Documented history of using the bodies of black women and children for medical testing i.e. torture. (anyone who doesn't think that this is still going on today, needs to get the f out, the live body experiments have to come from somewhere):
With no known cure for the ailment,
Sims began experimenting in 1845 with surgical techniques to treat such fistulas. If the patients’ masters provided clothing and paid taxes, Sims effectively took ownership of the women until their treatment was completed.
After 30 operations on one woman, a 17-year-old enslaved woman named Anarcha who had had a very traumatic labor and delivery, he finally “perfected” his method—after four years of experimentation. Afterward, he began to practice on white women, using anesthesia, which was new to the medical field at the time.
While some doctors didn’t trust anesthesia,
Sims’s decision to not use it—or any other numbing technique—was based on his misguided belief that black people didn’t experience pain like white people did.
Writer and medical ethicist Harriet Washington says Sims’s racist beliefs affected more than his gynecological
experiments. Before and after his gynecological experiments, he also tested surgical treatments on enslaved black children in an effort to treat “trismus nascentium” (neonatal tetanus)—with little to no success. Sims also believed that African Americans were less intelligent than white people, and thought it was because their skulls grew too quickly around their brain. He would operate on African-American children using a shoemaker’s tool to pry their bones apart and loosen their skulls.