. #blackpowerisforblackmen
Black men don't need to put weave in their hair to feel good about themselves. #blackpowerisforblackmen :troll:


:ohhh:This shyt is easy to come up with, no wonder how they compiled that bullshyt list, you can literally spin anything into your favor to make your point.

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Black men don't need to put weave in their hair to feel good about themselves. #blackpowerisforblackmen :troll:


:ohhh:This shyt is easy to come up with, no wonder how they compiled that bullshyt list, you can literally spin anything into your favor to make your point.

fukking trans/queers came up with a new one :

fukk those that don't understand what "Cis" is referring to :

Man, fukk this hashtag activism bullshyt.

And these bytches STILL ain't went in on white men. Cacs sitting at Denny's laughing at everyone. Another win. Hell, they practically can't lose....:snoop:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
That's because most white people are racist, just like Dr. King said, but, like he also said, it's not simply conscious racism. On an individual level, most people don't think of themselves as racist, yet they still display racist prejudices and behaviors when studied psychologically- that's because this isn't the form of malicious, conspiratorial racism of something like the KKK. Similarly, gender inequality relies on similarly unconscious or subliminal elements.
There is nothing subconscious about voting for racist policy. There's nothing subconscious about not hiring black men. There's nothing subconscious about paying black men less.

There is no conspiracy, they admit it everyday. White people are actively trying to preserve their privelage, on all angles. Can you say the same about black men? What are black men actively doing to maintain privelage over black women?

It's proof that during the height of the civil rights movement, there was a pattern of Black men actively suppressing Black women, which is indeed maintaining inequality, and that this behavior went up to the highest levels of the most prominent organizations in the movement. That's not just "some." This is easily extendable to modern times- why do you think the vast majority of black institutions are male-dominated? Why do you think so many Black people supported Clarence Thomas over Anita Hill? Why do you think Black men are praised for getting with lots of women, but women are demonized for getting with lots of men? These are all manifestations of different inequalities that are based on gender.
None of this equates to black men maintaining inequality in 2013. You keep repeating the same talking points but you still have not proven your original statement.

Through a mix of conscious and unconscious prejudices and behaviors that contribute to large-scale trends like the lack of representation of women in Black organizations, for example.
More vague references. Give me direct proof.

Female drivers outnumber men, so in that case, profiling is clearly a matter of maleness (although you also have to take into account that at the end of the day, most gun owners are not female, nor are most violent criminals, so it's not as if the profiling is coming out of thin air, meaning that it's not simply privilege to not be profiled in that case.) However, most people hanging out on street corners in high search risk situations are men, not women, so in that case, it isn't.
Again "laws" that support profiling are pointed directly at black men. This idea of black men just "hanging out on street corners" is asinine. I don't hang out on corners yet I still get profiled. According to your logic, Black women are maintaining their privelage to not get profiled at my expense.

Of course not- I'm not the one denying that there are two sides to the coin. If you read the exchanges, that's what everyone arguing with me in this thread is doing- pretending there's no inequality whatsoever and that women are at fault for anything they see as problems.
This is bullshyt. No one has denied that inequalities exist. And no one has faulted women for seeing the inequality. The only thing people have a problem with is claims of that inequality being a "privelage that black men are maintaining" You have still yet to give one direct example of how this is happening today. You just keep repeating buzz words and concepts, but you can't give a concrete answer.
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May 1, 2012
I gotta admit...I love seeing black feminists ether you black booty worshipping nikkaz back into reality.

Whenever they engage in debates on their issues, you will get a taste of who they truly hate...and here's a ain't white men or women.
Exactly, which is why I've always said that black feminists and crackers/c00ns such as yourself are in cohoots. Just listen to a black feminist and you'll see that she sounds just like a white supremacist. Their relationship is like the slave wench and the slave master.

That whining about black women being oppressed by black men during the civil rights movement is bullshyt too. Sisters let white women get in their ear and use them for their own self interests then kicked them to the curb. It was also a divide and conquer strategy. Black men weren't oppressing black women, they were protecting them:snoop: So many of us are completely lost and don't even realize it. Why is it so easy for seemingly intelligent people to hate one another instead of the people who's actually working against you?

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
@The Real is a new wave of c00n I have been seeing on twitter. They claim they are pro-black but they are usually on the attack when it comes Black men. They are fighting the wrong battle. It includes Black males as well as Black females. It's like an evolution of fukkery.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Just listen to a black feminist and you'll see that she sounds just like a white supremacist. Their relationship is like the slave wench and the slave master.
IDK If I can agree with this. I know many black feminists/womanists who don't preach this BS. My timeline was deplete of this BS for the past couple of days. Only like 2 women were going in and both of them were bums who live with their man that pays their rent and while they work hourly jobs :russ:

1. I agree... but let's not pretend that Black women are solely to blame for those kids existing, and let's definitely not pretend that it's all their fault they end up single mothers, and thus unable to do things like start businesses.

2. You are, though. You've spent this whole exchange avoiding male responsibility whatsoever.

3. How am I shifting the goalposts? I'm willing to talk about a variety of aspects of this issue. No one has proven me wrong yet...
1. Again, if you don't learn how to read and stop shifting scope anytime you're proven wrong this will be my last post to you. I did not say black women were solely to blame for kids. Stop being overdramatic and making up things. If you have a goal and you willingly do something else that gets in the way of that, that's your fault, whether it be kids or whatever. (Goal post shift: Notice how our first point went from black entrepreneurship to black single mothers when you were proven wrong on the fact that there are ample opportunities for black women to start businesses, more so than men. Black men go to jail at alarming rates, have lower loan approval rates, and less programs to help out but still mange to start more businesses)

2. Nope I haven't. Every time we've mentioned black single mothers, I've mentioned black single fathers as well. PEOPLE who aren't good planners get equal amounts of disdain from me. I am not asking anyone to pity me or my circumstances as a black man. I am not asking any black woman to help me with my problems. I am not telling any black woman she should care about my problems or any black man's. As far as I am concerned, it is black men's responsibility to fix ourselves. However, what you will find in this thread, is ALL black women (in here, minus 1) saying black men should fix their problems, black men should care about their issues, but then double speak that black men can't relate to them and that this "movement" belongs to them. I don't care if you think I'm emphasizing. That's a subjective feeling built on emotion/insecurity and has no room in a discussion of fact. (Goal post shift: Notice here how point 2 was originally about churches, but somehow has moved to what I'm "emphasizing" and black male responsibility)

3. You have been proven wrong several times in this thread and I just outlined how you move from topic to topic when you're wrong. And you still won't admit that you have a man who killed a woman in your avatar, but are coming in here talking about misogyny. :stopitslime:

Address my original post to you or be done nikka cause I'm about to put you on ignore. No need for me to keep loading up on your long ass, deflecting rants.

Voting Percentages:
Since 1996, the gender voting gap has been consistently present for Black voters, with Black women voting at higher rates than Black men by a range of 7 to 8 percentage points through 2008. In 2012, Black women voted at higher rates than Black men by about 9 percentage points, approximately 6 percentage points greater than each of the other race groups.

Black Men in Church:’t-more-black-men-attending-church /
According to the Pew Forum Religion and Public Life’s U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, 60 percent of the members of historically Black churches are women compared to just 40 percent male members.

The Real

May 8, 2012
1. Again, if you don't learn how to read and stop shifting scope anytime you're proven wrong this will be my last post to you. I did not say black women were solely to blame for kids. Stop being overdramatic and making up things. If you have a goal and you willingly do something else that gets in the way of that, that's your fault, whether it be kids or whatever. (Goal post shift: Notice how our first point went from black entrepreneurship to black single mothers when you were proven wrong on the fact that there are ample opportunities for black women to start businesses, more so than men. Black men go to jail at alarming rates, have lower loan approval rates, and less programs to help out but still mange to start more businesses)

No one said you said it, but nonetheless you have continued to shift emphasis to the women. As for this supposed goal post shift, you specifically cited entrepreneurship as something Black women can easily pursue- the point about single mothers is one among many factors that directly addresses such a fantasy. Shifting the goal post would be avoiding the topic altogether, as opposed to directly addressing it by showing how it's not as easy as you claim. The only "proof" you provided that there are "ample opportunities" is that Black women can get loans easier. That's not "ample proof," since getting loans isn't the only or even primary factor in being able to start a business.

2. Nope I haven't. Every time we've mentioned black single mothers, I've mentioned black single fathers as well. PEOPLE who aren't good planners get equal amounts of disdain from me. I am not asking anyone to pity me or my circumstances as a black man. I am not asking any black woman to help me with my problems. I am not telling any black woman she should care about my problems or any black man's. As far as I am concerned, it is black men's responsibility to fix ourselves. However, what you will find in this thread, is ALL black women (in here, minus 1) saying black men should fix their problems, black men should care about their issues, but then double speak that black men can't relate to them and that this "movement" belongs to them. I don't care if you think I'm emphasizing. That's a subjective feeling built on emotion/insecurity and has no room in a discussion of fact. (Goal post shift: Notice here how point 2 was originally about churches, but somehow has moved to what I'm "emphasizing" and black male responsibility)

2. Good, that's not an argument between us. I agree- it's Black people's responsibility to fix the social problems. However, if you're expecting me to answer for other posters in this thread with opinions that aren't my own, I don't know what to tell you.

As for Churches, I already addressed that point- women don't run those churches, and don't control church messaging, so simply being a larger portion of the congregation doesn't reflect any kind of power, just like most players on a bball team being Black doesn't mean shyt when the owners are white. I already said I thought women should leave churches, so I don't know why you're pretending that I've been avoiding that topic. In fact, it's you who have simply repeated yourself and avoided what I said.

3. You have been proven wrong several times in this thread and I just outlined how you move from topic to topic when you're wrong. And you still won't admit that you have a man who killed a woman in your avatar, but are coming in here talking about misogyny. :stopitslime:

I haven't been proven wrong on any point I made yet. All I've dealt with is a group of posters repeating themselves and misinterpreting my position. I was hoping for less emotion and more reason.

Address my original post to you or be done nikka cause I'm about to put you on ignore. No need for me to keep loading up on your long ass, deflecting rants.

Voting Percentages:

Black Men in Church:’t-more-black-men-attending-church /

How many times do I have to address these points? I already mentioned the Church, which, like all Black institutions, is male dominated in its administration. As for voting percentages, that doesn't have much to do with social power. Anyone can vote, and Black men and women are equally affected by white attempts to disenfranchise Black voters on the whole. Voting has done very little for Black folks in general, so let's not pretend that women voting more reflects their power in any way, just like men voting more wouldn't affect men's power.

As for Newton, all I can say is learn your history on that charge a little better. Furthermore, his views on race and sex reflect my own, regardless of any personal failings at any particular time in his life. Dr. King was a philandering adulterer who intentionally suppressed women in the Civil Rights Movement, too. That doesn't take away from his achievements or greatness.

@The Real is a new wave of c00n I have been seeing on twitter. They claim they are pro-black but they are usually on the attack when it comes Black men. They are fighting the wrong battle. It includes Black males as well as Black females. It's like an evolution of fukkery.

Nah, the only people I'm attacking here are self-hating Black men and Black men who don't take Black women seriously. If you're offended, then maybe it's because you see yourself in what I'm saying. Look up my posting history- you won't see me being "usually on the attack when it comes to Black men," because you just pulled that out of your ass based on the single discussion I've had in this thread.