Black masculinity will be the theme of the 3rd season of Insecure


All Star
Nov 9, 2014
Never watched a second of that show and never will.:ehh:

I've severely reduced my cable channel package to 60 channels as I have the bare bone basics to at least know what's happening locally. Forget these bs shows


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
Why are negative virtues masculine?
You have to master spelling and usage before you start analyzing weighty concepts like what virtues are masculine, and what a virtue is, and who encourages what.
Instead you regurgitate the feel good rhetoric from twitter, recycled from tumblr, remixed from the 80s.

You could've left the passive aggressive semantic arguments out of it bruh, it's all noise to me.

Do you agree that gang culture promotes an excess of traditionally masculine practices (such building a reputation based on aggression and violence etc) that harm our communities or not?
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
You could've left the passive aggressive semantic arguments out of it bruh, it's all noise to me.

Do you agree that gang culture promotes an excess of traditionally masculine practices (such building a reputation based on aggression and violence etc) that harm our communities or not?
I believe that you're focising on one small aspect of general culture that includes female members while leaving out the manipulation, proxy violence, and sexual enticement behind many acts of violence in low income areas where most authority figures and heads of household are women.
You're also leaving out where the violence is learned: single parents physically abusing children and those children growing up to abuse people, period. Gang violence isn't as pervasive or popular now as earlier eras.
Most violent crime is on a downtick outside of areas hit by the "opiate crisis" and said gang violence is purely financially motivated, organized, and territory based. That goes across racial boundaries and hits the black community hardest because of unfair policing, lack of resources, poor parenting, lack of supervision, and lead poisoning...not a concept called "Toxic Masculinity" created by the (white) Men's Mythopoetic Movement in response to (white) 2nd wave feminism.
This thread was about a fictional, white sponsored "black" tv show taking on black masculinity.
Not gang violence, a phenomena that exists in countries without black men, and occurs within all-female gang subcultures.


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
I believe that you're focising on one small aspect of general culture that includes female members while leaving out the manipulation, proxy violence, and sexual enticement behind many acts of violence in low income areas where most authority figures and heads of household are women.
You're also leaving out where the violence is learned: single parents physically abusing children and those children growing up to abuse people, period. Gang violence isn't as pervasive or popular now as earlier eras.
Most violent crime is on a downtick outside of areas hit by the "opiate crisis" and said gang violence is purely financially motivated, organized, and territory based. That goes across racial boundaries and hits the black community hardest because of unfair policing, lack of resources, poor parenting, lack of supervision, and lead poisoning...not a concept called "Toxic Masculinity" created by the (white) Men's Mythopoetic Movement in response to (white) 2nd wave feminism.
This thread was about a fictional, white sponsored "black" tv show taking on black masculinity.
Not gang violence, a phenomena that exists in countries without black men, and occurs within all-female gang subcultures.

Interesting perspective but there's alot I disagree with. I'll respond later.


Nov 21, 2013
Toxic femininity is usually implosive not explosive. Usually only harms the woman unless she has kids or other dependents.

It isnt as encouraged as toxic masculinity but if you wanna bring awareness to it, by all means. Make a thread on it. But in this thread we should stay on topic.

And thats what I said. People want to describe toxic masculinity as something that leads to deaths but toxic femininity somehow is only something that comes out to a woman being too nice lol. And yes if we want to create terms like this, toxic femininity is exactly whats causing these single mother feminists to raise degenerates in the lower income parts of the black community. I always blame the man because it starts and ends with him, but he's been kicked out of the house by society and black feminists so...


Most of the time yall have trouble defining "toxic masculinity" without rambling anyways...


Nov 21, 2013
Poverty does play a big part for sure. But not in all cases.

How do you explain the middle/upper class suburban kid that goes out and bangs, fights and in extreme cases kills just for rep?

That is what I'm talking about, that's an example of toxic masculinity.

Breh that happens but its not a epidemic in the middle class/upper class community :comeon:

Of course men are more capable of violence just because of their strength differences but that still doesnt mean its "toxic masculinity". Thats just a fancy word to attack gender roles because society wants more feminized men... I still havent seen a good explanation of it to be honest....

They're both as serious as eachother, just that the effects of one is more nuanced than the other. I wasn't downplaying toxic femininity if that's what you think.

I agree, my point is they work hand in hand. The whole issue is incredibly complex.

I personally think they're both made up words to attack gender roles. Society wants to give women the man's role (i.e.. feminism) while it places the man in the background. And they want this because women are easier to control and take over than men....


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
And thats what I said. People want to describe toxic masculinity as something that leads to deaths but toxic femininity somehow is only something that comes out to a woman being too nice lol. And yes if we want to create terms like this, toxic femininity is exactly whats causing these single mother feminists to raise degenerates in the lower income parts of the black community. I always blame the man because it starts and ends with him, but he's been kicked out of the house by society and black feminists so...


Most of the time yall have trouble defining "toxic masculinity" without rambling anyways...
I disagree with describing toxic femininity with being "too nice". Too passive is more apt. To see great examples of toxic femininity look at white women who are projected in this society as the quintessential feminine ideal.

Again, I hate to go into it here, because it just helps to deflect from the topic at hand which is toxic masculinity in the black community. People want to bring up toxic femininity and white men but that's not what thread is about.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
The ORIGIN OF THE TERM "TOXIC MASCULINITY" - The etymology of the term can be traced not to academia, but to the rise of the Mythopoetic men’s movement of the ’80s and ’90s — a response to the cultural shift second-wave feminism brought about — where men bonded often in the wilderness and in sweat lodges to attempt to rediscover their “deep masculinity.” The movement was bolstered in large part by Robert Bly’s book Iron John,” in which he asserted that the feminist movement caused men to examine their feminine sides to the detriment of their male rituals.:hhh:

They can't even write their own bars, but I'd expect that from women who think of themselves as Lauryn Hill 2.5 septum edition. She got sued and "shamed" out of a career. :yeshrug:

It came from cacmen talking about themselves reacting to feminism. That proves 2 things:
1.Black men are ultra late in reaction to this nonsense, but are some how the face of alleged "toxic masculinity". A term stolen from a cac men's activism group, remixed by white women, and then remixed by black women a whole 20 years later.:mjlol:
2.Black feminists haven't come up with a single idea on their own. "Rape Culture" is another doubly-hijacked term.:stopitslime:

"Rape Culture" was the title of a documentary about DC Jail in 1974. African American MEN dealing with the aftermath of being raped in prison, and African American women running the DC Rape Crisis Center.
No p*ssy hats, no yassqueen, no septum rings, no signs, no buzzwords, no thinkpieces, just a documentary about institutionalized men victimizing other institutionalized men about 40 years ago. Everything is repurposed for new agendas by people who hide their entitlement, sense of superiority, and depression in regards to a LACK....with false concern, "ACTORvism", and obfuscation techniques such as: "Google is your friend"/Buzzword Copypaste/Group chat strategy/hidden information exchange. We are quite obviously not on one accord.



Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
"toxic feminity would be caring too much"
Actually, the manipulation and loaded social bias within that statement will clue you in on "toxic femininity".
Toxic feminity is:
"Mean girls" social exclusion culture...making bash pages, legit attemping to get lower level women to kill themselves.
Using proxy violence to control men's behavior.
Castrating/Beating/abusing sons.
Setting men up to get robbed.
Using certain men for utility and others for enforcement, and yet others for pleasure.
Yeah, it's caring too much: about going out, attaining more social status, and hiding a child at home so you can be seen.
Toxic feminity is putting dope in your son's hands and telling him he's man of the house.
Toxic feminity is being able to smoke crack through the whole 90s, have your grandparents raise the kids, and have your huge segment of the population wiped from the general memory because "dear mama".
Toxic feminity is using Skinner Operant Conditioning in R&B format.
"She want a soldier and no scrub, pay my bills, and don't bug me" became a culture. R&B is "resonation" music. If they can't relate or emulate, it ain't gonna hit.
Y'all keep on being fools and looking at things from a suburban blackface perspective.



Dec 1, 2017
The ORIGIN OF THE TERM "TOXIC MASCULINITY" - The etymology of the term can be traced not to academia, but to the rise of the Mythopoetic men’s movement of the ’80s and ’90s — a response to the cultural shift second-wave feminism brought about — where men bonded often in the wilderness and in sweat lodges to attempt to rediscover their “deep masculinity.” The movement was bolstered in large part by Robert Bly’s book Iron John,” in which he asserted that the feminist movement caused men to examine their feminine sides to the detriment of their male rituals.:hhh:

They not not only felt as though men were being feminized, but also they felt as though men were becoming hypermasculinized, so the term "toxic masculinity hasn't necessarily been remixed.

"In the mythopoetic movement, the desire to be spiritual and yet manly is also a factor in the way the group understands the nature of gender and relationships between the sexes. The mythopoetic movement tends to regard gender as biological realities, "hardwired" into the psyches of men and women. This gender essentialism is consistent with the Jungian philosophy undergirding the movement. Mythopoetic men thus speak of the need to recover "deep masculinity," to distinguish what they regard as genuine or mature masculinity from the problematic toxic masculinity of immature males."
"Because most men no longer perform masculine rituals, mythopoets assert that men have mutated into destructive, hypermasculine chauvinists, or, in the opposite direction, have become too feminized. The mythopoetic men performed rituals at these gatherings, which were meant to imitate those performed by tribal societies when men initiated boys into a deeply essential natural manhood. The movement emphasized the importance of including multiple generations of men in the rituals, so that the men could learn about masculinity from those who were older and wiser."

They can't even write their own bars, but I'd expect that from women who think of themselves as Lauryn Hill 2.5 septum edition. She got sued and "shamed" out of a career. :yeshrug:

It came from cacmen talking about themselves reacting to feminism. That proves 2 things:
1.Black men are ultra late in reaction to this nonsense, but are some how the face of alleged "toxic masculinity". A term stolen from a cac men's activism group, remixed by white women, and then remixed by black women a whole 20 years later.:mjlol:
2.Black feminists haven't come up with a single idea on their own. "Rape Culture" is another doubly-hijacked term.:stopitslime:

"Rape Culture" was the title of a documentary about DC Jail in 1974. African American MEN dealing with the aftermath of being raped in prison, and African American women running the DC Rape Crisis Center.

In January 1975, Judy Norsigan outlined how the film illustrated "rape culture", through the voices of men and women, including rapists, victims, prisoners, rape crisis workers, and the media.

No p*ssy hats, no yassqueen, no septum rings, no signs, no buzzwords, no thinkpieces, just a documentary about institutionalized men victimizing other institutionalized men about 40 years ago. Everything is repurposed for new agendas by people who hide their entitlement, sense of superiority, and depression in regards to a LACK....with false concern, "ACTORvism", and obfuscation techniques such as: "Google is your friend"/Buzzword Copypaste/Group chat strategy/hidden information exchange. We are quite obviously not on one accord.

Instead of dismissing women and saying toxic masculinity doesn't exist, but at the same time saying toxic femininity does why not speak on and condemn both?