A video isn’t proof, I don’t know when you graduated but in high school that was very true. The nerdy guys wanted the pretty popular girls not their equals.
How many black nerds did yall have in school though
? And I doubt yall really know who they wanted to smash like that lol.
Problem with what these women are saying is ,what the hell is wrong with a man wanting Beyonce at any age
(pre hellhound era Beyonce)?Theres nothing risky, problematic or life altering about "a Beyonce".
On that same note,a girl wanting a guy with "edge" or was a thug in highschool. Really is pretty harmless as well. Other than it obviously hurts the nerds feelings apparently. But most highschool "thugs" dont go on to be career criminals. They go on to work in grocery stores,call centers and warehouses like the majority of the women who went to the school. And the majority of people in life.
Its when you start making these choices as adults when there are consequences that it becomes a problem.
Also another problem with this debate,is if you wasnt Urkel or Donald Glover. Thecoli and twitter throws you in the thug category. When most hood dudes are on the Fresh Prince spectrum of having an edge. And most dudes like that dont have a problem getting girls