Black masculinity will be the theme of the 3rd season of Insecure

Jan 23, 2014
I'm afraid you'd have to have more control over custody, childbirth, and post-coital conception to really be a factor in a biased situation like this.
Cool disproven narrative.
What about those of us (a great deal) raised by grandparents? Don't sweep that under the rug.
Her body? Of course.
Her choice? Sounds awesome, I can support that...
Now what comes afterward? :ufdup:
Too nuanced for the feel good: "do better, nikkas" response.

I actually believe in trapping and I hate it. ( when it come to wealth or emotions)
I am blessed to have parents who planned me & my siblings.
But Most babies in my generation are “oops” babies.
I know all about the raised by grand parents from my uncles & aunts.

If a father not ready for a kid. Don’t have it. I hate the wear a condom excuse women use.
But the child is coming and a large black portion of black 90’s babies are fatherless & emotionally stunted because of it.

Those men left and no one held them accountable. No matter how you slice it, a whole generation without fathers isn’t because of jails,These dudes choose to leave instead of fighting for there rights.

Also custody has never been in more favor of men as it is today’s age. Men have NOOOO excuse in 2018 Especially if you are the breadwinner. If you don’t like the bytch, get your evidence and fight for full custody.
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
I'll wait until the show comes out until I pass judgment.

I will say there are a lot of dudes who are hyper-aggressive and black men aren't an exception. Just take account of how gays are treated and the amount of unnecessary fights you've witnessed.
gay relationships and events arguably have equal/more violence than "straight" ones.
Hoodrat fights are about 3/4s of hood fights. Young nikkas are scared/frail until it's time to talk about remixed concepts, right?
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
I actually believe in trapping and I hate it. ( when it come to wealth or emotions)
I am blessed to have parents who planned me & my siblings.
But Most babies in my generation are “oops” babies.
I know all about the raised by grand parents from my uncles & aunts.

If a father not ready for a kid. Don’t have it. I hate the wear a condom excuse women use.
But the child is coming and a large black portion of black 90’s babies are fatherless & emotionally stunted because of it.

Those men left and no one held them accountable. No matter how you slice it, a whole generation without fathers isn’t because of jails,These dudes choose to leave instead of fighting for there rights.

Also custody has never been in more favor of men as it is today’s age. Men have NOOOO excuse in 2018 Especially if you are the breadwinner. If you don’t like the bytch, get your evidence and fight for full custody.
Do you have receipts for the success rate of this process as far as men being awarded full custody?
  • Fathers are granted custody only 18.3% of the time
  • Mothers are awarded child support nearly 2 times as often as fathers are
  • Fathers are awarded nearly 10% less, on average, in child support
  • Fathers receive less of the awarded child support than mothers
  • 69% of people believe that having a father in the home is essential to a child’s happiness
  • More than 25% of fathers live apart from their children
  • Only 10% of non-resident fathers help their children with their homework
  • Nearly 60% of fathers who do not get custody speak to their children on the phone 4 times a month or less
  • Over 25% of fathers who do not get custody get 0 in-person visits with their children each year
  • Nearly all (97%) of the fathers surveyed agree that the rewards of being a parent are worth the costs/work that go into it


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
Gang violence isn't based on a concept created by the mythopoetic men's movement in response to 2ndcwave feminism and white men.
1/3 of gang members are female.

My point is gang culture promotes traditionally masculine virtues like dominance, violence, aggression, force etc

It doesn't matter if a small fraction of gang activity is done by females bruh. Gang culture is incredibly androcentric and promotes toxic masculinity, there's no denying that.
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
My point is gang culture promotes traditionally masculine virtues like dominance, violence, aggression, force etc

It doesn't matter if a small fraction of gang activity is done by females bruh. Gang culture is incredibly androcentric and promotes toxic masculinity, there's no denying that.
1/3 isn't a small fraction and women use PROXY violence rather than direct violence because they're not physically capable of it most of the time.
Oh, and I got my numbers mixed's 10%.
Most gangs are about MONEY.
Female gang members actually leave their households to escape sexual violence and end up moving in with gangs, some of them ALL FEMALE

Female and male recruits often share similar motivations for joining a gang. Hagedorn found that gangs are almost exclusively found in low socioeconomic neighborhoods, especially those occupied by ethnic minorities.[10] Most young adults in such areas face poor job prospects, and often the only sources of employment are low-paying and require minimum skills. Survey responses from Hawaiian gang members indicated that youth may find that illegal activities associated with some gangs are the easiest and most profitable sources of income.[8] Furthermore, the research also implied that hopelessness and boredom stemming from a dearth of opportunities provide incentives to become part of a social unit that faces a similar future.[8] A gang can become a surrogate family for a child whose parents must work long hours at a low-wage job to be able to provide for the family. Many gang members in the Hawaiian study and Campbell’s study reported fleeing to gangs as a source of protection from dangerous neighborhoods or abusive households.[8][11] Female gang members are especially likely to grow up in families where they are victims of sexual abuse, and they remove themselves from such situations by living with the gang; in fact, one study found that approximately half of all female gang members had suffered some form of sexual abuse, and that two-thirds of those attacks occurred in the context of the family.[7]

Are you a gang member?
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
I'm sorry @Mountain forgot about this:

Child abuse and violence in single-parent families: Parent absence and economic deprivation | Request PDF
A national survey of six thousand households found single parents to be more likely to use abusive forms of violence toward their children than are parents in dual-caretaker households.

Child abuse and violence in single-parent families: Parent absence and economic deprivation | Request PDF. Available from: Child abuse and violence in single-parent families: Parent absence and economic deprivation | Request PDF [accessed Jun 09 2018].

bbutbubuubtubutbutbuubuutut men
Jan 23, 2014
Do you have receipts for the success rate of this process as far as men being awarded full custody?
  • Fathers are granted custody only 18.3% of the time
  • Mothers are awarded child support nearly 2 times as often as fathers are
  • Fathers are awarded nearly 10% less, on average, in child support
  • Fathers receive less of the awarded child support than mothers
  • 69% of people believe that having a father in the home is essential to a child’s happiness
  • More than 25% of fathers live apart from their children
  • Only 10% of non-resident fathers help their children with their homework
  • Nearly 60% of fathers who do not get custody speak to their children on the phone 4 times a month or less
  • Over 25% of fathers who do not get custody get 0 in-person visits with their children each year
  • Nearly all (97%) of the fathers surveyed agree that the rewards of being a parent are worth the costs/work that go into it

Then we have this @blackgentlemenvoice why are you spreading propaganda?
- The Washington Post



I happy to see the second chart but Why did you post it. I wasn’t talking about men who actually actively in there children lives. I said 90’s black generation has a lot of Fatherless kids.

As for the first one. You prove my point. How many men are fighting for custody and think it a women job to nurture. Their never been a better time for fathers to step up.p now.

  • The mother is an alcoholic and refuses to get help.
  • The mother is addicted to drugs and refuses to get help.
  • The mother suffers from a mental illness and refuses to get treatment.
  • The mother is in jail or prison.
  • The mother engages in criminal activities. ( attraction to drug or gang related men)
  • The mother has physically abused the children.
  • The mother has neglected the children. ( always with grand parents or other people)
  • The mother won’t ensure the children attend school.
  • The mother allows unsavory individuals around her children, thereby placing the children in harm’s way. For example, the mother is dating a convicted child molester or a registered sex offender.
  • The mother cannot provide food, shelter, clothing and medical care for her children.

Especially the bolded. You said it yourself. How many grand parents are raising the kids instead of the mothers, and I will add especially in 2018. It never been easier to get evidence, get a decent lawyer to tell you what can be used in court and what can’t.

Women deserve a lot of blame for choosing shyt men to fukk.

But don’t cap for men who thought with there dikks ( most likely raw), not thinking about STI got a bytch pregnant and didn’t step up.

I didn’t say shyt would be easy.
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
I happy to see the second chart but Why did you post it. I wasn’t talking about men who actually actively in there children lives. I said 90’s black generation has a lot of Fatherless kids.

As for the first one. :camby::camby: How many men are fighting for custody and think it a women job to nurture. Their never been a better time for fathers to step up.p now.

  • The mother is an alcoholic and refuses to get help.
  • The mother is addicted to drugs and refuses to get help.
  • The mother suffers from a mental illness and refuses to get treatment.
  • The mother is in jail or prison.
  • The mother engages in criminal activities. ( attraction to drug or gang related men)
  • The mother has physically abused the children.
  • The mother has neglected the children. ( always with grand parents or other people)
  • The mother won’t ensure the children attend school.
  • The mother allows unsavory individuals around her children, thereby placing the children in harm’s way. For example, the mother is dating a convicted child molester or a registered sex offender.
  • The mother cannot provide food, shelter, clothing and medical care for her children.

Especially the bolded. You said it yourself. How many grand parents are raising the kids instead of the mothers, and I will add especially in 2018. It never been easier to get evidence, get a decent lawyer to tell you what can be used in court and what can’t.

Women deserve a lot of blame for choosing shyt men to fukk.

But don’t cap for men who thought with there dikks ( most likely raw), not thinking about STI got a bytch pregnant and didn’t step up.

I didn’t say shyt would be easy.
Her Body? Cool.
Her Choice? We're getting warmer.
Now what follows?

You keep juelzing and creating extra incentive but most people don't have the money to invest in an effective lawyer, especially in a biased court system.
The numbers don't lie and many of those women STILL get custody and support despite having multiple infractions and even sanctions on their social cases as far as benefits go.
You're another feel good rhetoric repeater. Deal with facts.
"If ya work hard enough you can fight with money another person doesn't have to spend, for the right to spend money, because moral obligations.":duck:
Make more sense.


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
1/3 isn't a small fraction and women use PROXY violence rather than direct violence because they're not physically capable of it most of the time.
Oh, and I got my numbers mixed's 10%.
Most gangs are about MONEY.
Female gang members actually leave their households to escape sexual violence and end up moving in with gangs, some of them ALL FEMALE

Female and male recruits often share similar motivations for joining a gang. Hagedorn found that gangs are almost exclusively found in low socioeconomic neighborhoods, especially those occupied by ethnic minorities.[10] Most young adults in such areas face poor job prospects, and often the only sources of employment are low-paying and require minimum skills. Survey responses from Hawaiian gang members indicated that youth may find that illegal activities associated with some gangs are the easiest and most profitable sources of income.[8] Furthermore, the research also implied that hopelessness and boredom stemming from a dearth of opportunities provide incentives to become part of a social unit that faces a similar future.[8] A gang can become a surrogate family for a child whose parents must work long hours at a low-wage job to be able to provide for the family. Many gang members in the Hawaiian study and Campbell’s study reported fleeing to gangs as a source of protection from dangerous neighborhoods or abusive households.[8][11] Female gang members are especially likely to grow up in families where they are victims of sexual abuse, and they remove themselves from such situations by living with the gang; in fact, one study found that approximately half of all female gang members had suffered some form of sexual abuse, and that two-thirds of those attacks occurred in the context of the family.[7]

I mean thats all good but again it has nothing to do with my point.

Unless you're implying gang culture doesnt promote an excess of traditionally masculine virtues (overt violence, dominance, aggression etc) that are negetively effecting our communities.

Are you a gang member?

No I'm not.
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
I mean thats all good but again it has nothing to do with my point.

Unless you're implying gang culture doesnt promote an excess of traditionally masculine virtues (overt violence, dominance, aggression etc) that are negetively effecting our communities.

No I'm not.
Why are negative virtues masculine?
You have to master spelling and usage before you start analyzing weighty concepts like what virtues are masculine, and what a virtue is, and who encourages what.
Instead you regurgitate the feel good rhetoric from twitter, recycled from tumblr, remixed from the 80s.
Jan 23, 2014
Her Body? Cool.
Her Choice? We're getting warmer.
Now what follows?

You keep juelzing and creating extra incentive but most people don't have the money to invest in an effective lawyer, especially in a biased court system.
The numbers don't lie and many of those women STILL get custody and support despite having multiple infractions and even sanctions on their social cases as far as benefits go.
You're another feel good rhetoric repeater. Deal with facts.
"If ya work hard enough you can fight with money another person doesn't have to spend, for the right to spend money, because moral obligations.":duck:
Make more sense.

These men already fukked bytches they had NO plans of having a bay with but most didn’t use a condom/ or It broke and now their here. I don’t care how resentful you are to a women, fight for your child. How many people do you know that are reckless with their dikk/p*ssy.

It people that are biased, not the courts. How many people on this very site and in your life believe women are nature nurturers ( it isn’t true). Of course they will have the advantage but that doesn’t mean stop.

There no stop when it comes to abandoning your kids.

There nothing feel good about broken black people. I want people be accountable, not a gender war. fukk feeling good.


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
I've never heard "toxic femininity" though? I wonder why? :jbhmm:
Toxic femininity is usually implosive not explosive. Usually only harms the woman unless she has kids or other dependents.

It isnt as encouraged as toxic masculinity but if you wanna bring awareness to it, by all means. Make a thread on it. But in this thread we should stay on topic.