The ORIGIN OF THE TERM "TOXIC MASCULINITY" - The etymology of the term can be traced not to academia, but to the rise of the Mythopoetic men’s movement of the ’80s and ’90s — a response to the cultural shift second-wave feminism brought about — where men bonded often in the wilderness and in sweat lodges to attempt to rediscover their “deep masculinity.” The movement was bolstered in large part by Robert Bly’s book Iron John,” in which he asserted that the feminist movement caused men to examine their feminine sides to the detriment of their male rituals.
They can't even write their own bars, but I'd expect that from women who think of themselves as Lauryn Hill 2.5 septum edition. She got sued and "shamed" out of a career.
It came from cacmen talking about themselves reacting to feminism. That proves 2 things:
1.Black men are ultra late in reaction to this nonsense, but are some how the face of alleged "toxic masculinity". A term stolen from a cac men's activism group, remixed by white women, and then remixed by black women a whole 20 years later.
2.Black feminists haven't come up with a single idea on their own. "Rape Culture" is another doubly-hijacked term.
"Rape Culture" was the title of a documentary about DC Jail in 1974. African American MEN dealing with the aftermath of being raped in prison, and African American women running the DC Rape Crisis Center.
No p*ssy hats, no yassqueen, no septum rings, no signs, no buzzwords, no thinkpieces, just a documentary about institutionalized men victimizing other institutionalized men about 40 years ago.
Everything is repurposed for new agendas by people who hide their entitlement, sense of superiority, and depression in regards to a LACK....with false concern, "ACTORvism", and obfuscation techniques such as: "Google is your friend"/Buzzword Copypaste/Group chat strategy/hidden information exchange. We are quite obviously not on one accord.