Bill Maher on minimum wage


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
It seems that a lot of conservatives employ an overkill approach to attacking symptoms rather than causes. It's the same way with abortion.
Some people feel abortion is flat out murder... Period.Therefore against the law already. Its not really in the same ballpark as welfare.

Why get rid of or drastically reduce welfare, because a minority of recipients are abusing it?
Great question,
first you have to accept that there are people who find it morally wrong to forcibly take from one person to give to another, second you must accept that there are people(usually the same people) who dont think its governments role to be providing these services in the first place. So when abuse like this occurs its strokes an already burning flame.

Its like one guy at a tea party rally yelling niqqer... is everyone there racist? no, but its perceived that way by a lot of people. Same concept applies. its strokes an already burning fire, and makes people go full retard.

I dont think either side of the issue is "wrong" per-say, I just side with the side closer to my sense of morality, and I believe in voluntary interaction, not force. :manny:


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
"starving children" one of the most potent appeals to emotion in the liberal arsenal :whew:
It automatically paints any one not agreeing with you as being anti children and subsequently the "bad guy" :wow:
I admire the brilliance and effectiveness of it all.:obama:

pushing that aside though, we frankly do help too much :manny:.

We distribute so much aid, in such a way, that the overall incentive to work hard is diminished.

It creates a vicious cycle of, people under achieving, bleeding hearts demanding care for them, leading to more underachievers, and more bleeding hearts demanding more care for them, and so on and so on... it never ends.

An example of policies hurting, would be any number of regulations.
Economic mobility is stifled by the yellow tape hindering those at the bottom from entering a market. Chose a market and ill lay out the specifics, but I dont think the point is really debatable.
this is subjective

are there some folks that abuse the system? yes

are there many who use it properly? yes

for example, I have used basically every type of aid save for EBT in my climb back into school and now moving towards graduation

did i stay on for an extended period? Did I work less hard?

All im saying is, govt programs have their place as a safety net to those who DO deserve a second shot. If I had any issue it would be with relative indefinite time frame that some people pull from it. That should be a red flag that not shyt is happening

but to say that government aid is bad or unnecessary? :usure: you realize that these programs all pull maybe a hundredth of a fraction of a cent on the tax dollars you spend

if you think thats bad, wait til you see how much they pay out for disability, which is retardedly more bloated.