Black people are broke. Bw in college be extra broke. Just breathing collegiate air puts us in debt. We don't have familial support. We paying for EVERYTHING.
So, really, what yall saying is, the white man's reward for raping and pillaging the planet is that his daughters can afford to go buy a bm of her own.
I agree most black women are broke. Especially in college. So why are they running around pretending to be bosses and independent and not needing a man? Its not about buying a things its about not coming across like a leech or liability. 2 broke college kids can build together and support each other and be successful in the future. But black women will call that struggle love cause they want a finished product.
And its not just athletes. Every college campus has an engineering department. Why aren't black women locking those brehs down in school? Nothing stopping bw those brehs get overlooked cause they are broke college kids but in 5 to 10 years they will be making over 6 figures.