Biden pardons Fauci, Milley and the Jan. 6 panel. It’s a guard against potential ‘revenge’ by Trump


Nov 1, 2015
The vaccine didn't stop transmission tho. I know I got COVID after I got vaxxed.

it reduced transmissions like it was suppose to and reduce the effects of covid because the immune system was primed to detect it and had already produced antibodies to fight it. :martin:

you got covid so you should be grateful you didn't get long covid, blood clots, needed a organ transplant, didn't get myocarditis, a life long ailment or died because your body wouldn't have been prepared to fight it off. some people weren't so lucky even with the vaccine. had herd immunity been stronger it could have helped those people too.


Within months of the vaccine hitting the market, researchers in the UK ( and Israel (

, opens new tab(21)00127-7/fulltext) began publishing studies suggesting that the Pfizer vaccine was reducing transmission of the virus.

In February 2021, for example, Israeli data (

, opens new tab(21)00448-7/fulltext) showed a sharp drop in infections among healthcare workers within 15-28 days of receiving the two-shot Pfizer vaccine series, indicating the vaccine was not just preventing symptomatic disease, but also preventing the virus from being passed from person to person.

“Whether it is 75 or 90 percent reduction doesn’t matter - it is a big drop in transmission,” Michal Linial, a professor of molecular biology and bioinformatics at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University, told Reuters at the time. “It means that not only is the individual vaccinated protected, the inoculation also provides protection to his or her surroundings” (

Evidence continued to build in 2021 that the mRNA-based vaccines prevented infections and onward transmission of the virus (

, opens new tab). But with the advent that year of the coronavirus Delta variant, plus waning immunity from vaccines delivered at the start of the year, protection against infection and transmission was seen to be dropping, although not eliminated, as previously described by Reuters Fact Check (

The newest family of Omicron variants has further eroded vaccine effectiveness against infection and transmission ( . But even Omicron does not escape vaccine protection completely.

A recent study in U.S. prisons, for example, found that vaccinated people who experience an Omicron breakthrough infection still have lower odds of passing the virus to their contacts (New research suggests COVID-19 vaccines can slow the spread of disease, even with Omicron

, opens new tab). The protection was seen to start waning quickly, though, the journal Nature reported: “For every 5 weeks that passed since a person’s last vaccine dose, the risk of transmitting the infection to a close contact increased by 6%” (COVID vaccines slash risk of spreading Omicron — and so does previous infection

, opens new tab)

Rob Roos told Reuters in an email that his tweet was not making a point about Pfizer: "My message isn't about Pfizer at all. My message is about governments using a misleading argument to infringe on fundamental rights. Governments worldwide have introduced COVID mandates and passports that had an enormous impact on millions of people. They did so by explicitly arguing that vaccinated people cause less transmission of the virus. Ms. Small's response to my question proves this was an assumption by governments for which no evidence had been provided."
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Feb 15, 2013
preemptive pardons represent the dysfunction in this country. the executive branch doesn't have integrity cause orange jesus has none. legislative branch (congress) won't lead cause gop pledged allegiance to the felon. judicial branch is corrupt and beholden to the $.

covid skepticism is fine. but we've had years and billions of examples. side effects sure, they all have some. but helped the majority of humanity? absolutely.

that said, the disaster of covid in america cannot be separated from the selfish narcissism of orange con. he literally said he downplayed how deadly it was back in feb 2020.

people aren't up on boosters because a lot of folks were vaccinated during the height. a lot of the more susceptible folks already passed away (rip). we moved closer to herd immunity, but with the mutations it may never happen...

and now we have the additional threat and possibility of bird flu outbreak just when the maga clown car is pulling back into the white house. i ain't forgot what happened the last time they were in charge during a pandemic.


Nov 1, 2015
This is behind a pay wall.

The repeated claim that Fauci lied to Congress about ‘gain-of-function’ research​

October 29, 2021

Analysis by Glenn Kessler

“At a Senate hearing in May, Dr. Fauci said, ‘The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.’ That was under oath, under testimony. On October 20th, the NIH principal deputy director in writing directly contradicted it.”

Keeping up with politics is easy with The 5-Minute Fix Newsletter, in your inbox weekdays.

— Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), remarks at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Oct. 27

“Last week his agency admitted they had in fact funded gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

— Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), at the same hearing, Oct. 27

In May, we examined a high-profile spat between Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. At issue was whether the National Institutes of Health had funded “gain-of-function” experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). At a Senate hearing, Paul said “super viruses” had been created, and Fauci shot back that the senator was “entirely and completely incorrect.”

We awarded Two Pinocchios to Paul, saying “there still are enough questions about the work at the Wuhan lab to warrant further scrutiny, even if the NIH connection to possible gain-of-function research appears so far to be elusive.”

Readers have been asking for an update ever since a top NIH official sent a letter to Congress on Oct. 20 saying that the nongovernmental organization EcoHealth Alliance — which received NIH funding to do the research on the potential for bat-specific pathogens in nature to jump to humans — did not report an experimental finding that indicated a spike in viral growth.

Both Cruz and Cotton have cited the NIH letter to assert that Fauci lied to Congress. Cruz even told Attorney General Merrick Garland that Fauci should be prosecuted. The issue is important because of speculation that the virus that caused the coronavirus pandemic might have been created in a lab. But the NIH letter does not say what they claim — and, in fact, the NIH letter appears to have inaccuracies.

The Facts​

This is a complex story, on many levels. We are going to keep focused on what was disclosed in the NIH letter and in the release of grant updates by EcoHealth by the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the Intercept.

Gain of function, in many ways, is basic biological research. It’s done all the time with flies, worms, mice and cells in petri dishes. Scientists create novel genotypes (such as arrangements of nucleic acids) and screen or select to find those with a given phenotype (such as trait or ability) to find new sequences with a particular function.

But it’s one thing to experiment with fruit flies and another thing when the research involves genotypes of potential pandemic pathogens and functions related to transmissibility or virulence in humans.

That’s when gain of function becomes controversial. The idea is to get ahead of future viruses that might emerge from nature, thereby allowing scientists to study how to combat them. But increasingly many scientists have decided the research was potentially dangerous — and, especially in China, not done with the proper safety precautions.

Even now, it’s not clear whether the research funded by EcoHealth in China amounted to gain of function. When the Intercept obtained EcoHealth documents in September, seven of 11 scientists who are virologists or work in adjacent fields told the Intercept that the work appeared to meet NIH’s criteria for gain-of-function research. Obviously, it’s a matter of dispute within the scientific community.

But Cotton claimed NIH admitted that it had funded gain-of-function research. That’s wrong. No such admission appears in the letter, and NIH officials continue to insist that the EcoHealth work using NIH funds did not constitute gain-of-function research.

In 2014, gain-of-function research was paused for three years as the U.S. government set up a case-by-case review process to oversee funding, known as the Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight (P3CO) framework. Under that framework, funding of enhanced potential pandemic pathogens would receive greater scrutiny if research was intended to create such pathogens and if the virus was highly transmissible and could create a pandemic among humans.

There has long been criticism that the P3CO framework had too many loopholes. But the EcoHealth grant, awarded in 2014, does not show that it intended to create an enhanced pathogen or that its experiment posed any harm to humans.

“As sometimes occurs in science, this was an unexpected result of the research, as opposed to something that the researchers set out to do,” Lawrence A. Tabak, NIH principal deputy director, wrote in his letter to Congress dated Oct. 20. “Regardless, the viruses being studied under this grant were genetically very distant from SARS-CoV-2,” which causes covid-19.

Now let’s turn to the experiment itself, which involved the use of three chimeric (artificial, laboratory-generated) viruses that are capable of replicating efficiently in human cells with the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the protein that provides the entry point for the coronavirus to hook into and infect human tissue. The experiment relied on “humanized” mice, meaning they were given an ACE2 receptor that mimicked the human form. (The mice were otherwise unchanged.)

In a report filed with NIH on April 13, 2018, EcoHealth reported that the viral load in the lung tissue of the mice with the chimeric viruses for a few days went up greater than 10,000 times, as expressed in “genome copies per gram of tissue.” (Specifically, the report said, 10 to the sixth power.) This was a strong indication of potential infectivity in humans, though it depends on the specific properties of the viral spike protein.

Tabak’s letter noted that the terms of the grant award required EcoHealth to immediately report a “one log increase in growth,” a 10-fold increase, and it failed to do so. The specific language, dated 2016, was: “Should any of the MERS-like or SARS-like chimeras generated under this grant show evidence of enhanced virus growth greater than 1 log over the parental backbone strain you must stop all experiments.”

But several virologists told The Fact Checker that genome copies per gram is not necessarily a reliable indicator of the viral load, as the data also could contain genomic material from inactivated, incompletely formed or dead virus.

Viral load (or titer) generally refers to a quantitative assessment of intact virus capable of infection and replication in a tissue culture system, generally using a plaque assay. Genome copy relies on polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a laboratory technique used to amplify DNA sequences — which could be intact virus, but also include genetic material testing positive by PCR but incapable of infection and replication.

It’s a complex subject, so we developed a rough analogy after discussions with several experts.

Imagine that a one-log viral growth is equivalent to an accounting of how many cars are assembled in a factory. Genome copies instead would tell you how many axles are in the factory — but only some of the axles are functional and can be used to make a car, some others are broken and won’t work, and some are in pieces, countable, but not useful at all. (One could also view genome copies as more like a set of instructions for making the parts of a finished car, i.e. a viable virus.)

“RT-PCR [Reverse transcription PCR] can be used to measure the viral genome copies/gram, i.e. the axles,” Linda J. Saif, a veterinarian virologist at Ohio State University, said in an email. “As in your analogy this may not equate to the infectious virus titers, i.e. the whole car, because of incompletely assembled virus fragments, defective non-replicating particles, etc.”

“In virology, many authors call RT-PCR results ‘viral loads,’ ” said Stanley Perlman, a physician and virologist at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. “It is not the same as infectious virus titers because virus is inefficiently assembled. It may be analogous to cutting circles out of a square cloth, so that there is excess material that is not useful.”

Perlman said “the ratio of infectious to defective coronaviruses ranges from about 1:15 to 1:200, depending on cell type,” meaning 15 to 200 times more genomic sequence would be detected than viable replicating virus.

In a response to Tabak’s letter this week, Peter Daszak, the president of EcoHealth, emphasized that the report highlighted genome copies per gram. “Viral titers were not conducted in this experiment,” he said, adding that six to eight days later, there was “no discernibly significant difference among the different viral types.”

(Confusing matters, however, a graph in the 2018 EcoHealth report was mislabeled “viral load per gram of lung tissue,” even though the graph’s Y axis is clearly labeled genome copies per gram of tissue.)

Richard H. Ebright of Rutgers University, a longtime critic of gain-of-function research, dismissed this explanation. “The claim is technically true. PCR is measuring viral nucleic acids, not viruses per se,” he said in an email. “But the claim is factually nonsense. PCR is a standard method for quantifying viral growth,” and “NIH, in the Tabak memo and in subsequent comments, has made it absolutely clear that the NIH interprets EcoHealth’s data as indicating a greater-than-10-time increase in viral growth.”

Robert Kessler, a spokesman for EcoHealth, told The Fact Checker that the experiment was conducted only once and involved only a few mice. He confirmed Tabak’s comment that researchers encountered an unexpected result. “This testing is intended to determine whether strains discovered in the field can infect humans and how efficiently, not to create super viruses,” he said.

“Given the small number of mice, it is also uncertain whether the survival and weight loss data were statistically relevant, and as no further replications of this experiment were performed, we are unable to corroborate these initial results,” Daszak said in his letter to NIH.

Earlier this year, EcoHealth submitted additional data on this experiment, specifically the increase in genome copies in mice brain tissue, in a fifth update of its research grant. Tabak’s letter suggested the report was filed late and it was the first notice the agency had received on the experiment. As we have noted, the experiment was disclosed in 2018 in the fourth report. The fifth report was due in 2019, but EcoHealth maintains a miscommunication with NIH and a technical glitch led to its delay until this year.

We sent questions to NIH about the failure to note the 2018 disclosure by EcoHealth and why it believed an increase in genome copies per gram would indicate 10-fold increase in viral growth. After a four-day wait, we received this emailed statement: “NIH stands by the letter provided to Congressional Committees in response to their inquiries and released by the House Energy & Commerce. NIH is not commenting on internal deliberations with the grantee beyond the information in the letter.”

James Arnold, a Cotton spokesman, defended his comments.

“While the letter does not use the phrase ‘gain of function’ to avoid the obvious political consequences, it describes work that matches the commonly accepted definition of ‘gain-of-function’ research, as confirmed by members of the scientific community,” Arnold said. “Senator Cotton said the NIH admitted funding gain-of-function research because the NIH did in fact fund gain-of-function research, whether the letter used that phrase or not.”

A Cruz spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.


Nov 1, 2015
(article continued)

The Pinocchio Test​

EcoHealth’s research has come under increased scrutiny after more details about its work in China have been revealed, either through congressional or journalistic pressure. The NIH letter, flawed though it may be, indicates the federal government is taking a closer look, too.

But we see no reason to change the Two Pinocchio rating we awarded Paul. There is a split in the scientific community about what constitutes gain-of-function research. To this day, NIH says this research did not meet the criteria — a stance that is not an outlier in the scientific community. Indeed, it appears as if EcoHealth halted the experiment as soon as it seemed to veer in that direction.

Meanwhile, Cotton and Cruz are spinning the letter as confirming what it does not say. They are welcome to offer an opinion about its meaning. But, so far, it’s not a fact that NIH has admitted funding gain-of-function research. So they also earn Two Pinocchios.

Two Pinocchios​


Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
How about this other idiot c00n @AnonymityX1000?

I vaguely remember him c00ning in other threads.
I'm not entirely sure he's black, so he may or may not be "c00ning" per se.

But he's a low-energy contrarian that claims to be a bothsider. Funny how he just ends up dapping up anyone who's anti-Democrat, even if it's some obvious MAGA shït. :francis:

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
Why does this talking point keep getting regurgitated over and over again?

People that had a problem with the COVID vaccine were concerned about its safety, due to the expedited process in authorizing the vaccine. A process that normally takes 5-10 years was condensed to 1.
They are the same people that were spewing conspiracy theories and misinformation from day one.


Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
have you had your 10th Booster?

If not you are denying the CDC's recommended 10th Booster, which by the 2020 definition, would make you Anti-Vax.

So 10th Booster or No?

You don't deserve an answer to this stupid-ass question.

Partly because of it's nature as a stupid-ass question (does not getting your oil changed per the schedule in your car's manual make you "anti-oil change"?) , and partly because I know it's not an original thought of yours (Boomers on Facebook have been saying the same thing; you both simply regurgitate talking points from conspiracy Twitter/YouTube.)

Consider this the last time I address you directly, I already have enough of a headache from the idiots I'm forced to deal with every day.
You can reply if you wish, just do so knowing that you'll receive nothing for your trouble.
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Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
1. Evil fukks are their Names, like The Borg .... already told you to go Jimmy Dore page on YT, he will provide a litany of names in multiple countries, industry, academia, non-profit. I've shown you the fishing holes, now go fish.

I’m not watching Jimmy Dore. Give me 3 names

Chinese name -

Russian name -

US name -

Who is controlling us?

Also explain how if there was a global conspiracy actual vaccines weren’t made law at any point and only mandated for some areas of employment like vital industries.

2. Africa Under Reported huh?
Yep. “Africa” a famously poor continent did not have the infrastructure to properly track COVID cases. Also, climate, population density, and experience with Ebola was a factor.

I could conversely point to China which also had a great COVID showing but instead boasted of its quarantine and vaccine measures. But we know that China is an authoritarian government and likely underreported for different reasons.

The serological data, which measure the prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies in the population, were particularly helpful because they provided a fuller picture of actual infection prevalence, including some asymptomatic infections or infections not captured by testing. These data show that the actual number of COVID-19 cases in Africa was much higher than reported; for example, comparing serological data to reported cases suggests that Kenya had detected only one out of every 415 cases in mid-2020.

Local morgue data also confirmed that a large share of COVID-19 cases and deaths had gone undetected. Research at the University Teaching Hospital in Zambia found that just 10% of positive cases detected among deceased persons in the hospital’s morgue were found prior to death. Most of the deceased had died in the community, and none had been tested while alive.

Burial site data revealed an increase in burials corresponding with the rising spread of COVID-19, challenging conventional methods of excess death measurement, which use public health mortality data such as vital records. In Ethiopia, a study from Addis Ababa University found a 30% increase in burial site registration in the third quarter of 2020.



frica 175K dead :hula: Americas 3M dead

China reported 122k dead. Entire population vaccines and quarantined. Can you tell us why they had such few deaths?

Also answer question. If I got 10 boosters what would happen?
Sep 15, 2015

already told you to go Jimmy Dore page on YT....
What credibility does Jimmy Dore have? Telling people to go to his YT channel isn't a reliable method of information gathering, it's just a personal, biased source. Besides, he has a history of spreading baseless conspiracy theories, like pizzagate, Seth Rich being killed by Hillary and the DNC, 9/11 truther nonsense, JFK conspiracy, and so on. Why should people listen to wingnuts like that?


cats rule, dogs drool
Mar 11, 2022
good thread. updated my ignore list. :ahh:

antivaxxers gotta be some of the most retarded people on the planet. big pharma is evil, and there was a lot of FINANCIAL fukkery around the vaccine, but the armchair biologists in this thread do a great job of shielding big pharma from actual criticism by making anyone who's skeptical look like a juelzing moron. thanks guys :salute:

does the vaccine help reduce transmission? not really. will it save your sorry ass when you catch covid? yes.

if you dont want to get the shot, dont get it. thats on you. i dont bully people about it yet i've been told that the "clot shot" is gonna make me drop dead for the last five years. you retards are gonna kill us all once bird flu mutates a few more times and starts wiping us out big time. its gonna make corona look like the sniffles. dont even get me started on the mask shyt. of course the shyt doesnt work when you wear it around your chin, dumbass.


Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022

So supposed global conspiracy where the conspirators half assed a global take over and you have no idea how it was orchestrated, who orchestrated it and what the purpose was?


2. So me saying the Fauci Machine that led CV19 was full of shyt is right on the mark, since we can't trust health officials, correct?

Health officials can make mistakes, bureaucracies can fukk up and politicians can have agendas.

Still better than some quack on the internet

If we can't trust Africa, who took barely any shots, but the U.S. and Europe with millions of shots and still the most counted CV19 deaths still makes the point our approached worked the worst.

Why did China have such few deaths? Yes I would trust highly developed nations over unstable undeveloped ones.

Better off in Lagos than L.A.
Better off in Adidas Ababa than Amsterdam
Better off in South Africa than Singapore
Better off in Madadgascar than Mexico.

What’s the life expectancy of these places if you compared them?

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Let me add this information to the 1st page, so that it puts every other comment in here in perspective.

This link is Final Boss of it All.

Mic Drop.

Go on the link and just do the following.
  • Click on "Deaths" at the top
  • Click on "Total Cumulative"
  • Click on "Cumulative Data" under "Aggregate Data (End to Week)"
These are the "Worldwide Covid19 Deaths reported to the WHO" between January 2020 to January 2025:

7.09 million Covid19 Deaths Worldwide

  • Africa - 175,000 (2.5%)
  • Americas - 3 million (42.3%)
  • Europe: 2.5 million (36%) - Eastern Mediterranean - 351,000 (5%) and Rest of Europe - 2.2 million (31%)
  • Asia/Pacific 1.22 million (17.3%) - South East Asia - 800,000 (11.3%) and Western Pacific - 421,000 (6%)
Just marinate on these numbers and everything we were told.

Africa did HEAD AND SHOULDERS better than any place on EARTH w/ CV19 deaths and had the least CV19 shots by far.

I know .. it's SHOCKING AIN'T IT......You never seen these numbers and definitely not grouped and there's a reason why.......

A Demented fukk giving an Evil fukk a fake get out of jail free card. If you're not convicted how does this even work? :dahell: It sounds like shiit his Evil Team of Handlers just made up. Fuuck that. Put that Evil Fuuck Fauci under the prison :martin:

MAHA Slide on em RFK, Jr.

This is a great start, all those military folks forced to resign instead of putting experimental bullshiit in their body, getting years of back pay and an official apology, to pulling back the covers on the Scamdemic. Good start cotdamnit.

Good for them.

And while we at it,ima need whatever mod was acting like a tyrant when it came to "misinformation" to take my damn warning points off. Call Brook on his landline if you got to

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
good thread. updated my ignore list. :ahh:

antivaxxers gotta be some of the most retarded people on the planet. big pharma is evil, and there was a lot of FINANCIAL fukkery around the vaccine, but the armchair biologists in this thread do a great job of shielding big pharma from actual criticism by making anyone who's skeptical look like a juelzing moron. thanks guys :salute:

does the vaccine help reduce transmission? not really. will it save your sorry ass when you catch covid? yes.

if you dont want to get the shot, dont get it. thats on you. i dont bully people about it yet i've been told that the "clot shot" is gonna make me drop dead for the last five years. you retards are gonna kill us all once bird flu mutates a few more times and starts wiping us out big time. its gonna make corona look like the sniffles. dont even get me started on the mask shyt. of course the shyt doesnt work when you wear it around your chin, dumbass.


I made a thread about it several years ago, but my sister damn near died due to COVID (turns out COVID is pretty dangerous for pregnant women). This was before the vaccine was available.

One idiot in this thread even said COVID "isn't much of a risk" if you're healthy and below a certain age--wanna bet that >90% of all pregnant women are below that "certain age"?

Will they ever learn? :snoop: