Not all the black families that these little girls come from are unstable.

If you took the time to actually look into the individual stories and make assessments, you would know this. There's other facts and circumstances that occur outside of "blame the mother/father" for their missing daughters and sons. There's a lot of black teens/women who grow up in environments that become productive in positive ways. I grew up in a major city and was able to cope and use resources, so did the majority of my friends - we didn't become high school dropouts, runaways, or in the streets getting pimped out.

Not to mention how society typically sexualizes young black girls and oversexualizes black women - not everyone has gone "missing" voluntarily - so you're going to leave out international sex trafficking, forced prostitution, sexual abuse as issues, as well. You're not going to address the fact that pedo rings and underground sex practices are being exposed too huh? ok..Noted.