Bill Maher on minimum wage


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Let's say this were to happen. What then? You have crowds of hungry pissed off people with no work, no food, no real solution to their problems but to steal, kill and destroy a system that sucks for them? Who should we blame then? The 1% can continue to pretend like all the problems of the world don't exist; "it's not my fault you made bad life choices"...turns out it is actually. They/we can defer these problems for so much longer before bad things take place. The irony is that the 1% has the means to solve these problems, the sad/pathetic part is that they don't want to.
:merchant: Giving people money doesn't solve "the problems of the world", giving them human capital does... but if you must point the finger point it at government, and ultimately the people themselves, who continue to vote for the same politicians expecting different results... Its insanity by definition.

Corporatism takes govt. and business... yet business seems to get all the flack despite being the only half not beholden to "we the people" :heh: it makes zero sense, yet is the liberal mantra.

:whoo:Its been the same story through out all of history. There is no evidence to suggest it will change.
Rome, began grain giveaways to silence the unruly poor, and liberals are suggesting the same thing essentially today.:wow: Nothings new under the sun.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
:wow: i guess the only point i feel is valid for me to make is this.

if someone is able to graduate high school, then they shouldn't have an issue getting into at least a community college, and getting grants.

in my area i see so many people who CHOOSE not to further education beyond high school and wonder why they're stuck making $8-10/hr.

im not counting those that tried school and quit im saying those who never even attempted.
When you subsidize something you get more of it... :yeshrug:

But then again not subsidizing failure is seen as "evil"... :lupe:

Its so:demonic:

Two Stacks

New Orleans Shoe Lover
May 1, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana
^^^ son i know ppl who never tried school and some who went to school and DID graduate but either arent trying to apply their knowledge or dont know know where to look for jobs.

too many people think oh because you work somewhere "for a long time" that means you should be first in line to be promoted etc etc. that is NOT the case. its all about building a set of skills and proving to a company how much you are worth to them. not just i want this because i been here forever.

not only that so many people go on interviews and even get job offered but then allow themselves to be lowballed fearing they will lose a job offer. the most that could happen is No. then you can choose to take it or leave it. i go into interviews with fukking business plans and a case on why im the perfect fit. never had a bad interview because of that.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
:merchant: Giving people money doesn't solve "the problems of the world", giving them human capital does... but if you must point the finger point it at government, and ultimately the people themselves, who continue to vote for the same politicians expecting different results... Its insanity by definition.

Corporatism takes govt. and business... yet business seems to get all the flack despite being the only half not beholden to "we the people" :heh: it makes zero sense, yet is the liberal mantra.

:whoo:Its been the same story through out all of history. There is no evidence to suggest it will change.
Rome, began grain giveaways to silence the unruly poor, and liberals are suggesting the same thing essentially today.:wow: Nothings new under the sun.
Corporations get all the flack because TODAY our government and are corporations are basically the same thing. So yeah, "we the people" get upset...and yet we ARE RESPONSIBLE for it. I've never denied that. Hell my whole post was highlighting the fact that the current state of affairs has enough blame to spread around to everyone.

Rome is a good example of us, because we are making a lot of the same mistakes, look what happened to them. A scociety truely is measured by it's least; why are we do so many people defend the concept of making more "least" people?


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
:wow: i guess the only point i feel is valid for me to make is this.

if someone is able to graduate high school, then they shouldn't have an issue getting into at least a community college, and getting grants.

in my area i see so many people who CHOOSE not to further education beyond high school and wonder why they're stuck making $8-10/hr.

im not counting those that tried school and quit im saying those who never even attempted.
makes you wonder someone would knowing work a hard as meanial job when their is hope on the horizon does it not? Have you ever wondered why the guy busting ass 12 hours a day making minimum wage doesn't do more? Is it cause he's lazy? Or is there something else going on?


Devoted Joel Embiid hater
May 1, 2012
New Orleans
Minimum wage jobs were never meant to be careers. They are supposed to be stepping stones to further yourself. I read articles about people complaining that they have been working at this minimum wage job for 6 years and still get paid so low. How about having some ambition and making some moves. And people with kids? Sorry about your bad life choices , but its your responsibility to fix the situation. If I had a kid and was making little money, it would just make me that much more motivated to make it. I know the system is against the low income of the country, but they have plenty of ways out if you look hard enough.
It amazes me how people think that living in a bad economy is not going to affect workers. You heard the man the avg McDonald worker is 29. People have educations but getting a job is very difficult. What you say might have been true when the economy was at its peak but those day are gone for right now


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Corporations get all the flack because TODAY our government and are corporations are basically the same thing. So yeah, "we the people" get upset...and yet we ARE RESPONSIBLE for it. I've never denied that. Hell my whole post was highlighting the fact that the current state of affairs has enough blame to spread around to everyone.

Rome is a good example of us, because we are making a lot of the same mistakes, look what happened to them. A scociety truely is measured by it's least; why are we do so many people defend the concept of making more "least" people?

The defense/debate lies in a disagreement over what creates these great income disparities, and how they can be fixed... sprinkled with different concepts of morality and justice.

What should be clear at this point though, is lowering those on high doesnt pull the rest of us up, it just gives those at the bottom more company. The last 20 or so years have shown this.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
It amazes me how people think that living in a bad economy is not going to affect workers. You heard the man the avg McDonald worker is 29. People have educations but getting a job is very difficult. What you say might have been true when the economy was at its peak but those day are gone for right now
:ohhh:So you have given up on the economy and have settled for the burger flipper life?



Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
it needs to be said, rich people get richer simply because the cost of living does not change with wage scale that much

furthermore, "rich" folks is my way of terming owners those people can make money without actually working.

thats how you get rich. Its funny because people harp on income taxes while the real culprit is the fact capital gains (un-"earned" income) taxes can basically be negated altogether (with good accountants of course :troll: ).


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
The defense/debate lies in a disagreement over what creates these great income disparities, and how they can be fixed... sprinkled with different concepts of morality and justice.

What should be clear at this point though, is lowering those on high doesnt pull the rest of us up, it just gives those at the bottom more company. The last 20 or so years have shown this.
there is only so much money, the more you pool it in one place the less of it there is to spread around. You can play in theory all you want bottom line is the middle class is disappearing and those on top are hording all the capital. Considering were a consumer based economy logic only dictates that when there are less consumers then the economy is in trouble. Well guess what...there are less consumers. Like I said before the current model is only sustainable for so long, at some point and time the people on the bottom are going to wake up and realize they don't have shyt and others do and there are more of the people on the bottom than on the top...when that happens it's usually not good to be on top.

the 1% won. They are good at the game. Now they need to focus on helping out the other 99% or else the game ends and everyone kills the 1%.

Again, long term this current system is doomed to fail, just like all the others that followed the same path before it.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
there is only so much money, the more you pool it in one place the less of it there is to spread around. You can play in theory all you want bottom line is the middle class is disappearing and those on top are hording all the capital. Considering were a consumer based economy logic only dictates that when there are less consumers then the economy is in trouble. Well guess what...there are less consumers. Like I said before the current model is only sustainable for so long, at some point and time the people on the bottom are going to wake up and realize they don't have shyt and others do and there are more of the people on the bottom than on the top...when that happens it's usually not good to be on top.

the 1% won. They are good at the game. Now they need to focus on helping out the other 99% or else the game ends and everyone kills the 1%.

Again, long term this current system is doomed to fail, just like all the others that followed the same path before it.
The red isnt true, but thats a whole other conversation.:rudy:

The problem is the policies put into place to help the 99% are in fact hurting them, and increasing the disparity.:mindblown: We need to (brace for cold breeze) stop trying to make everyone win. :manny:Some people are going to lose, its life... and our attempts to reduce the number of people suffering windfall losses has created more losers(figuratively). We need to start making good decisions as a nation, not "feel good" decisions...:to:

Also, let the income brackets go:birdman:, they are complete bullshyt anyways and only serve to mislead and misinform. Tax bracket receipts from the IRS are better but even they are misleading. Income statistics are snapshots and do not follow flesh and blood people over time, so when people look at them and conclude economic mobility is low, its far from accurate. It also insinuates that the 20% at the bottom during a snap shot in 2010 are the same flesh and blood people in the bottom 20% in 2013. Not saying they cant be or are not, but its not solid enough evidence to parade around as fact. :comeon:
Secondly income statistics only measure income, not net worth. If lets say... Will Smith took a year off from everything, and made $0, straight up nothing.Using the methods you consider legit, he would be part of the bottom 10% in poverty:childplease:. Its silly.
Third 90% of income statistics are based on household income, without ever defining household.:skip: Are there as many people in a White home, as in a Asian home? how about a Black household? Yet they are compared side by side as if equal at all times... What if you have 10 people in your household all making federal min wage, you would fall into the middle class despite each individual being poor as shyt :pachaha:
Per ca-pita income should be the only acceptable measurement tool.:obama:


Clyde Frog's Shooter
May 15, 2013
:wow: i guess the only point i feel is valid for me to make is this.

if someone is able to graduate high school, then they shouldn't have an issue getting into at least a community college, and getting grants.

in my area i see so many people who CHOOSE not to further education beyond high school and wonder why they're stuck making $8-10/hr.

im not counting those that tried school and quit im saying those who never even attempted.

so in your vision, everyone should have an associates degree from comm. college, when that's not even really giving most people a leg up on the competition anymore. If EVERYONE has a comm. college degree, then they will be the ones working 4 $8-10 and hour, then you'll have to get a bachelor's just to try to get to $15-20+ an hour. You know, there once was a time when if u had a high school degree, and you were a determined hard worker, you could get a GOOD paying job right out of high school, and even better if you furthered your education. The destruction of the unions and republican policies have done alot to cap the success of people that don't have a pre established infrastructure to be successful. Just my $.02


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Minimum wage jobs were never meant to be careers. They are supposed to be stepping stones to further yourself. I read articles about people complaining that they have been working at this minimum wage job for 6 years and still get paid so low. How about having some ambition and making some moves. And people with kids? Sorry about your bad life choices , but its your responsibility to fix the situation. If I had a kid and was making little money, it would just make me that much more motivated to make it. I know the system is against the low income of the country, but they have plenty of ways out if you look hard enough.

but there turning into that, i know many educated people working at starbucks or coffee shops can't find any decent job, so lets not be so quick to judge sir