Black Men in Detroit Barbershop are hesitant to vote for Kamala Harris

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
my nikka....the dems of the 90s shifted to "tough on crime" stances BECAUSE they were losing to republicans who were already "tough on crime". The Crime Bill and ensuing push for harsher sentencing/militarization of the police were bipartisan efforts . Have you ever heard of Mike Dukakis and the Willie Horton ad? It changed the landscape of Democrat politics as we know it.
I’m glad we’re on the same page


Demon Time coming 2024
Feb 2, 2014
You have already established that you think the Democrats are harmful to Black people so let's go with that (at best flawed) assertion.

How is Trump less harmful?

Now you wanna deflect to trump but dont answer what the dems are doing to black folks in our areas.. wow :francis: as usual

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
Name one cop Obama's justice department "held accountable". ONE.
Why are u focused on individual cases? Obama admin put money into body cams. And good luck finding any member of Trumps admin to go after a department like Holder got at the Ferguson police department.

gain, are yall saying Trump is going to be better in this area than a democrat? The fukk are u n1ggaz saying.

Coos were always complaining that Obama was against them. They never complain about Trumo. Why is that? They endorse Trump

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
A lot of babbling about nothing without addressing the questions. :unimpressed:

1. Name one Republican policy in the last 30 years that was more destructive to the black community than Biden’s crime bills?

2. Name one republican narrative since integration about black people that was more racist than the “super predator” narratives curated by Hilary Clinton and Biden.

3. Name one republican president that incarcerated more black men than Kamala Harris.

4. Which party is pushing the most anti-black male narrative right now as we speak? :sas2:
Nope, it's a detailed, comprehensive and factual takedown of your bullshyt claims. It's made for everyone to see how you're nothing more than a lying piece of shyt and bad faith actor with an agenda.

1. "Name one Republican policy in the last 30 years more destructive to the Black community than Biden’s crime bills?"

Are you serious? How about Republican-led voter suppression since the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision, which gutted the Voting Rights Act? That single ruling, championed by Republicans, opened the floodgates for voter ID laws, poll closures, and a wave of voter suppression tactics that disproportionately target Black communities. When you actively undermine Black political power, you're damaging the entire community for generations to come. You want to talk about destruction? Blocking Black people from the ballot box is about as destructive as it gets.

And while you're so fixated on Biden's crime bill, how about Republicans complete refusal to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act? That policy alone could've provided millions of Black people access to lifesaving preventive healthcare, cut negative health outcomes, increased quality of life and life expectancy, reduced infant mortality rates and maternal health problems, and so on, but Republicans blocked it at every turn. So let's be clear: denying healthcare and suppressing the Black vote are Republican specialties, and both have had devastating impacts on Black communities.

2. "Name one Republican narrative since integration about Black people that was more racist than the 'super predator' narrative?"

The "super predator" line was disgusting, no argument there. But you want a more racist narrative? Try Ronald Reagan's 'welfare queen' smear that's been echoed by Republicans for decades. That narrative demonized Black women, portraying them as frauds and parasites living off government assistance. It justified gutting social safety nets that Black families depend on, making poverty and economic hardship even worse. The Republicans crafted this image of Black people as leeches on the system, all while cutting any kind of social safety nets Black people rely on. This narrative still lives on today.

3. "Name one Republican president that incarcerated more Black men than Kamala Harris?"

This question is laughable. Like, are you really Black? Are you actually a Black American? Ronald Reagan and his War on Drugs. His policies actually started the mass incarceration of Black men, and on a scale that dwarfs anything Kamala Harris did. Reagan and the Republicans were all-in on mandatory minimums, harsh sentencing for crack cocaine (which disproportionately affected Black people compared to powder cocaine), and every other punitive policy that exploded the Black prison population in the 80s and 90s. So don't try to play this shyt because, Republicans were the ones who started this war on Black bodies in the first place.

4. "Which party is pushing the most anti-Black male narrative right now as we speak?"

That's easy: Republicans. Their entire 'law and order' narrative is a thinly veiled attack on Black men. They paint Black communities as dangerous and violent, use that to justify police brutality and over-policing, and cheer on cops killing unarmed Black men. This is all a continuation of what Reagan started and what Joe Biden exacerbated. Republicans are still going strong with the tough-on-crime agenda in 2024. You want anti-Black male rhetoric? Look no further than their push to erase Black history from schools, so they can pretend racism doesn't exist and sweep systemic oppression under the rug. This "colorblind" nonsense erases Black people's struggles and progress, all while pretending white supremacy isn't alive and well. You want more? Look at the narrative that "Trump is more endearing to Black men now that he has a criminal record, baby mammas and sells sneakers." You want more? They're stealing and eating your pets. They're going to rape your white daughters, and so on. Again, are you really Black?

You came in here acting like you were saying something with empty ass talking points and bad faith questions, but the facts don't lie. The Republican Party has been pushing anti-Black policies for decades, from voter suppression and mass incarceration to racist rhetoric and erasure of Black history. You want to ignore that? Fine, but the rest of us are going to call it exactly what it is. And call you exactly what you are.


May 28, 2012
Why are u focused on individual cases? Obama admin put money into body cams. And good luck finding any member of Trumps admin to go after a department like Holder got at the Ferguson police department.

gain, are yall saying Trump is going to be better in this area than a democrat? The fukk are u n1ggaz saying.

Coos were always complaining that Obama was against them. They never complain about Trumo. Why is that? They endorse Trump
The "kill nikkas on camera and get away with it" era started under Obama. If he was "holding people accountable", name one. Body cams and all that mean nothing if not enforced.

He was "against cops", but sided with them and signed the Blue Alert after doing nothing to them for killing unarmed Black people.

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
The "kill nikkas on camera and get away with it" era started under Obama. If he was "holding people accountable", name one. Body cams and all that mean nothing if not enforced.

He was "against cops", but sided with them and signed the Blue Alert after doing nothing to them for killing unarmed Black people.
So why are cops anti Obama and pro trump? Answer that

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
The "kill nikkas on camera and get away with it" era started under Obama. If he was "holding people accountable", name one. Body cams and all that mean nothing if not enforced.

He was "against cops", but sided with them and signed the Blue Alert after doing nothing to them for killing unarmed Black people.
You all repeat the same ignorant lies.

Your argument oversimplifies and misrepresents Obama's actions on police reform, and you're conflating "visibility" with "frequency." Again, it was the rise of smartphone technology that brought increased visibility to police shootings of unarmed Black people during his presidency. Still, Obama actively pushed for reforms through DOJ investigations and consent decrees in cities like Ferguson and Baltimore. These reforms were aimed at addressing systemic abuses in policing, but accountability for individual officers remains primarily a state and local matter, which the federal government has no direct control over. The president can't single-handedly prosecute police officers, that's up to local prosecutors and state governments.

Even when the DOJ does investigate civil rights abuses, the burden of proof for federal charges is extremely high. They must prove that an officer willfully violated someone's federal civil rights, which is even more complex, and is a tough legal standard to meet. Just because federal charges weren't filed doesn’t mean the DOJ did nothing or that accountability was ignored, it just means that they were working within the constraints of federal law.

As for the Blue Alert Law, it was simply a public safety measure to protect officers in danger, not a tool to shield them from accountability. Claiming he sided with police because of that just reveals your dishonesty, especially when you hand-wave what he actually did to address police violence, which included federal funding for body cameras and advocating for more transparency. Enforcing these reforms required cooperation from local jurisdictions, though. All of these efforts were also rolled back by the Trump administration, further hindering progress. How do you explain that?

While Obama didn't solve systemic issues overnight, claiming he "did nothing" ignores the significant groundwork his administration laid for police accountability and reform. The real problem is a misunderstanding of how federalism works, accountability for police officers largely falls on state authorities, not the federal government, but Tariq didn't teach you that.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
I always chuckled when being accused of talking down on Black men because it was a baseless claim but in threads like this where Black men dare to have a different opinion about a politician, the vitriol that is spewed towards Black men is unrestrained and it largely goes unchecked, in fact, it's quite the opposite, we've got so called Black men joining in to shyt on Black men.


Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
I’ll bet all my coli cash none of these dudes are registered to vote.

Meanwhile I voted on the first day of early voting in Georgia on Tuesday at the MLK polling place in Cascade. The aunties, grandmas and grand dads were deep. The women were singing spirituals in the parking lot.