Black Men in Detroit Barbershop are hesitant to vote for Kamala Harris


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
Based on online answers it looks like black people in general fukk with Trump more than Kamala. I swear besides Charlemagne I didn't see black man supporting her and also I don't see black females talking much about her at all
There are plenty of online black pundits that support kamala, don lemon has them on all the time. Including Marc Lamont hill or Roland Martin, and many others. You just...don't educate yourself on shyt do you.

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
You sound retarded. All of these shootings happened under Obama:

Trayvon martin
Tamir rice
Mike Brown
Eric Gardner
Philando castile
Breonna Taylor
Sandra bland
Laquan McDonald
Walter Scott
Freddie gray
Jordan Edwards

I get your point, but she was found "hanged" in the jail cell, not so much shot.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
Michael Slager.
They only prosecuted him because he was caught on video shooting a man in the back from 20ft away as he ran away from him. If there was no video, Michael slayer would have been on the streets right now, and would have likely killed another black man.

What did they do to punish the officers that corroborated his false police report? :jbhmm:

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
The common denominator for Pro Trumpers is money and issues related to money.

The easy thing to do would be call them uneducated about politics (which they are, as most Americans are). And yes the Republicans/Conservatives have no shame at how far they're willing to lie and distort the truth.

But the Democrats, if they're serious about making change in this country via elected office (and I don't think they are), seriously need to look in the mirror. They have completely let the Republicans control the narrative about the day to day economics of Americans. People seriously think all the Dems care about is LGBT and Illegal Immigrants and at some point they have to question their message and branding as to why people think that is.
The democrat party is simply dysfunctional. They have too many conflicting demographics to appease at the same time unlike republicans who simply have to cater to “the silent majority” who will even vote against their own interest.

1. They have to cater to young LBGT friendly liberal white voters with LGBT friendly policies like transgender surgeries while trying not to alienate conservative white Christian voters especially those from swing states.

2. They have to appease a younger black generation of voters who will no longer accept lip service, symbolic gestures, and benign neglect that the older generation of black voters accepted But if they actually provide tangible resources to correct past racist policies, they will immediately lose their “liberal“ white voter base

3. They have to appease the donor class of democrats who benefit under both democratic and republican policies. (Real democrats would push for a wealth tax and a 90% income tax on the highest tax bracket.) They’re not pushing for a $20 minimum wage or even no tax on overtime wages. They’ve effectively ousted real progressives like Bernie sanders from the party.

4. They have to appease aipac who completely dominates our entire political system because if they don’t, aipaic will literally spend millions of dollars on their opponent (but they complain about Russian interference with the election). Most voters that are leaving the party this election are doing so because of Biden’s unconditional support for a racist white that’s carpet bombing a population of mostly women and children in the name of Jewish white supremacy.

5.They have to appease older generations that are larger in number like the baby boomer generation with policies that benefit them, at the expense of the future of younger generations. For example, they baby boomers voted for neoconservative republicans like Reagan who deregulated the financial industry which leads to constant catastrophic collapses like the 2008 recession, but they don’t have to pay the price because their retirement was bailed out through the 2008 bailout/money printing and now we younger people have to pay for their retirement through inflation. Now we can’t afford to buy houses or even save money like they were able to at our age.
The democrats are funding a white supremacist ethnostate as they carpet bomb a population of 50% women and children. They have lost their minds.

6. They're constantly undermining their most loyal voter base (black people) with comments such as “you ain’t black“ or “I’m not going to anything specifically for black people” Theses comments are completely unnecessary

The recent Obama stunt of trying to gaslight black men into voting by creating a false narrative that were misogynistic backfired terribly. And also getting magic Johnson (what year is it again?) to finger wag at black men for no apparent reason had the same effect.

The whole party is just a shyt show and they literally depend on the republican party being so degenerate and confederate so that they can literally say “at least we’re not as bad as republicans”