Black Men in Detroit Barbershop are hesitant to vote for Kamala Harris


Mar 11, 2022
The "kill nikkas on camera and get away with it" era started under Obama. If he was "holding people accountable", name one. Body cams and all that mean nothing if not enforced.
Right. Now instead of reading about it in the newspaper or a bogus police report we can watch it in real time. Thats progress :troll:


Mar 11, 2022
Based on online answers it looks like black people in general fukk with Trump more than Kamala. I swear besides Charlemagne I didn't see black man supporting her and also I don't see black females talking much about her at all


Nov 29, 2019
You all repeat the same ignorant lies.

Your argument oversimplifies and misrepresents Obama's actions on police reform, and you're conflating "visibility" with "frequency." Again, it was the rise of smartphone technology that brought increased visibility to police shootings of unarmed Black people during his presidency. Still, Obama actively pushed for reforms through DOJ investigations and consent decrees in cities like Ferguson and Baltimore. These reforms were aimed at addressing systemic abuses in policing, but accountability for individual officers remains primarily a state and local matter, which the federal government has no direct control over. The president can't single-handedly prosecute police officers, that's up to local prosecutors and state governments.

Even when the DOJ does investigate civil rights abuses, the burden of proof for federal charges is extremely high. They must prove that an officer willfully violated someone's federal civil rights, which is even more complex, and is a tough legal standard to meet. Just because federal charges weren't filed doesn’t mean the DOJ did nothing or that accountability was ignored, it just means that they were working within the constraints of federal law.

As for the Blue Alert Law, it was simply a public safety measure to protect officers in danger, not a tool to shield them from accountability. Claiming he sided with police because of that just reveals your dishonesty, especially when you hand-wave what he actually did to address police violence, which included federal funding for body cameras and advocating for more transparency. Enforcing these reforms required cooperation from local jurisdictions, though. All of these efforts were also rolled back by the Trump administration, further hindering progress. How do you explain that?

While Obama didn't solve systemic issues overnight, claiming he "did nothing" ignores the significant groundwork his administration laid for police accountability and reform. The real problem is a misunderstanding of how federalism works, accountability for police officers largely falls on state authorities, not the federal government, but Tariq didn't teach you that.

to add... Obama instituted consent decrees during his administration:

The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. They included the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, that same year; and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland.

Under Obama, 14 consent decrees were enforced upon troubled and discriminatory police agencies. By contrast, none have been issued in the more than three years of the Trump administration.

By scrapping the use of consent decrees, Trump has effectively made it much harder for the US to recover from the turmoil roiling the nation. In the absence of federal pressure, any reform impetus will have to come from cities and states acting in isolation or from inside police agencies that are likely to be resistant to change.

Jonathan Smith, who led the special litigation section of the justice department between 2010 and 2015 and supervised numerous federal investigations into police departments including Ferguson, said the lack of federal action would drag out the current malaise.

“The protests aren’t going to die down. We have a very long summer ahead of us,” he said.

Smith said that the scrapping of consent decrees was part of a general message coming from the Trump administration that police forces engaging in brutal and racist practices were above reproach

Trump got rid of consent decrees.


Oct 11, 2013
New York
The common denominator for Pro Trumpers is money and issues related to money.

The easy thing to do would be call them uneducated about politics (which they are, as most Americans are). And yes the Republicans/Conservatives have no shame at how far they're willing to lie and distort the truth.

But the Democrats, if they're serious about making change in this country via elected office (and I don't think they are), seriously need to look in the mirror. They have completely let the Republicans control the narrative about the day to day economics of Americans. People seriously think all the Dems care about is LGBT and Illegal Immigrants and at some point they have to question their message and branding as to why people think that is.
:salute: You worded it perfectly. Exactly why I’m voting for Trump. Liberals only give a fukk about immigrants and fakkits. I want someone that is going to lower COL and make our lives easier.